Wellington DSO or Nord Anglia | ExpatWoman.com

Wellington DSO or Nord Anglia

Latest post on 16 December 2014 - 15:47

my daughter has been accepted into FS1 for wellington academy dso and Nord Anglia. I have a week to decide if I want her to get into Wellington. Plus, I have assessments scheduled for her in Jan at Repton and Kings Nad Al Sheba. Any reviews on Kings and al sheba?

Any help would be appreciated!!

Many Thanks :)

Latest post on 29 January 2015 - 14:19
Nord Anglia is a very good school, I have been in Dubai 17 years now and have experienced two other schools and one being Repton. My child did very well at Repton and the teachers we had there were also very good. But she is now thriving thanks to being at NAS for the last 5 months. I don't need tiers to tell me that and comparisons to other kids in the class, I can see and hear it! We moved as I wasn't happy about how many of the parents at Repton behaved, trying to drive the school with their opinions and because it was not completed i.e. school concerts being held in the hall way as the promised auditorium still had not been built and no swimming lessons as there was no age appropriate pool A lot of people here are getting carried away with what is important and not. Being new here and saying the school is no good, well if you compare it to most schools here it is one of the best. Complaining about a school that your child doesn't even attend? how do you know then? yes the fees may be higher then you are currently paying and unfortunately you can't afford it. I just can't understand why people are being so intense and sometimes nasty? what is the reason behind it? We should be thankful we all have good schools and education here as everybody has different needs. I am delighted with my school finally, and will miss it should we leave. The nicest part of it is that it has a real community feel with happy courteous people from all walks of life because rudeness is not tolerated there.
Latest post on 23 January 2015 - 18:41
Another vote for NAS here too. My children are exceptionally happy there and that has helped settle them well after an unexpected move. One of the things I like most about NAS, is the zero tolerance to unsafe driving. Three security guards to marshal traffic and the Principle is outside the school every morning. When the school opened, the Principle of the school laid down the law regarding bad & unsafe driving. He promised to kick anyone who acted in a dangerous way out of the school, and he has been true to his word. I have great admiration for "I don't care who you are and how important you think you are, if you endanger the children of this school, I will remove you"
Latest post on 23 January 2015 - 11:00
I have a child at NAS and honestly I do not understand all the hype about it. This is my first Dubai school experience so I do not have anything to compare with, but in my opinion there is nothing in that school to justify the 60 k fees advertised for the new year. Not in the early years at least , as I cant speak for the older years. The fees advertised last year were 53000 . They are now 60 k and the school did not even have a KHDA inspection yet. I understand that most probably that was a first year promotional rate but we were never told this. I found that misleading, as it was never my intention to place my child in an exclusive school of the likes of Repton or Formake. I thought NAS was a regular school a bit on the expensive side, but it turns out it's going into the other direction. I am satisfied with the school in general but there are also quite a few things I am not happy with so they are not perfect.
Latest post on 21 January 2015 - 09:08
Well said Lilib. :cool::)
Latest post on 21 January 2015 - 08:48
sammy1234 I think to assume people "go lucky" when they choose a new school is extremely offensive! We are all parents and wholly want the best for our children. If a school that the leadership team come from is a success how can that be put down to salesmanship? Surely that is evidence of the work put in to create a good school? I have 2 children that I moved from reputable and well established schools to this NEW school. I did my research, including taking into account the Abu Dhabi sister school. I also spoke to as many people as possible about the other more established schools in Dubai. And found that choosing a new school has some real bonuses! The education company that oversee the school is world wide and has experience in international education again another research point! Not just 1 other school down the road! I don't regret my decision and I don't feel we have gambled our children's education by making our choice. I am also long term expatriate with first hand experience of being schooled in Dubai and other countries. Existing and new schools. My children are in classes with at least 6 or 7 different nationalities and religions and are now learning 2 new languages. How can you tar a school with being racist when 1 it is not your own first hand experience and 2 you only have to look around the school to see the number of different cultures represented? A proud NAS parent
Latest post on 19 January 2015 - 14:02
