AussiePup |


Latest post on 16 January 2014 - 22:43
I cant say enough about Amy Saunders and Urban Energy Fitness. She trained me pre and post natally through 2 pregancies. She is wonderful. She is excellent at reading when you need to be pushed that little bit extra or when your mind just isnt in it, she helps you get through the session either way. I have also experienced many of the other trainers at Urban Energy through their run club and post natal classes and all I trained with knew their stuff and were brilliant and determind in helping you reach goals. I have moved from Dubai now but really really miss Amy and the UEF team. :(
Latest post on 14 January 2014 - 09:35
You must have been v lucky. My husband still trying and it says sold out still.
Latest post on 29 September 2013 - 21:02
I have 2 of those at home... one is 3 and the other only 1.5 (and I think he is worse!!) LOL. I do notice however that Mr 3 is worse when he is tired and that generally tends to be the time that Daddy gets to play or spend time with him. Especially since starting nursery full time (and by that I mean 8-11.30 only but 5 days a week) Mr 3's behaviour by 3pm is atrocious (sp). But he wont have an afternoon sleep. I've started to put him to bed earlier and that is helping with a lot of our sleep issues as well as behavioural stuff during the day. DH also has to realise she is only 3! I have to remind myself about that at times and certainly remind my DH because sometimes the way he talks to both boys is too "adult" I think. Maybe look at the time he is spending with her - is she tired or hungry (lowering blood sugar can also make them very moody) and then look at the activity he is trying to do with her. Perhaps that can help settle the boat between them a little more. Good luck!!
Latest post on 29 September 2013 - 20:57
oh do I hear you...!!! although I have them in my legs (thanks Mum!!! - yes hereditary and my Dr did tell me that when I was 17 - thanks Doc!) I had them "down stairs" when pregnant with my 2nd. Yep... in the "woohoo" area and it was not the nicest feeling at all - felt like I was a tennis ball down there from about 20 weeks onwards! :( I think I was on the low dose of asprin for memory. Baby asprin or something I think it is called 75mg... but that is me just guessing. I must try this ACV though. But I think I am destined for surgery. <sigh> - Mum had to have it done and my legs are starting to look a lot like hers.
Latest post on 27 March 2013 - 08:28
Can anyone tell me please where the car workshops are. Not the ones near talking the cheap guys. Car imported from dubai but it has black glass as my back windows which is apparently illegal here. I have 10 days to change it and take car back to police for check. Thx
Latest post on 28 February 2013 - 12:39
sorry Azaiba - i haven't been on here in a little while. You can reach me on shareeness at hotmail dot com cheers.
Latest post on 08 January 2013 - 14:04
thanks Azaiba. I have been told by DKC I need to go and get certificates from the municipality or somewhere here that certifies the dogs are ok to travel into Oman. Do you know where it is I need to go exactly and how much it costs? DKC can do it for 700 aed they said. (this is so we can drive them across). Thanks.
Latest post on 06 January 2013 - 23:02
I worked in oil and gas industry in Australia and had quite a few contacts for agencies representing engineers for this sector. I highly recommend swan personnel, dare contract services and energy resourcing australia, for Perth. Very professional staff always a pleasure to work with them.
Latest post on 06 January 2013 - 21:56
Bump. Anyone near springs 14 lose this turtle??? Poor fella. He's safe at ours but we are moving to muscat soon. My guess is he is a back yard pet and he's gotten out the back gate (possibly left open???) and wandered out. I'm hoping no-one has just up and left the poor creature to fend for himself. :(
Latest post on 01 January 2013 - 19:19
ok ta. hmm no havent had any fingerprinting done yet. We've just been told that the visa's are ready... so no idea what that means - assuming its the stamp in our passport? They have only copies of our passports at this stage, not the real thing. i think that might be a good idea re the cars. i'll contact dkc here in dubai re working out the dogs.
Latest post on 31 December 2012 - 14:06
thanks all. I'm just about to pop our furniture items up on dubizzle and place the ad up there. I'll get posters out tomorrow and talk to the security guards. :) Yeah most of the stuff we are sell in old baby clothes for boys, my old maternaity clothes, some normal clothing and a few bits of odds and bobs - toys etc. We really aren't going to be asking much more than 20AED for most of the items. But furniture if I still have it I'll have a poster up of what we have and will allow serious buyers in to have a look (but fingers crossed I can move it through dubizzle) cheers!
Latest post on 31 December 2012 - 14:06
thanks all. I'm just about to pop our furniture items up on dubizzle and place the ad up there. I'll get posters out tomorrow and talk to the security guards. :) Yeah most of the stuff we are sell in old baby clothes for boys, my old maternaity clothes, some normal clothing and a few bits of odds and bobs - toys etc. We really aren't going to be asking much more than 20AED for most of the items. But furniture if I still have it I'll have a poster up of what we have and will allow serious buyers in to have a look (but fingers crossed I can move it through dubizzle) cheers!
