Our Dear Nanny is available for work :( | ExpatWoman.com

Our Dear Nanny is available for work :(

Latest post on 27 August 2017 - 09:07
Hello - I have just read your message. We are living in Dubai, UK nationals, and are currently looking for a full-time nanny for our baby girl who is 9 months old. We have found it extremely difficult to find someone genuine and with appropriate skills for our little girl. Although Dubai has a vast choice when it comes to nannies, it is still a real challenge to locate a suitable person. I am sure you can relate to this. Please can you let me know where the lady is now - is she in the UAE already? Is she still available to work? Many thanks indeed.
Latest post on 14 June 2017 - 16:34
Our Nanny, Kenyan National, 35 years of age, has been a part of our family since the birth of my first child 4 years ago. She joined us in Dubai and moved with us to Istanbul in Feb 2015. The best thing about her is she is a mother herself and is very kind hearted, gentle and a humble lady. Extremely good and competent with kids from the day they are born. I have never felt any fear leaving my kids with her. I also had worked part time for a couple of years when I had my first baby. In terms of housework I would say she would do it so well, that you never have to keep a check or ask her twice. Another really good thing about her is that she speaks extremely good English and she is a quick learner. She learnt my native language quiet a bit by just listening to me while I talked to my kids. It breaks our heart that she cannot move with us to Germany due to the German Visa laws for Non-EU Domestic helper. Our family keeps her very dear to our hearts and we will miss her very much, especially my kids as they are very fond of her. She has been my right hand all these years and I would personally miss her presence in our lives. I wish to find an equally loving family for her where she can add value in their lives with her love and her experience. She is currently with us in Istanbul and is available to start work in Dubai by last week July 1st week August once we have moved. She would like to work in UAE as that is her first preference, and I agree as Turkey has its own challenges. Her visa and travel arrangements will have to be arranged by the new employer. If you are interested kindly drop me a message and we can talk in detail.