Any Animal Lovers in Dubai who can help? |

Any Animal Lovers in Dubai who can help?

Latest post on 16 June 2015 - 20:24 This is the Feline Friends website. Check out the section on 'stray cat info' for how to get help with this. good luck!
Latest post on 14 June 2015 - 08:29
Hello Ladies, I no longer live in Dubai but my family still lives there.. We have a dog in the house however folks are not entirely comfortable around cats.. Less than a month ago a mommy cat camped out in the backyard and gave birth to 3 kittens.. As it’s litter season and I wasn’t around to actively find them a home, my mother and I took a decision to give the cat and her babies food and water but no human interaction (so that they don’t get used to humans and approach them out in the wild) My Mum’s theory was that the Mommy cat will take care of her young and all we could help with was give them a safe haven to grow.. Which is what they’re doing now, they climb the trees and go outside for the day and come back to the garden as they please.. Now to my dilemma - The kittens are now 3-4 weeks old and I strongly feel the mommy cat and the kittens should be spayed and left back in the backyard so that we don’t have another stray litter to deal with.. The problem as I mentioned before is that my folks are not cat people and it’s hard for me to get them to trap the cats and take them to the vet… Is anyone aware of any animal lover or animal charity group that can help by coming to my family home to trap the cats and having them fixed and brought back… Please do note that I do not want them to be put down under any condition.. Also, I would gladly pay for the vet fees for having all 4 of them fixed … Appreciate any advice/guidance. Thank you!