Single and can't find the right man? |

Single and can't find the right man?

Latest post on 23 November 2016 - 17:23
you are completely right. i myself used tinder & the 1st thing they ask is a .... pic. tried & tested, failed. it works better for women as they get more matches but for men it isn't the same. the guys are good, nice jobs, hygienic & above all, down to earth kind hearted ones. how should we make this happen ? i really wanna help them & make new friends too. as someone else mentioned above, we can get these guys together in a place where they can talk to each other & see if there is a connection. what do you suggest ?
Latest post on 23 November 2016 - 07:41
Is it a 'universal' or a Dubai problem? Is there a guy out there that is not only interested in the obvious? My single friends have been complaining for years now, all they want to do is settle down but it seems impossible for them to meet someone with a steady job, who doesn't smell and is genuinely interested in them as human beings. I am curious if others who are single are experiencing the same? :nerd: Skyfall, i have a couple of super sweet friends which are after me to find them a Basic Old School Girl. they infact we tried & failed, they both not into smoking drinking so & no partying/brunches so that option is not viable here. they looking for the ones who want a real relationship no matter how the person looks like what they earn or what they drive... are you friends the same ? Well, as much as I would like to say: "Yes! They are the same!" I have to say no. My friends do care what a person looks like. They don't want to be with someone with bad personal hygiene for example who weighs a ton. But other than that, they are the same in a way that they don't care about fancy stuff, genuine attraction and a good heart goes a long way. Sadly somehow it seems there isn't a place for people like them to meet apart from through friends/work... Tinder although not allowed here a lot of people use it, even married ones, but people are after only one thing there.... completely useless....
Latest post on 22 November 2016 - 17:34
Is it a 'universal' or a Dubai problem? Is there a guy out there that is not only interested in the obvious? My single friends have been complaining for years now, all they want to do is settle down but it seems impossible for them to meet someone with a steady job, who doesn't smell and is genuinely interested in them as human beings. I am curious if others who are single are experiencing the same? :nerd: Skyfall, i have a couple of super sweet friends which are after me to find them a Basic Old School Girl. they infact we tried & failed, they both not into smoking drinking so & no partying/brunches so that option is not viable here. they looking for the ones who want a real relationship no matter how the person looks like what they earn or what they drive... are you friends the same ?
Latest post on 13 November 2016 - 13:52
Skyfall i think its a Dubai problem, my single male friends have the same problem. They make ok money, smell nice, honourable guys but the girls they meet want range rovers and handbags and rolex watches as gifts. They have chosen to stay single rather then to go in to debt to have a woman in Dubai. I am affraid there is not old fashioned simple relationships here unless your in school. We should get them together with my lovely friends who don't want expensive stuff ;) I didn't realise guys have these problems here as my friends all have good jobs themselves and can afford to buy themselves the Range Rovers, bags, etc... I believe we should try to have like a dinner or a gathering and invite them all boys and girls, but without them knowing so they don't feel pressured,
Latest post on 07 November 2016 - 20:34
I don't know the ratio but I am sure its more single guys then girls. Guys are here working in the young 20-30's their are always some girls in their 20-30's. I think girls tend to get married earlier ( don't throw arrows at me) Oh my friends are travel but with other guys of like. they go to the gym, beach, do the things all young guys do. The are always busy but do not find THE GIRL as I stated above its hard to find.
Latest post on 07 November 2016 - 17:21
hahaha skyfall I would love it for one of my guy friends to find a lovely girl who does not mind working ( holding her own) because lets face it The World Is Expensive. I actually always pray he finds a good down to earth girl because he is so good and would make a perfect husband. BUT where to find her is the question..... he would not agree to going on a singles web site. Any ideas? he would like a nice girl, cute hmm I am always on the look out He should take up sports where he can meet the opposite ***, like the DragonBoat in the marina, or the 5km runs, triathlons or try going to the food festivals, adventure parks, etc...It is not easy to meet someone when you don't want to spend so much on it though it is possible I am sure. I tell my friends that it requires a lot of effort here, a ton of networking, etc... I wonder what the singles ratio is when it comes to gender?
Latest post on 07 November 2016 - 13:11
hahaha skyfall I would love it for one of my guy friends to find a lovely girl who does not mind working ( holding her own) because lets face it The World Is Expensive. I actually always pray he finds a good down to earth girl because he is so good and would make a perfect husband. BUT where to find her is the question..... he would not agree to going on a singles web site. Any ideas? he would like a nice girl, cute hmm I am always on the look out
Latest post on 07 November 2016 - 11:04
They are in their late 30's and have literally dropped expectation levels below subzero. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: I mean, how low can a woman go? :thinking:
Latest post on 07 November 2016 - 09:30
Skyfall then it comes to age and expectations , culture one has. My Friends are in the range of 30's arab they are not rocket scientist but genuine good guys but when ever they meet girls its $$$$$$$$ they just get discouraged and work and have there hobbies with other guys. They say its too hard to find a wife here! Haha
Latest post on 07 November 2016 - 08:41
Skyfall i think its a Dubai problem, my single male friends have the same problem. They make ok money, smell nice, honourable guys but the girls they meet want range rovers and handbags and rolex watches as gifts. They have chosen to stay single rather then to go in to debt to have a woman in Dubai. I am affraid there is not old fashioned simple relationships here unless your in school. We should get them together with my lovely friends who don't want expensive stuff ;) I didn't realise guys have these problems here as my friends all have good jobs themselves and can afford to buy themselves the Range Rovers, bags, etc...
Latest post on 06 November 2016 - 22:43
Skyfall i think its a Dubai problem, my single male friends have the same problem. They make ok money, smell nice, honourable guys but the girls they meet want range rovers and handbags and rolex watches as gifts. They have chosen to stay single rather then to go in to debt to have a woman in Dubai. I am affraid there is not old fashioned simple relationships here unless your in school.
Latest post on 06 November 2016 - 21:17
Smell.... :lol::lol::lol:
Latest post on 06 November 2016 - 19:05
Is it a 'universal' or a Dubai problem? Is there a guy out there that is not only interested in the obvious? My single friends have been complaining for years now, all they want to do is settle down but it seems impossible for them to meet someone with a steady job, who doesn't smell and is genuinely interested in them as human beings. I am curious if others who are single are experiencing the same? :nerd: