Part time maid issue |

Part time maid issue

Latest post on 20 February 2017 - 12:51
I live in a huge 4 bedrooms apt and never had complains from the cleaning ladies, they have to work for 4 hours, it doesn't matter if you live in a small or big house, I don't expect her to clean all the house in 4 hrs, this is why I divide the work over 2 days but she's efficient enough to thorough clean 2 rooms each time & a quick dusting & vacuuming the other areas in addition to the 2 bathrooms we use daily & the kitchen. I agree, if they have complains they should complain to their employer, and if you don't like their attitude speak to their supervisor. A girl once refused to clean the balcony window with water from outside & she had a bad attitude, so I had to bring it up to her supervisor & I requested a change. I am paying money & I give extras to the working lady so I expect to get proper cleaning in return. Thank you for sharing your experience. It's good to know as I started doubting since multiple cleaners told me that the time wasn't sufficient. Whenever I clean myself 4 hours is more than enough and I even get the laundry done. Since we are hardly at home it's more than reasonable I suppose. You did well in telling the supervisor as cleaning the windows is a totally legitimate request. One of the ladies I had a while ago came in and the first thing she said was "I am hungry". I gave her food and she didn't have the courtesy to clean after herself. This is an extreme example but there have been many strange incidences and you are right. We are paying for it so we should expect a certain service. I have different cleaners lined up in the next days so fingers crossed that I will end up finding "the one". :-)
Latest post on 20 February 2017 - 12:31
I live in a huge 4 bedrooms apt and never had complains from the cleaning ladies, they have to work for 4 hours, it doesn't matter if you live in a small or big house, I don't expect her to clean all the house in 4 hrs, this is why I divide the work over 2 days but she's efficient enough to thorough clean 2 rooms each time & a quick dusting & vacuuming the other areas in addition to the 2 bathrooms we use daily & the kitchen. I agree, if they have complains they should complain to their employer, and if you don't like their attitude speak to their supervisor. A girl once refused to clean the balcony window with water from outside & she had a bad attitude, so I had to bring it up to her supervisor & I requested a change. I am paying money & I give extras to the working lady so I expect to get proper cleaning in return.
Latest post on 20 February 2017 - 11:46
Hi Zuhairah, I agree with Gorobattie,that u have to mean business with them. As they are professionals who have been assigned the job by their companies.if they have any complaints they can tell their employers n not u. If they have a problem with the work then I think u should talk to the company n ask them to send someone else....hope u find a solution soon...take care.. Wow. Both of you and Gorrobatti are so right! I think I ended up being too nice (how horrible), but this ends up in them starting to take advantage of me. One thing I can't stand is when people are lazy and demotivated. I used to feel really sorry for our previous maid and offered her assistance but I came to realize that there are always two sides to a story. She asked us to borrow her money, and even though I never intended to ask her for it, she has never offered to pay it back which I find was unacceptable. All this complaining about their work have happened too many times for me to believe that it's the bad employers fault. The fact is they want it as easy as possible so they prefer to clean a 1 bedroom apartment which you all are right, it's not my issue. I will follow your advises and try not to get too engaged. Fingers crossed that the next one will be more professional.
Latest post on 20 February 2017 - 11:09
I find their behavior very strange! Are you hiring 1 lady for 4 hours? Why not try to hire 2 ladies from the agency for 2 hours each: they will finish faster, and will not get a chance to get tiered! That's a great idea. I might give it a try. I haven't done so in the past as I liked the idea of having someone long term who I could trust as most of the times I am not even at home, but this may be a good option. Will keep you posted on how it goes.
Latest post on 20 February 2017 - 08:31
Hi Zuhairah, I agree with Gorobattie,that u have to mean business with them. As they are professionals who have been assigned the job by their companies.if they have any complaints they can tell their employers n not u. If they have a problem with the work then I think u should talk to the company n ask them to send someone else....hope u find a solution soon...take care..
Latest post on 20 February 2017 - 00:05
I guess these women are just lazy and don't want to work, giving bad name for their companies so their companies get out of business for any reason. Now you and your husband only in a small 3 bedrooms villa, both are working full time, so in reality the maid is alone by herself and none of you makes her do specific cleaning and they should be working on their own initiative, I've seen 7 years old clean thier classes after art and craft days and none of them complained about there is too much glitter on the floor! Your problem is: you never had a maid back home and you give them time to listen to thier stories, if you just keep it business strictly you'll be absolutely fine. Just don't entertain maids stories, they are at your place to clean it, they are employees, once you made her tea and chat with her you are just two women chatting over cockies and tea!
Latest post on 19 February 2017 - 20:43
I find their behavior very strange! Are you hiring 1 lady for 4 hours? Why not try to hire 2 ladies from the agency for 2 hours each: they will finish faster, and will not get a chance to get tired!
Latest post on 19 February 2017 - 20:21
Hi all, I just wanted to hear your ladies opinions on my part time maid dilemma. We live in a fairly small 3 br villa and I have recently tried several maids for twice weekly/ 4 hours each to do the cleaning. Our home is very tidy so it is just the usual cleaning including vacuuming, mopping, each time and changing beds and cleaning the tiny outdoor area etc. once weekly. Several of the ladies lately seemed disappointed after cleaning our home since they found the work to be too much and complained to me about it so I wouldn't book through their agencies again. I didn't want them to be in trouble so I never mentioned it but at the same time I don't fancy having someone who doesn't like her job work for us. Both my dh and I work full time so I don't really have much time changing cleaners all the time so I was wondering is this a common issue? We have been in the UAE for 7 years and having lived in bigger houses I never had this issue and 4 hours/ twice weekly was sufficient. Since having moved into a different Emirate I seem to be facing this issue. I'd be interested in hearing your views on this.