Latest post on 29 December 2012 - 11:16
thanks debliz! Thats great. ... our visa's are ready to be collected at the customs desk at Oman airport - but my husband is going to see if we can have that changed to the hatta border so we can drive across. If this is the case, I suppose we would need to drive over first on Dubai plates and then in a few weeks come back to Dubai and sort out the export plates and drive back across? Perhaps it may be best if we all fly over for the week or so to collect our visa's find our house and then the boys and then come back to dubai for a few days and sort out the cars before driving them across. . . ??? thoughts? Also the dogs - fly or drive them across?
Latest post on 21 December 2012 - 22:38
Which section in daiso muurtje? I was in there 2 days ago (barsha) but didn't find. Admittedly it was probably a half hearted look as I had DS1 (2.5 yrs) with me running riot in the store.
Latest post on 21 December 2012 - 22:18
Thx ladybee. I don't want to run risk of taking her with. I'd be giving her away, just selling the tank. I will see if pet shop will take her back if a friend doesn't take her. Cheers!
Latest post on 03 November 2012 - 08:06
spinneys in mecarto ususally have the full size ones but from australia.
Latest post on 30 September 2012 - 10:26
ladies please please please report them and go to RERA or rental committee. We had nothing but troubles with them in our old villa and whilst we haven't been conned out of a years rent we certainly are owed about 23k AED from deposit cheque and water $ from a burst water pipe that happened the week before we moved out of the horror house Am sad to say that someone has moved into the horror house (im living around the corner from it now) - boxes are in the drive way and curtains are hung... am wondering if I go around and do a knock on the door and tell them everything thats wrong with the place so they know what fight they'll have with MF and perhaps give them the LL's number so they have someone they can contact when they have too much trouble with MF. My heart goes out to the family that are in that house.
Latest post on 22 September 2012 - 14:06
i love love love my hair dresser Tru Blu, she is in Chill Salon who have currently moved to Media City if you can get there?
Latest post on 22 September 2012 - 14:05
Hi All Paid a visit to my physio this week and she has said she thinks I have fallen arches! :( just when I was getting back into running too! blah. Would have been caused by pregnancy hormones / the relaxant that is in your body after birth... and of course wearing crocs / no shoes. Crocs were great when pregnant - they supported very well - had the right cushioing where I needed them to walk with... but I noticed after both pregnancies i struggled to walk in them for any length of time. So guess this explains it. Anyway, someone has told me to try flipflop brand thongs (flip flops) - i bought a pair today - expensive i thought! Can anyone else tell me if they get the right support you need from these shoes? They do feel more supportive... can I get them cheaper elsewhere? UK etc? Also, podiatrist recommendations would be great too. Im also off to see Gary Fitzgerald (Chiro) to see if he can help. Cheers!
Latest post on 14 September 2012 - 14:04
thx blimey... we were looking at The Nomad and Fahreheit - bit cheaper than the others I think. Fraser place was my first choice but it is about 1000 AED more than we can spend (on
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 14:31
so for those following my house update stuff, we have moved into a house after living 3 weeks at a friends place in Al Waha ... we have moved to the same ol neighbourhood of M9 just in a different street. the house is lovely - has a great vibe / feel to it - waaaaaay better than that horror house previously. LL seems reasonable. Still got some boxes to sort and a mountain of clothes to go through given the wardrobe space is a little less than previously but thats probably a good thing coz I desperately need to get rid of loads! On the old house front, the latest is, MF have told DH that he can come and collect our deposit cheque - the final inspection was done the day after we moved out and the keys handed back that same day. The man who came said the villa was great but would need a paint - which would come out of the deposit cheque. Ok we say. When will the rest of the deposit cheque be ready and is it possible to have a quote for the painting first? So no quote and it hasn't been painted yet. DH has been called to say he can come collect our deposit cheque a couple of times, got down there once and the guy said oh no sir it isn't ready yet / i can't give it to you as my boss isn't here. what a load of.......!!!! Then last phone call that DH made to them last week he got told "the final inspection hasn't been done yet so until that is done we are unable to give you your deposit cheque" Aggggghhhhh! DH going down there when he gets back from travel for work but then I'm off to RERA the next day if they don't hand that and the reimbursement for the burst pipe over. but on a good note, this new place is much calmer (i hope i havent seriously jinxed myself by saying that! lol)
Latest post on 14 August 2012 - 21:55
Ladies there is an application called baby connect that charts sleeping, feeding, medicine, diapers etc. It's fantasic and gives you graphs too. Costs about $5usd or equivalent from which ever app store you have for I-pads n I-phones. You can sync them too so if ur out you use phone... At home, use the pad. It's fantastic and can help note patterns with sleep. Pingu, will pm u when I get back thurs. No whatsapp here. Just txt. Hope some of these suggestions help. Not worth me putting my two bobs worth in, DS1 was a shocking sleeper, even still wakes once a night now at 2yrs 2mths. DS2 is better during day but nights he is still up anywhere between 2-4 times. Blah!
