Moving from USA to Dubai |

Moving from USA to Dubai

Latest post on 08 March 2017 - 21:17

Hello, I'm a US citizen planning to move to Dubai this summer, likely after a bit of vacation time in Jordan beforehand. My timing is quite flexible, as I have a place to stay in Jordan and a place to stay in Dubai. I'm planning to come on a tourist visa, and hunt for jobs as soon as I arrive (though, I'm also planning to hunt for jobs this spring and summer when I'm not in the country).

From chatting with acquaintances who live in Dubai, I've found out that it's necessary to gather documents like your college diploma, transcript, birth certificate, etc., and get these legalized by the UAE embassy in the U.S., as employers will require these to be hired on. I reached out to the UAE embassy, but they said they are unable to provide a comprehensive list of which documents are required. I just want to be sure I'm coming with everything prepared I could need once I secure a job. Could anyone possibly share their knowledge on this (anecdotal is fine)? One friend I have said her employer just asked for a verified college diploma, and said many employers are not very strict on this requirement if you're coming from the "western world." However, I do want to be as prepared as possible. This is the list of the items I'm planning to get legalized by the embassy... am I leaving anything out that I should add to the list?

-Birth certificate
-College transcript
-College diploma
-High school transcript

Also, could anyone provide insight on the best time to job hunt around the summer? I understand many people are on vacation in the summer, but may be coming back in August/September. Since my timing can be flexible, I want to be sure I'm timing my entry into the country well so I will make best use of my time with the initial tourist visa and visa runs, etc. I am looking to enter the marketing, public relations, journalism, or writing fields.

Also, any general job hunting tips are appreciated. So far, the people I know who live in Dubai emphasized networking as much as possible and looking at online job boards. Are the print classifieds any help? Does anyone know of relevant organizations I should get involved with upon arrival?

Many thanks!

Latest post on 14 March 2017 - 21:31
I assume the exact documents you'll need attested will vary from job to job but doing the basics is a good idea. Attestation takes a few steps actually. You need to have each document attested in the originating state (Secretary of State), then the US Department of State, then the UAE Embassy in the USA. You'll have to do all three and in that order or you'll have your papers sent back if something was missed or messed up. It can be done relatively quick if you use flat rate quick service envelopes from the post office. When you find the websites for each office they will give you directions on exactly what they need to do the attestation, there's usually a fee per document as well.
Latest post on 10 March 2017 - 16:23
Never needed an attested birth certificate in fact have never been asked for my birth certificate here . Your passport proves your age and nationality I only ever attested my highest level of education certificate. you don't need to do them all With regards to roles. Register with all agencies. Be aware they rarely meet or call you unless they have a role as they work for clients and aren't run the same as employment agencies. Linked in and Gulf Talent advertise jobs. The newspapers do but they are usually very low level roles. Many comapanies advertise directly through their own career pages. Networking is key and most people find work through networking. Also be aware the Summer months are very quiet as many people travel.l therefore recruitment is slower than earlier or later in the year
Latest post on 10 March 2017 - 10:58
You need to say which field you work in.. Lots of people are in different FB sites now. Try Dubai Mums etc