Workings with kids |

Workings with kids

Latest post on 30 March 2015 - 16:33

Hi ladies,

Could really do with some advice.

I have two kids, a 3 year old and 13 month old. One is in school 8-1 and the other will be joining nursery soon (about 4 hours a day).

I have found it difficult to get a job here as i do not have a maid and there are no part time roles that work with the hours with the kids. So my husband and i decided i will be a stay at home mum. We are not struggling, very comfortable. We have a good routine and things are working out well.

The problem is that everyone back home now thinks just because i am a stay at home mum i can jump on a plane and visit them when the click their fingers, or stay for extra long periods of time and even take a few small vacations just so i please everyone.

Maybe that would be ideal for some people but for me its not as routine has always been priority with the kids. This yr we plan to go back to the UK for over a moth due to a huge family wedding, it has to be done so i wont complain about it. But now all of a sudden the grandparents (husbands side) want to go away before that. I told my husband that its not the right time as i have loads to prep for this upcoming wedding and its not like they won't see the kids in the UK anyway.

Before it was settled that i was to go bk to the UK for a month, everyone expected me to stay for 3 months, it took a lot for me to get them to understand its not as easy as that....and now this. I feel like the only way i can get out of this type of situation is if i start work, then a simple "no holiday" will be enough to keep everyone quiet.

I suppose the question is, how do you all manage this? Are there jobs that can help cater around kids (other than in schools)

Would appreciate any advice

<em>edited by Diamonds86 on 30/03/2015</em>

Latest post on 31 March 2015 - 13:21
The KHDA and the school have their limits about how much absence a child can take for non-medical reasons. If your child has to attend school and you have nobody else to ensure this happens and provide adequate care for them at all times you have a cast-iron reason for not giving in to pressure from others to take holidays to suit them. Good school places here are like gold dust and you do not want to end up in trouble with the KHDA or jeopardise your child's school place. Friends and family obviously miss you and the children, which is wonderful. Unfortunately if you let them dictate how you spend your free and non-free time now it will be very difficult to change later. You're a wife, mother and adult, so you should be able to stand your ground and make the decisions which are best for you, your husband and children.
Latest post on 30 March 2015 - 16:51
Hello diamonds bye: I have a 2.5 year old and sometimes find juggling just one child with full time work a challenge and thats with having a full time nanny at home. In terms of school help if you dont want to hire a maid then you can enrol your eldest into after school clubs and the youngest into full day care at the nursery. Pick up and drop offs can be shared between yourself and DH. Workwise there isnt much besides working in a school that can provide flexible working conditions. Having said that I recently moved from a school environment to a large FMCG. They have a relaxed environment and they offer options of working from home upto twice a week. Another option would be start your own business if you have a desired skill set. I dont think you should feel pressured to work just so that family and friends ease their expectations. I wouldnt want to leave my children and DH for months on end nor would I want to take my children out of school. Its a pretty simple explanation.