Belly Fats Removal-Lemon Juice.. |

Belly Fats Removal-Lemon Juice..

Latest post on 05 September 2017 - 12:50
Exercise is the best way to loss belly fat but person need more hard work on exercise and also need to concentration on good diet which help to loss weight. i agreed with caitlin hawdon that the best way to loss weight is exercise and the perfect diet.Otherwise we are just waisiting time .
Latest post on 31 August 2017 - 15:56
Exercise is the best way to loss belly fat but person need more hard work on exercise and also need to concentration on good diet which help to loss weight.
Latest post on 23 August 2017 - 11:19
FairyDust, don't worry, it's not a calorie deficit of 3500 calories a DAY to lose the fat. But SarahLou is quite correct, to lose one pound of fat means being under your required amount of calories over whatever period will equal one pound of fat. For example if you calculate that your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which means the calories it takes in a day to "run" your body, plus moving around etc, this one is quite good: ) is approx 2300 calories, then you eat 500 calories less a day (so 1800), in a week you would lose a pound. The lemon diet is to be quite frank, rubbish. The only thing that works to lose fat is CICO, (Calories in, calories out). Losing weight is simple, if not easy. If you burn more calories than you eat then you will lose weight, whether that is through diet alone or a combination of diet and exercise. Personally I like exercising to improve my fitness level but also because it means I can eat more and still lose weight! ;) The lemon juice does NOT detox the body. If you have functioning liver, lungs and kidneys your body does a great job in detoxing itself. Lemon cannot detox anything. If you enjoy though, have at it. My best advice for anyone trying to lose weight is to sign up to My Fitness Pal (, put in your details and follow their recommended calorie amount. There is also a forum on there which is very user friendly and offers a ton of advice.
Latest post on 23 August 2017 - 07:43
l have tried lemon juice and its effective. on empty stomach in the morning take on glass of warm water and add juice of one whole lemon and add one spoon of honey into it. take this for two months and drink plenty of water during day time and add walk for 1 hour at least and cover at least 3 km a day. A calorie deficit of 3,500!!!! WHAT?! Totalling that up that's 4,000 calories. NO ONE should be eating 4,000 calories a day, unless you're a world class athlete or insane body builder. The recommended daily calorie intake for women is only 2,000 calories. Consuming only 500 calories a day is a starvation diet and basically puts the body into Ketosis - not recommended. The only real way to lose any kind of fat is through a good healthy diet and exercise. Good mixed weight/cardio workouts are the way to go - building muscle burns fat fast and keeps burning those calories long after a workout. The hot lemon and honey water has no scientific basis for fat loss. It is however a great way to prepare the digestive tract first thing, aids with digestion, has a detox effect, gives energy etc. Unfortunately belly fat is ALWAYS the last thing to go and abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. There's simply no quick fix or miracle cure - short of having lipo and a tummy tuck and sucking it out! It takes hard work, dedication and effort.
Latest post on 25 July 2017 - 12:10
I have been watching too many videos and read so many articles on ways to lose fats. I want to try this lemon juice way, does anyone already tried and is if really effective and how long did you notice to have changed on your body? Please share your experience so it will help myself to convince to start it already. Lemon juice will not shift belly fat. I feel this is one of the faddy starvation diets where you eat 500 calories a day, lose water weight, keel over, then put it all back on when you resume normal eating? No extreme loss or starvation is healthy or sustainable. The only way to lose fat is to have a healthy calorie deficit, exercise, cardio and HIT is the best way to lose fat. Sadly there is no quick fix, take it from someone that has tried ( and failed) with them all. to lose a llb a week you need to be a calorie deficit of 3500 calories per day, that is 500 calories a day. with the extreme diets you lose water weight that's it.