machine .. to loose weight |

machine .. to loose weight

Latest post on 10 April 2016 - 21:59

Hi ladies,
Good evening, I would love to know if some one of you try the new machine that it lost 30% of cellulite in one session
honestly I don't know the name of the machine or the treatment
so can you help me please
I need to do it in my hips and in a trustful place & a good offer
any help in that ladies
thank you.

Latest post on 25 May 2016 - 09:09
I agree with everyone, forget the machines. Reduce your food intake, mix cardio with weights and work on getting healthy. Majority of us have cellulite and stretch marks, and there are no magical machines that can remove them.
Latest post on 23 May 2016 - 23:18
Hi ladies, Good evening, I would love to know if some one of you try the new machine that it lost 30% of cellulite in one session honestly I don't know the name of the machine or the treatment so can you help me please I need to do it in my hips and in a trustful place & a good offer any help in that ladies thank you. Hello, I advise that you drink a cup of warm water in the morning with lemon, wait 15- 20 min before having breakfast. You need to exercise, I personally love climbing stairs. Start with going up and down 20 stairs - 20 times, for 3 days and then try to add more extra 10 times gradually as you build your stamina and strength... until you reach 50.. I did that for a month, 5 days a week and I noticed difference with my thighs, hips, love-handle. You also need to adjust your diet, eat more greens, and stay away from sugar and fizzy drinks, and eat a low - carb diet. Goodluck it is not impossible but i personally did try a fat burning/cellulite machine at one of dubai skin clinics and it did not work. I paid for a package and I did not notice any difference. You need to exercise, detox, and eat clean.
Latest post on 23 May 2016 - 10:43
I agree with FairyDust, there is no machine which can reduce cellulite, but one can reduce the appearance of cellulite with [url='>masseur cellulite and by switching to a healthier[/url'> lifestyle. Exercise and proper diet also help in reducing cellulite.
Latest post on 12 April 2016 - 21:49
I agree, screw the scale. I was doing the weekly weigh in here (weird for me, seemed good ides at the time) and then I broke my scale on accident. Since, I have NO idea what I weigh unless I am forced to do so at the doctor. I hired a trainer this week because hey, we ALL get burned out. I have no issue waking up with the birds and going for a run, but I needed someone to force me to do all the **** I hate doing. because "move more" is different for everyone. It takes more for me because I am reasonable fit, and now that 5-10km run are fun--the impact is not the same as it was. Exercise can be fun, and definitely some of it should be. Even social-- I love my Friday morning run group. But great change seldom comes from a position of comfort. Eating healthy and properly is not my issue, it is the "push." Anouja, put that money you would have spent on a massage session into something that takes you to your limits. Oh and speaking of cellulite-- I am totally against those machines. If you know and understand what cellulite is and how it is formed, you would understand that harsh physical manipulation can actually make it worse.
Latest post on 12 April 2016 - 19:07
My best advice to you? Throw away the scales. It's known as the 'sad step' for a reason, in that people get hung up over what the needle or digits are showing them. Go by how your clothes fit, how you look in the mirror and how you feel. Also don't get hung up on calorie counting either - you know your body requires around 1,000 - 1,500 calories a day just to live, before you even start doing anything? So by drastically reducing calories you actually put your body into a starvation mode. Cardio = great. Weights = even better. Muscle burns fat, tones and speeds up the metabolism. If you can do interval training, this really fires up the body and you'll be burning calories hours after any of those workouts. I have friends who put on several kilos, but got thinner, because although 1 pound of fat weighs exactly the same as 1 pound of muscle. Muscle is leaner and denser and takes up less space. Also reassess your diet. Smaller portions, while it's good, still isn't great if you haven't changed your eating habits and are still making poor unhealthy choices. People think losing weight is easy, it's not. It's a lifestyle change and it's a long, hard slog.
Latest post on 12 April 2016 - 13:39
When I first came to Dubai I quickly gained the Dubai stone (and some more.....?). My weight stuck at the same for about six weeks before it started shifting again. Don't give in now - keep at it, it will happen. Mix up your exercise; your body can get used to one exercise. The worst thing you can do is think this isn't working and go off the rails. Losing weight is a marathon and not a sprint. Hard work and patience. Give it a few weeks - you'll see x
Latest post on 12 April 2016 - 11:58
ladies I have a problem that my weight stop on 75 KL I am doing a lot of progress and some exercises at home and walk even my meals , it's like kids meals I feel myself that I lose weight but when I come up on the balance weight I found that's nothing change and I still the same What exercises are you doing? I found the only way to shift the weight is to eat less and move more and by move more I was doing cardio/weights/cycling and swimming I also stuck to 1500 calories per day and had one cheat day on a Friday but didn't go mad eating everything.
Latest post on 12 April 2016 - 11:51
ladies I have a problem that my weight stop on 75 KL I am doing a lot of progress and some exercises at home and walk even my meals , it's like kids meals I feel myself that I lose weight but when I come up on the balance weight I found that's nothing change and I still the same
Latest post on 11 April 2016 - 13:44
the machine you need to use to lose this is your legs ;)
Latest post on 11 April 2016 - 13:19
Don't waste your time and money Anouja, as the other ladies have said, there is no point. I've tried a couple of treatments for cellulite and the effect they give is very temporary. If you a genetically predisposed to cellulite you'll never be rid of it. I do everything 'right' (except giving up coffee, no way I'm doing that) to minimise it and I still have loads of it :cry:
Latest post on 11 April 2016 - 08:58
lovingthesun, it's because our metabolism slows down, so we need less 'fuel' to operate. You can raise it - lift weights!
Latest post on 11 April 2016 - 08:40
Oh how i wish :) I have to agree though, all of these things, machines, creams, Quinoa! Don't work. It's a hard slog and all about discipline which is tricky. No to cakes, yes to moving around. What i have found hardest of all is that i seem to have to eat less and less as I get older just to maintain the same size. I know my elderly relatives seem to eat next to nothing, even the active ones. I find this quite depressing. A machine would be lovely.
Latest post on 11 April 2016 - 08:30
Sorry to be brutally honest, but NO machine will reduce cellulite. It's fat under the skin and the only sure fire way to reduce it is through diet, exercise and drinking tonnes of water. Basically all these 'costly' machine procedures do is massage the areas and increase blood flow which reduce the look of it - this you can do at home, with daily body brushing and massaging the areas. Many people use coffee as well, as it's stimulant that increases the blood flow to the area. Anything that increases the circulation i.e. exercise will reduce it. Even skinny people have cellulite, because it can be hereditary and due to a sedentary lifestyle. All these machines do is reduce the 'look' and it's temporary. There is no quick fix to it. That's the reality.