If you type in Perry Beeches the Academy into schoolguide co uk (put in the dots) you will find all the stats in "the data" section. Which is not to say that NAS will be top 1% from the get go of course, though I'm sure they'll be aiming for that. There is also reference on the Perry Beeches website (head teachers reference) to top 1% for value added (which is how far a pupil of any given ability "improves" over and above/less than they would an "average" school. I learn something every day. Anyway...fun as this discussion no doubt is, I'm off to have my hair done as my roots are starting to show which is not a good look for me! Oh so nothing to do with academic results at all, just state school value added improvement increase from a failing school to a much improved one. Thank you. Perhaps you have misunderstood or not read the whole thing? Check the school guide site, it explains it all very clearly including the meaning of value added. Value added is nothing to do with the improvement of the school. It is wholly to do with the improvement of each pupil (regardless of ability, be it very high or indeed very low). So value added means that each pupil that entered the school made progress in the top 1% nationwide from their starting point, wherever that might have been. This is outstanding and surely what we want for our children especially in secondary school Everything to do, in fact, with academic results? The schools OFSTED report was also Outstanding. It was indeed a failing school some years ago and the team turned it around. To have the passion and the drive to bring a school from failing to outstanding and to have students make remarkable progress (top 1% of all state and private schools) is laudable? They also get 100% get 5+ GCSE (which is higher than some Private schools I might mention). We've been told NAS will use attainment 8 which is a measure of 8+ GCSE's before going on to IB diploma. I think the point being is that the top 1% statistic is real, verified and in context at least from the UK? I hope that cleared things up in terms of statistics?
Latest post on 19 January 2015 - 13:06
If you type in Perry Beeches the Academy into schoolguide co uk (put in the dots) you will find all the stats in "the data" section. Which is not to say that NAS will be top 1% from the get go of course, though I'm sure they'll be aiming for that. There is also reference on the Perry Beeches website (head teachers reference) to top 1% for value added (which is how far a pupil of any given ability "improves" over and above/less than they would an "average" school. I learn something every day. Anyway...fun as this discussion no doubt is, I'm off to have my hair done as my roots are starting to show which is not a good look for me! Oh so nothing to do with academic results at all, just state school value added improvement increase from a failing school to a much improved one. Thank you.
Latest post on 18 January 2015 - 10:00
If you type in Perry Beeches the Academy into schoolguide co uk (put in the dots) you will find all the stats in "the data" section. Which is not to say that NAS will be top 1% from the get go of course, though I'm sure they'll be aiming for that. There is also reference on the Perry Beeches website (head teachers reference) to top 1% for value added (which is how far a pupil of any given ability "improves" over and above/less than they would an "average" school. I learn something every day. Anyway...fun as this discussion no doubt is, I'm off to have my hair done as my roots are starting to show which is not a good look for me!
Latest post on 18 January 2015 - 09:34
I don't know the facts about about their current academic selection process, but what I can tell you is that when they have 500 applicants for 60 places, I think they can afford to be as selective as they want to be! When they fill their 5 classes per year group, this will be an tough school to get in to, which will probably be from Sep 2015 onwards. If they are not already selective now, rumour has it that it certainly is their intention to be.... As far as secondary goes, I know nothing about it except that their Head of Secondary has an impressive track record with his previous school, under his leadership, finishing in the top 1% of UK schools for the last 4 years in a row. The principle also boasts an impressive track record of being in the top 4% of the UK schools - even when his school was in China. 1% of what exactly?
Latest post on 17 January 2015 - 23:01
I don't know the facts about about their current academic selection process, but what I can tell you is that when they have 500 applicants for 60 places, I think they can afford to be as selective as they want to be! When they fill their 5 classes per year group, this will be an tough school to get in to, which will probably be from Sep 2015 onwards. If they are not already selective now, rumour has it that it certainly is their intention to be.... As far as secondary goes, I know nothing about it except that their Head of Secondary has an impressive track record with his previous school, under his leadership, finishing in the top 1% of UK schools for the last 4 years in a row. The principle also boasts an impressive track record of being in the top 4% of the UK schools - even when his school was in China.
Latest post on 17 January 2015 - 16:34
