Latest post on 26 June 2017 - 09:51
YOu definitely need to go and speak to the bank directly. But the car dealer wants to give you 15,000 less because you missed ONE service? That's utterly ridiculous. It makes absolutely no financial sense for the bank to auction the car off and get virtually nothing, when they have a guaranteed buy back from the showroom. I think you need to try and get someone in a position of authority in the room with the bank as well and let them hash it out - that's the beneficial solution for both those parties.
Latest post on 23 June 2017 - 14:44
Definatley go for a meet and try to get senior management involved ☺ all the best.
Latest post on 13 October 2016 - 14:50
Hi Flower321, I am sorry that you have gone through this. I went through something similar myself about ten years ago and last year it resurfaced out of the blue. I suggest that you go to the Collections Department in your bank and demand a meeting with the highest management that you can get. Many banks apparently do offer discounts, don't rely on the opinions of the members of staff that are calling you on the phone, they are under pressure and some times misinformed themselves. It's very important that you don't avoid the bank, answer all their calls and show good will by turning up and trying to solve the matter but also speak in a confident manner. Don't let them intimidate you. If they see you are weak they will take advantage. That's what happened to me. While other people were getting discounts on their amounts owed I paid everything off and got slapped with an extra 11,000 AED on top in fines that came out of nowhere. I also made a fatal error of not getting a clearance letter or letter of confirmation that the entire loan was paid off and this came back to bite me almost ten years later.
Latest post on 13 October 2016 - 12:54
Hello, I need some urgent advice. I have a car loan (a balloon agreement) which means that I took out a car loan for 2 years with the bank which meant that I paid monthly installments to the bank and at the end of the 2 years the car showroom would buy the car back from me so that the remaining balance for the car would be guaranteed to be paid to the bank. The bank took a security cheque for the balance in case I defaulted on any of the installment payments. Now, I lost my job and haven’t paid the installments for 4 months. The balloon agreement has now come to an end and the car showroom are giving me less for the car as I missed one service for the car. The debt collection team at the bank have been after me for months as I have also exceeded the limit on my credit card. With regards to the car, the collections team want to take the car from me and sell it at auction for any price they can get. The car showroom, due to the balloon agreement are offering me a much better price than the car would fetch at auction. The problem is that the bank won’t let me sell the car back to the showroom because: The full price has to be paid for the car – as I missed 4 installment payments and the showroom are offering me less for the car than originally agreed there is a difference of 15,000 AED. I have however asked the bank to hold me liable for this difference but they’re refused. I owe on my credit card. The bank have also said that they’ve filed a police case against me, which they’ve been saying for the past few weeks. My question is this, what is my option? I don’t want to sell the car at auction but yet the bank won’t let me sell it to the showroom. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.