Visiting Dubai/ Possibly looking to stay |

Visiting Dubai/ Possibly looking to stay

Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 06:21

I am visiting a friend this July and was considering looking for employment. I am a recent graduate and have been looking into getting certified to teach English as a second language. During my visit I plan to look for teaching jobs that will sponsor my work visa if I decide to stay. I am American, and I will be TEFL certified.As of now I have a one way ticket to Dubai and from my understanding it is required that I have a return ticket or a ticket to another country.

Does anyone have any advice on how I should go about getting a visa extension or advice on my situation?

Anything will help.


Latest post on 01 June 2015 - 08:29
You don't have certification yet to teach English. You have no experience. You are not certified to teach in the US or UK school systems K-12 or I've missed something in the previous posts? You do not qualify for any jobs that will provide you with sponsorship and benefits (medical/annual tickets/housing, etc). It is illegal to work here without proper sponsorship. Housing is expensive and if not sharing, you may have to pay the full year's rent in advance - if not sponsored, you cannot get a bank loan for this purpose. Unless you've got a good financial cushion to keep you going while you try to find one of the AED7,000/month jobs you're going to find it tough sledding IMO.
Latest post on 31 May 2015 - 22:31
Thank you all for your great answers. It is what I need to make up my mind/decision. I have friends already living in Dubai, working for Emirates. However, the job of cabin crew is not for me.
Latest post on 31 May 2015 - 13:53
You could contact K12 Academy in Knowledge Village +971-4440-1212 (US curriculum school). They have a great team of ESL teachers and are possibly looking for more as they are expanding. I can highly recommend them as my DS is there. Another place is Eton Institute in Knowledge Village too. They are a language school. I do not have personal experience.
Latest post on 30 May 2015 - 09:57
Thank you all for your informative responses. I would like to teach English as a second language, and I will be TEFL certified, since I am American. If you have any other information for me, based on that, I would love to hear it. Thanks again! TEFL teachers aren't paid well here at all My friend did the role here for a while and was only earning 7000 a month. Thankfully she was married so didn't need a good salary. 7000 isn't a lot to live on as the rent for a decent studio is around 3-4000 a month. Then you have utilities travel food etc which would eat up most of your salary
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 22:36
Thank you all for your informative responses. I would like to teach English as a second language, and I will be TEFL certified, since I am American. If you have any other information for me, based on that, I would love to hear it. Thanks again!
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 12:03
You don't say what type of teaching qualification you have and what type of work you would be looking for? It might help for people to point you in the right direction Are you a fully qualified teacher with a teaching licence/degree/qualification from you own country such as PGCE and looking for International school work? If so you need to be aware that the international teacher recruitment "season" is just about over - good schools will already have made job offers to teachers for 2015-16. Or are you TEFL/CELTA qualified (or similar) and looking for work in a language school. July is not a great time to look for educational opportunities in Dubai - the school holidays mean that large numbers of school staff and expats will be leaving Dubai for holidays/end of contract. Additionally it is also Ramadan mid June to late July which is traditionally a time with low recruitment activity.
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 11:51
Assuming you hold a passport from a country that is issued visa on arrival you can stay for 30 days on a visit visa and like others have said do a visa run if necessary. Schools here will finish for the summer holidays at the end of June so not sure how much response you will get from them during July and August. I would suggest applying on line now to get some feedback and possible interviewees lined up, although you would imagine places for the new school year starting in September would already be taken in most cases? Also consider a single flight works out more expensive so why not book return with the possibility of changing the return the date?
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 11:06
Hi. It depends what type of teaching you want to do. I am a teacher and I honestly don't think the quality of teaching in Dubai is any worse than the UK - in fact I think it is better in some cases. It all depends on which school you are in. HOWEVER, you will need a PGCE to work as a teacher and you should really have done your NQT year and have Qualified Teacher Status. Otherwise you certainly won't get a job in a good school. If you want to work in a rubbish school or teach English as a foreign language you might be able to find something. Also, teacher salaries are not too bad - again - it depends on which school you are in! You get your accommodation paid for, flights etc so it's not a bad deal.
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 09:38
Can confirm what Blue said. Be aware that teachers salaries are low in Dubai and many schools have constant turn over of people leaving. They do not seem to be highly "rated" generally. Also beware - hot summer temperatures!
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 09:06
Thank you for your answer, Blue413. That puts my mind at ease already!
Latest post on 29 May 2015 - 07:31
You don't need a return ticket.......nobody checks. I came with my kids in April without one and it was fine. The visa you get at the desk in the airport lasts for 30 days and then you will need to leave UAE and re-enter. The easiest way to do this is by road into Oman. There are companies that will take you on a minibus for about £50 to do this, otherwise you could go by private taxi for around £150. Good luck x