Sorry lovingthesun, but you are wrong! Selective usually (and always in Dubai) means academic criteria has been met. JESS, DESS and JAPS are academically selective as are DC and JC. NA is not I'm afraid. Be happy with your choice of school but please do no try to make out it is something its not. My opinion is not something I've pulled out of the sky, it's based on the facts. JESS, DESS and JAPS are not academically selective. Entry is at foundation stage and apart from the schools viewing their interaction with other children I am unaware of any further selection process that the children undertake for these schools. What facts do you have to back up your opinion?
Latest post on 17 January 2015 - 14:06
Sorry lovingthesun, but you are wrong! Selective usually (and always in Dubai) means academic criteria has been met. JESS, DESS and JAPS are academically selective as are DC and JC. NA is not I'm afraid. Be happy with your choice of school but please do no try to make out it is something its not. My opinion is not something I've pulled out of the sky, it's based on the facts.
Latest post on 16 January 2015 - 21:12
We'll have to agree to disagree then Darlingboys and you are welcome to do so. The school IS selective, they have always been clear, "average and above" and very well behaved are their criteria as well as meeting the parents. No doubt of the students there will be one or two who have scraped in by the skin of their teeth. It is not yet DC. They have though stuck to their principles, finished the school on time, didn't mislead about the building, class sizes etc, offer excellent standards and are clear in their communications. So a selective school I'm very happy with as is everyone I've spoken to (which is many), apart from those who were not selected of course. I don't think the BS comment was called for personally but again if you choose to use that language then that is your prerogative.
Latest post on 16 January 2015 - 10:51
lovingthesun are you saying the whole of Nord Anglia school is selective or just the secondary? Because if you are I'd love to know what you're basing this on. The Primary IS NOT academically selective. I know 7 children who started NA in January and they are ALL average children and in fact 2 of them were having learning support in their previous schools. This, as usual, is more of the Dubai BS from people who consider themselves experts when they've been in a school for 5 mins!! Learn people, learn!! Why cant people say "we are happy, the school suits out child" rather than adding in false bits of information. If you're happy with your school surely that's enough.....why do people have to make it out to be something it's not??? I will never understand that attitude. :confused:
Latest post on 15 January 2015 - 10:58
It's quite a lot fuller now... The quality is very high though it is selective. Sports teams doing very well and the end of year drama production was superb. I'm a "fan" as you can see but in terms of secondary it's right up there with the best. The Secondary can not in term 2 be deemed right up there with the best surely? How? Based on what criteria? It could be, yes but will need some time yet to establish and have some exam results through. I've not heard a bad word yet about the school, everyone very happy but we shall see long term if they can keep up this reputation.
Latest post on 15 January 2015 - 10:10
It's quite a lot fuller now... The quality is very high though it is selective. Sports teams doing very well and the end of year drama production was superb. I'm a "fan" as you can see but in terms of secondary it's right up there with the best.
Latest post on 14 January 2015 - 17:47
Sorry, for the slight change of subject, but does anyone have any experience of the Nord Anglia secondary section? Primary seems to get such good reviews but the secondary is very empty (or was when we had a tour), and not heard any feedback.
Latest post on 14 January 2015 - 11:36
We made the change in January this year and couldn't be happier! My kids have adapted incredibly well, and are very excited when I collect them from school. The language program is an absolute bonus! We now have to get up earlier, and drive further, but it is soooooo worth it! The school is just fantastic! edited by SuzyDuzy on 14/01/2015 <em>edited by SuzyDuzy on 14/01/2015</em>
Latest post on 29 December 2014 - 15:00
thanks everyone for your valuable feedback...I have confirmed a place for my child at Nord Anglia in September :)
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 09:20
It's a great school. High standards of academics and behaviour, small class sizes and a really lovely family feel. Though i'd be amazed if you have that long to decide since they're pretty much full until September. As you can tell I'm a very happy mum there.
Latest post on 17 December 2014 - 19:21
Thanks @lovingthesun and @ladymary...so from what I understand, of the 4, nord Anglia would be the best choice? May I know the reasons? I went for a tour at Nord Anglia and I definitely loved the feel of the school..the kids were well settled and the teachers were great too...but being a new school I was a bit unsure, hence the doubt.
Latest post on 17 December 2014 - 16:53
Should be clear here that NAS is Nord Anglia School (not Nad Al Sheba)
Latest post on 17 December 2014 - 14:54
Latest post on 17 December 2014 - 14:37
If you can get into NAS grab the chance.