Bourn hall IVF |

Bourn hall IVF

Latest post on 01 October 2015 - 22:48
tamtamo,Can u tell me plzz what medicines dr gave u during ivf or something u were taking like ROYAL JELLY, SELENIUM, COQ10, vitamin D ETC and diet also. that helped in conceiving. WHICH DR IS GOOD FOR IVF IN ABU DHABI? u are pregnant with ivf treatment from bourn hall. plzz reply Dear Princess87, I've seen quite a few of your posts and have noticed that you are not getting many replies. I think it might be because you write in abbreviations and caps lock a lot. It is very difficult to read and caps lock means the same as shouting. English may not be your first language so the short version of writing may be easier for you but you should notce that we all write in full sentences and very rarely use caps lock. If you try this way, you'll surely get more responses. Ooopss i was not aware of the Caps lock thing ookk i will keep in mind now ...Thanks dear for correction.I did not mean shouting etc ...anyways plzz ladiess reply ....If u ladies know about the Medicines or diet plan that should be followed or given by Fakih ivf dr. Thanks
Latest post on 29 September 2015 - 07:35
tamtamo,Can u tell me plzz what medicines dr gave u during ivf or something u were taking like ROYAL JELLY, SELENIUM, COQ10, vitamin D ETC and diet also. that helped in conceiving. WHICH DR IS GOOD FOR IVF IN ABU DHABI? u are pregnant with ivf treatment from bourn hall. plzz reply Dear Princess87, I've seen quite a few of your posts and have noticed that you are not getting many replies. I think it might be because you write in abbreviations and caps lock a lot. It is very difficult to read and caps lock means the same as shouting. English may not be your first language so the short version of writing may be easier for you but you should notce that we all write in full sentences and very rarely use caps lock. If you try this way, you'll surely get more responses.
Latest post on 28 September 2015 - 20:13
tamtamo,Can u tell me plzz what medicines dr gave u during ivf or something u were taking like ROYAL JELLY, SELENIUM, COQ10, vitamin D ETC and diet also. that helped in conceiving. WHICH DR IS GOOD FOR IVF IN ABU DHABI? u are pregnant with ivf treatment from bourn hall. plzz reply
Latest post on 03 September 2015 - 11:18
Hi, me and hubby have done 1 cycle of ICSI there and i honestly don't have a bad word to say about them! We were with Dr David and Dr Diana. We had a positive pregnancy test and then unfortunately i had an early miscarriage. But going again in October. After trying a few clinics here Bourn Hall are 100% the best for us! Good luck with it all. Do you mind saying how much it was? Got a quote from Fakih and its 38000dhs
Latest post on 03 September 2015 - 08:23
Hi, me and hubby have done 1 cycle of ICSI there and i honestly don't have a bad word to say about them! We were with Dr David and Dr Diana. We had a positive pregnancy test and then unfortunately i had an early miscarriage. But going again in October. After trying a few clinics here Bourn Hall are 100% the best for us! Good luck with it all.