Moving to Abu Dhabi seeking school application protocol & helpful tips |

Moving to Abu Dhabi seeking school application protocol & helpful tips

Latest post on 11 April 2015 - 18:12

Hi we are moving to AD in August right before school begins. I have a 5 year old and need to enroll her in school. I heard getting a seat in school is like winning the lottery.
Can I begin the application process while still in the USA, do they require interviews in person and what about assessment testing? And once you pay an application fee and do not get a seat to that school is the money refunded? If anyone can pass on to me helpful hints, pointers, any helpful information would be greatly appreciated since I have no idea on how to go about this. HELP!

Latest post on 13 April 2015 - 00:26
We are also moving in the summer. We applied to three schools as soon as we knew we were moving, over the Christmas holiday. One required an entrance test which was administered by my son's school last month and we've had an offer of a place. I've heard nothing from the other two but talking to a friend of a friend whose husband works at one of them, she thought we had zero chance of getting a place. Apply now with the information you've got - letter confirming employment, etc - and send the rest through as you get it.
Latest post on 11 April 2015 - 21:07
Hi Mazzloree, I'm far from an expert on schools but I will tell you what I know. You can apply on line to a few of the schools, the others are via mail, we used fedex. Some schools will need the child to take an entrance exam, others will not. One school we did apply to required an entrance exam and it was handled via school counselors. The exam was sent from Abu Dhabi via email and our school counselor proctored the exam. When the kids were done it was scanned and sent back via email by the counselor. I had no part in any of the testing. We applied to two schools and my kids were offered seats in both schools, however this was four years ago and times have changed. School seats are hard to get now, the demand far out weighs the supply. Application fees are not refundable. You MUST apply to school now, like as in yesterday! Check out the 'school of our choice' website and see what they require for admission. If you wait until August your child WILL NOT get placement, as it stands now, there is a waiting list for many schools/grades. Best of luck and put in that application as soon as possible. Kristi <em>edited by gardengirl00 on 11/04/2015</em>