Flashing brake lights on Dubai Taxis !!!!! | ExpatWoman.com

Flashing brake lights on Dubai Taxis !!!!!

Latest post on 27 May 2015 - 21:01

Hi ladies

Has anyone seen the new taxis in Dubai ??? I was driving down beach road last week behind a taxi. Well I was fascinated because each time he braked ( was a male driver as I followed him out of interest ) his braking lights flashed 3/4 times when he had to stop quickly or slow down.

It was dark and the road as usual was busy so I was able to see it happen a few times. When he pulled in to allow his passengers disembark at a cafe I approached him. He told me the lights are a new to Dubai added safety feature to stop people tailgating and also cease using phones whilst driving. :idea: what a fantastic device.

I want one I tried to call the RTA today but as usual lines busy so I left it. After googling a bit I came across a website www.brake-plus.com

Ladies look for yourselves its a brilliant idea and I left a message for the lady distributing.
If anybody can find out more please let me know. I was rear ended 2 times last year and the final straw was day 2 driving my new Nissan Patrol :cry:

Have a super evening and please please look into this as for our own safety this is badly needed here.

Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 11:49
When people put on their hazards after three spots of rain it will make it very hard to work out who is braking and who is just an idiot.... LOL! I've yet to see a broken down car with their hazards on, always thought they were connected to windscreen wipers!
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 11:45
When people put on their hazards after three spots of rain it will make it very hard to work out who is braking and who is just an idiot....
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 11:35
Chezmoi is right, what is the effect on people who are epileptic??
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 11:29
I'm surprised they are being introduced at all, they are illegal in many countries where they are considered confusing and distracting not only because police and emergency vehicles use flashing lights to identify a situation where motorists may be required to move aside or slow down. As far as tailgating is concerned they do not solve the problem if the car behind is too close, pulsating lights can have adverse effects on the brain too in some people, if everyone has them its going to be blinding, imagine being on a motorway full of flashing strobing tail lights, it would be very irritating to say the least. I think the extra solid red brake light bar in the rear windscreen is useful but definitely not brake lights that strobe in pulsating extra bright flashes. They just look like the sort of add on that young drivers do to make their vehicles different, like those annoying flashing wheel rims. I really hope they don't allow all motorists to use them the roads are dangerous enough in Dubai as it is.
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 11:00
Personally I think they are a terrible idea, especially in Dubai! People know what brake lights mean, they are bright red so they can be seen in the peripheral vision, low light and bad light. Something flashing means you don't just see it and instinctively know what it means (like ordinary brake lights), it means you will turn to see what it is. This is a bad thing on a road. Can you imagine Shk Zayed Road with it's many lanes and loads of flashing brake lights. Oh my word!
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 10:52
Hi Mary Catherine. Sorry I was not really clear it doesn't actually stop people using mobiles behind the wheel. My husband looked at info and the demo video and what it actually does is serves as a visible warning. If I was texting and the car in front of me ( with the lights installed ) suddenly braked or had to slow down quickly the position of the flashing lights attracts your attention ( peripheral vision ) an attention getter so you get an extra 1/2 seconds warning. Also very effective in ensuring people keep adequate distance. Seems to be functional in poor weather too !! I found articles that were written here about it and it appears Dubai Taxis are running a test on a small quantity and maybe they will pre-load into every taxi. Great to see them proactive my kids take taxis to school and whilst thankfully never been involved in an accident ( school bus yes a rear ender once , the lady driver who crashed into them did not even stop the bus driver didn't check if any child was injured more concerned about the damage to his back bumper!!! I decided to go the taxi route ) I will try post articles I'm not great at adding links. I thought to be honest it was a Toyota standard in new cars but appears not. Have a safe day and anyone else who sees one let us know !!! I want those lights :cool: Where is this info and demo video your husband looked at?
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 10:47
Agreed, Sarahlou123! I have seen so many drivers ignore the flashing STOP signs on the sides of the school buses and always worry that a child will get hit if they're crossing the road. I don't see how a flashing brake light is more effective than a normal one?! And since it's not something people are used to, it could actually confuse and cause an accident. If I see red brake lights come on, I know that the car in front of me is slowing down because that's what we're taught and instinctively react to. If I see flashing red brake lights, I would wonder what that meant and perhaps delay my response, thus causing an accident!!
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 10:09
I honestly don't think flashing brake lights will stop anyone using their phone or tailgating here. Even when drivers press their hazards due to a hazard ahead it doesn't stop people tailgating.
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 08:06
Hi Mary Catherine. Sorry I was not really clear it doesn't actually stop people using mobiles behind the wheel. My husband looked at info and the demo video and what it actually does is serves as a visible warning. If I was texting and the car in front of me ( with the lights installed ) suddenly braked or had to slow down quickly the position of the flashing lights attracts your attention ( peripheral vision ) an attention getter so you get an extra 1/2 seconds warning. Also very effective in ensuring people keep adequate distance. Seems to be functional in poor weather too !! I found articles that were written here about it and it appears Dubai Taxis are running a test on a small quantity and maybe they will pre-load into every taxi. Great to see them proactive my kids take taxis to school and whilst thankfully never been involved in an accident ( school bus yes a rear ender once , the lady driver who crashed into them did not even stop the bus driver didn't check if any child was injured more concerned about the damage to his back bumper!!! I decided to go the taxi route ) I will try post articles I'm not great at adding links. I thought to be honest it was a Toyota standard in new cars but appears not. Have a safe day and anyone else who sees one let us know !!! I want those lights :cool:
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 07:25
How would his brake lights stop someone behind from using their phone while driving? Would be great if it worked like that.