Alcohol license |

Alcohol license

Latest post on 02 October 2016 - 09:20
So.... I personally spoke to the main licensing department for all MMI stores after this post. Guess what? Your "alcohol license" is nothing more than permission to purchase, transport and drink alcohol...for you and members of your immediate family (who do not have a card) in your own home ONLY. It has NOTHING to do with granting you permission to drink in the hotels. They said the hotels have "special licenses" which allow them to serve in the hotels. The hotel licenses cover their drinkers under their umbrella license while they are there drinking. In other words, you don't need a card to drink in the hotels. Essentially, there is little reason for a spouse (working or not working) to have a card if they aren't A) buying or B) transporting it. They can drink it as home as long as the other spouse has a card. It would only benefit to get an additional allowance amount. FYI: If you are not working then your spouse's income is used to determine your allowance (double dipping on the salary amount as it was used for spouse's allowance already) but apparently how they figure it! I hope this helps! Errr yes and no. While it's true that if you're drinking in a hotel bar or other licensed outlet, you are drinking under their license. However, the second you step outside on the street you are not covered. From a police perspective you can be arrested on the spot for being drunk or having consumed alcohol illegally. Same if you go to someone else's house. If you don't have a license you can be arrested, if you do nothing will happen. I've had friends in this situation and trust me that having a liquor license can get you out of potentially sticky situations. Better to have, than not to.
Latest post on 02 October 2016 - 08:43
So.... I personally spoke to the main licensing department for all MMI stores after this post. Guess what? Your "alcohol license" is nothing more than permission to purchase, transport and drink alcohol...for you and members of your immediate family (who do not have a card) in your own home ONLY. It has NOTHING to do with granting you permission to drink in the hotels. They said the hotels have "special licenses" which allow them to serve in the hotels. The hotel licenses cover their drinkers under their umbrella license while they are there drinking. In other words, you don't need a card to drink in the hotels. Essentially, there is little reason for a spouse (working or not working) to have a card if they aren't A) buying or B) transporting it. They can drink it as home as long as the other spouse has a card. It would only benefit to get an additional allowance amount. FYI: If you are not working then your spouse's income is used to determine your allowance (double dipping on the salary amount as it was used for spouse's allowance already) but apparently how they figure it! I hope this helps!
Latest post on 24 September 2016 - 14:47
So I went in to MMI to ask them. He said in order to be 'legal' I need to have my own. It's 270AED. I need to submit all the documents again plus a letter of no complaint from my husband. He said my husbands license would cover me to drink in my house but not outside. He did say unless you do something stupid and attract police attention that you would be OK! I don't ever drink a lot but I don't think I want to take the chance! Just want to make sure I'm covered!!
Latest post on 22 September 2016 - 21:18
It used to be free to get covered on spouse visa but about two years it changed so that you both needed to get a visa. The staff in MMI etc can answer all your questions. I ended up getting mine as well as my DH because one it meant that we were totally legit and 2. The freebies you get with each application were actually worth more than the cost of my application.
Latest post on 22 September 2016 - 08:36
Yes, it's more for the police I'm wondering about. Purchasing is not a problem as my husband and I tend to go together to stock up. It's more a case of being out at night and being stopped by the police! I want to make sure I am covered for this?? The back of my husbands card does say immediate family or something like that m is covered but I think it has changed??? And now wives need their own?? Or must have submitted their documents so their name is on file?? Quite confused :thinking:
Latest post on 21 September 2016 - 14:27
Hi ladies, I am on my husbands visa as I don't work at present, He has an alcohol license and my question is, does this cover me or do I need to have my own? TIA I am going to disagree with some of the above answers. I was non-working and was also added (free) to my husband's alcohol license. We had to share his monthly allowance but all I had to do is turn in my passport and ask to be added to his license with a letter of permission. The computer system at the store clearly showed my name as "authorised." On a side note...My husband's old ID clearly said on the back that it covered him and his immediate family. I assume this means that legally I was covered anyway outside of going to the store to buy without him (the only reason to be added) or why bother printing that statement on the back of the card?
Latest post on 20 September 2016 - 21:01
I found that the shops don't look too closely at the licence when you make a purchase. It might be different if the police stop you.
Latest post on 20 September 2016 - 14:03
One year I was told I needed my own licence and so we applied for me. The year after we applied for us both and only my husband received his. I have never had a problem using his licence.
Latest post on 20 September 2016 - 08:15
Hi ladies, I am on my husbands visa as I don't work at present, He has an alcohol license and my question is, does this cover me or do I need to have my own? TIA Hi cruiseaddict Sorry no his licence will not cover you. You must have your own one. He can apply for you. Doesn't take too long. :) Thank you! Had a feeling that might be the case but was hoping it wasn't!!!! ;)
Latest post on 19 September 2016 - 09:44
Hi ladies, I am on my husbands visa as I don't work at present, He has an alcohol license and my question is, does this cover me or do I need to have my own? TIA Hi cruiseaddict Sorry no his licence will not cover you. You must have your own one. He can apply for you. Doesn't take too long. :)
Latest post on 19 September 2016 - 09:36
Hi ladies, I am on my husbands visa as I don't work at present, He has an alcohol license and my question is, does this cover me or do I need to have my own? TIA