Advice for flying alone with young child and toddler |

Advice for flying alone with young child and toddler

Latest post on 03 October 2015 - 16:13
And a sippy cup for the toddler as they do not ever provide this and there will be lots of spills if you don't!
Latest post on 03 October 2015 - 16:12
Disposable bottle for the baby also good if you are bottle feeding as you can eliminate and free up space as the flight progresses rather than end up with dirty bottles everywhere!
Latest post on 03 October 2015 - 16:10
I also recommend Marhaba. When I flew into Dubai with newborn twins, and the lovely Marhaba lady walked up and took my bags off me and helped us into the cart, I almost cried. They also cut through customs and collect bags for you so no waiting which was a welcome relief after a very long flight! My list is: -Change of clothes for all of you. -Lots of snacks (the smaller and fiddlier the better so they occupy them for longer- like Cheerios and grapes are great! Popcorn too if you can give it to your toddler yet) -A few rubbish bags. Trust me you accumulate so much waste and they take so much time to come and take it so this is essential. Good for your well being too so you don't feel even more cluttered. -A baby carrier so you can have your hands free. -Sticker books are great as they keep a toddler occupied for ages. Markers can get really messy so crayons are a better option or colouring. -An ipad loaded with heaps of photos and videos they can flick through. The entertainment TVs are fine on the flight but this is a change up to keep things fresh, another distraction. -Keep the different products in seperate little bags. ie. the nappies/wipes/sanitiser etc all in a little bag, the snacks all in a little bag etc o they are easier to grab when needed and not have to search through the large bag to find something. Please make sure your children are well rested or it will be a disaster. I have tried keeping them up so they are very tired and sleep more on the plane but it always backfires, they can't sleep and are super super cranky and tantrum-prone instead. Make sure you get a great sleep before you leave as well. Let your partner/parents take them off your hands until the last possible moment,
Latest post on 03 October 2015 - 15:07
I'd also take a change of clothing for your 1 yr old.
Latest post on 03 October 2015 - 10:51
Thanks for all the advice.
Latest post on 27 September 2015 - 20:06
If you can financially afford it, I would strongly suggest hiring Marhaba service. There are few types or levels, depending on the price, I think. The most extensive level is - they'll meet you at the car, take you through all formalities, help with baggage and all that.
Latest post on 27 September 2015 - 13:08
Just in case you weren't aware, make sure you also have your children's original birth certificates and an attested letter from their father giving you permission to travel with them. This is a new rule for travelling into South Africa.
Latest post on 27 September 2015 - 09:57
Hi, I am needing all the advice and tips I can get for flying with a child and toddler on my own. I am flying to Durban South Africa in November with my 8 year old special needs child and my 1 year old on my own. Please give me advice and are there any items I will have to get to make life easier. TIA These sites may be of some help for you. Although the policies may be a few years old there are some good tips and suggestions. Maybe wise to contact the airline your going with to see what facilities they have on offer to help you with ahead of time. Many airports offer free assisted internal transportation services to and from boarding gate so you are not carrying everything. I'm sure you have this but also might be a suggestion to take a doctors letter explaining that your child has special needs because we all know that not all special needs are visible just incase the little angel gets distressed at any point going through security or something. Also lets not forget about mum.... you can view duty free price list online and pre order to have taken to the airline too these days. Good luck and have a safe and happy journey. xxxx
Latest post on 27 September 2015 - 05:00
Might request a bulkhead seat so you don't have people in front of you and more foot/floor space for the toddler if he gets antsy. I would bring several milk boxes with straws (strawberry flavor etc), finger foods like cheerios and grapes and chocolate/chips for emergency bribery :p , manipulative toys like wikistix that the older one can create with on the tray, picture books that the baby would enjoy looking at, crayons and paper to scribble on. Baby leash for the transit in case you need hands free/the baby needs to walk around.
Latest post on 26 September 2015 - 19:40
Hi donna, dont pack too much but make sure you have a change of clothes and diapers if you little one is still in them. Bring food, snacks, dry formula, for the little one as they usually dont like the plane food or the baby milk provided. REMEMBER to use a back pack so your hands are free... And gate check a stroller as the country we land in from flying Emirates dont have complementry stroller on arrival! I had a disaster in August with too many hand bags and no stroller with a toddler and a new baby and no strollers! Yikes! *** Oh and bring medicine and a bottle or soother for little ine to suck on when take off and landing. Best of luck enjoy the flight.
Latest post on 26 September 2015 - 16:58
Hi, I am needing all the advice and tips I can get for flying with a child and toddler on my own. I am flying to Durban South Africa in November with my 8 year old special needs child and my 1 year old on my own. Please give me advice and are there any items I will have to get to make life easier. TIA