Shop and ship - damages |

Shop and ship - damages

Latest post on 13 April 2015 - 14:06

Has anyone else had damages to their Shop & Ship packages recently? In the last two days I have received packages from my NY account and in both cases they have "slashed" open the box, its usually opened carefully. Where they have cut it isnt even where there is an opening its right through the cardboard with a box cutter, they have taped it up with the aramex tape as well and thats even dodgy. The box is the same I have been getting on a monthly basis and its like a pizza box to open, so its not like its hard to get into. I have never had an issue before and I have contacted them through their support line and thank goodness there was no damage to the stuff inside but it just ticks me off.

Latest post on 27 June 2015 - 14:29
I've had a damaged shipment that was cut by a cutter. The good thing is that I've opted for their insurance called 'Protection Service'. So whenever there is damage shipment, I can easily get a refund. You may want to activate the Protection Service in your account just to make sure your packages are fully covered. ;)
Latest post on 27 May 2015 - 22:33
I've had 4 parcels from New York get slashed between Feb and April causing damage to the items inside the boxes. I complained and the customer service was impeccable, totally no fuss and handled with urgency and politeness. I got a full refund of all my damaged goods without having to beg for it and they said they would start an investigation. If you are getting damaged parcels from New York you MUST complain because I think there's a disgruntled employee over there who needs to be stopped.
Latest post on 15 April 2015 - 11:08
I reported the damages to SnS and they were pretty good in replying, actually it was within minutes and they asked for photo's of the damage. I had never had anything like this before, so I was a little surprised although thankful that my purchases werent damaged. GB, fingers are crossed for your next shipment.
Latest post on 15 April 2015 - 10:56
Has anyone else had damages to their Shop & Ship packages recently? In the last two days I have received packages from my NY account and in both cases they have "slashed" open the box, its usually opened carefully. Where they have cut it isnt even where there is an opening its right through the cardboard with a box cutter, they have taped it up with the aramex tape as well and thats even dodgy. The box is the same I have been getting on a monthly basis and its like a pizza box to open, so its not like its hard to get into. I have never had an issue before and I have contacted them through their support line and thank goodness there was no damage to the stuff inside but it just ticks me off. Yeah I had the same happen to me - I ordered a baby gift for a baby shower from the UK, and they slashed open the box so unnecessarily and taped it up with aramex tape very loosely. It was so poorly done, anyone would have been to see the item inside what with the gaping holes they left!! So annoying! I am awaiting 4 shipments (2 from NY address and 2 from UK address) and 2 are really delicate bits of jewellery - I am dreading how they are going to arrive!!
Latest post on 14 April 2015 - 08:42
Had similar with them a few weeks back for a package from the UK. Didn't complain due to expecting the usual Dubai apathy. Luckily no damage done, or I might have put aside my own apathy!