Anyone had the Gynecomastia Surgery? I need to know that Thing |

Anyone had the Gynecomastia Surgery? I need to know that Thing

Latest post on 27 October 2016 - 20:11

Hi all
I am the resident of Dubai City. My husband has a big b**bs. I am now getting rid of that thing. We need to resolve that thing. If anyone had that surgery with no draw backs then we are ok with it.

Latest post on 28 October 2016 - 18:39
Hi all I am the resident of Dubai City. My husband has a big b**bs. I am now getting rid of that thing. We need to resolve that thing. If anyone had that surgery with no draw backs then we are ok with it. Does your husband actually want surgery? Perhaps it is just your choice of wording but it sounds more like it is YOU that has the problem, rather than your husband. Again, it may be just coming across wrongly, the typed word can be hard to express feelings, but you sound disgusted by your husband, calling his man-b00bs a "thing". I feel sad for him. Is it just that your husband is a little over weight and a bit of time in the gym or an overhaul of his diet may reduce the area or does he actually have a certified medical condition? ALL surgery, without exception, carries a certain amount of risk and all of it has drawbacks. Please have a think before you make your husband go through surgery, it is what is inside that counts, not his looks and surgery is quite likely not necessary.