Latest post on 12 August 2012 - 22:32
Just wondered how you were getting on, AussiePup? I hope you are re-settled nicely in Meadows 9 and we can finally meet for a cup of tea when I get back to the sandpit! Still staying with friends, well... At their place. They are in uk. May have villa round corner from where we were but haven't sign anything yet, have only sent scanned copy of deposits etc to agent until we see contract and LL deed to property. See how we go. Did similar last week but LL signed with someone else just as my husband was going to drop off cheques and sign contract! Ppl just out for the money here! It's so disappointing.
Latest post on 06 August 2012 - 11:47
so just with healthy eating im now at 80.9... was 80.1 during the week but we've had such a stressful time trying to find a new house to move to that I did have a few vino's on the weekend which didn't help me! doh. hanging out to get back to full exercise though!!!
Latest post on 06 August 2012 - 11:45
hiya, we use a time out method where i put DS (now 2) against the wall sitting with no toys etc around him ... or if we are at the mall he has time out right in the middle of the mall. I have been using time out since he was 16 months old and it works for us. It is 1 minute for every year that they are. So now his time outs are 2 minutes in length. our methods are similar to kiwispers however i do give DS the opportunity to learn from the behaviour he was given time out for - by this I mean, if he is touching something I do not want him to touch, say the oven - then I ask him to stop and say the oven is hot. If he does not stop I ask "are you listening to Mummy?" to get his attention. If he continues then I say "you are not listening to Mummy, time out". I place him in time out (sometimes he even sits down himself!!!) at the start I stood back turned from him about 1 meter away and I kept turning a little just to see he was still seated and not moving. If he moved, I put him back where he should be and time starts again. After a successful time out I would then put him back standing next to the oven and tell him "no touch, oven is hot - ouchies" and if he walked away or didn't touch I praise him for listening "good listening". If he continues to touch = time out again. We have set boundaries for him. He is not allowed to touch plugs, power points, any buttons on anything electrical other than the PS3 which we have taught him how to remove and put in a disc if he would like to watch a DVD. The main reason I started this is because I didn't want him running out the front door if we were going to the car or in a car park at the shops and he keeps running and not listening and then getting hit by a car - this freaks me out. so it is important to us that he listens. it works rather well, he's had time outs in the middle of spinneys (yes if you see a little toddler sitting in the middle of the aisle it could very well be us ha ha) and MOE for running away too far, touching stuff on the shelves i asked him not to touch or just being very silly. The time out gives him a chance to calm down and generally after that he does listen very well. It is now at the point where he does sometimes run ahead of us about 10 or so meters, i just have to say "stop" and he stops and waits for us or runs back to us. He also doesn't run out near the road at home or the car park. if I don't have hands free (with DS2 and pushing pram) then DS1 holds onto the strap on the pram and does not let go until we are at my car and I say he can let go. I started time outs on my own accord but then had super granny come to helps us (with sleep issues more so) and then just asked her about time outs and the method she used was very similar so I just continued and it has worked. To start this though, i did set DS1 up on a few occassions for example left the remotes right where he could touch them, i would watch him and say "no touching remotes" and if he did then he got time out... we did this a few times over in the same hour until he now knows when I say don't touch, it means dont touch. he is going through the terrible 2 phase (i believe) so he is pushing boundaries but all in all he has actually been really good and unless he is over tired and in silly mode, he listens most times. The other thing i certainly agree with what the other ladies say is to stay calm assertive. No yelling. Yelling i am sure they see it as a weakness in you and know that they have pushed your buttons and this to them = fun attention! :) Calm assertive ;) good luck!!
Latest post on 06 August 2012 - 11:25
we have found one in M9 we are reasonablly happy with but are reluctant to put deposit down until we see people there fixing the issues :) LL seems to be reasonable though when we met him. Also expanding the search now to MotorCity GC and Ranches and Victory heights. Trying to weigh things up... moving out of this area means we could lose our maid (she left her previous family because they moved out of this area - however it was to barsha they moved and she did not feel safe walking around the area and no shops close by - at least either of the communities above still have all that)... Also lose our Gardener who is a lovely man. he looks after the garden very well and he loves our dogs and the kids - he shows my son how to rake up the leaves and he happily goes and helps. Its so very cute. Moving out of the area = newer house (potentially), fingers crossed less maintenance issues (or as big issues like we've experienced here) and a community pool closer by to use... hmm I am still thinking top option of staying around here would be easier. Just wish ppl respected houses here and looked after them instead of letting them get warn and broken.
Latest post on 06 August 2012 - 11:18
ive been looking all over the place for something but prefer closer to springs / meadows area. I did find in my search that allsop and allsop (sp?) have loads out at the Villa. 5 beds for about 180k i think. good luck.
Latest post on 04 August 2012 - 21:21
its ok, DH wasn't up for it. Said it didn't feel right. We went to look at another around the corner here in Meadows 9 but again believe it or not that villa also has a burst water tank!!!!!!!! the man hole to it was open so we had a look and couldn't believe what we were seeing. We quite liked it and considered giving deposit today (time is of the essence for us) and thank goodness we saw that!!! We just haven't been having any luck here. Its so disappointing. Our circumstances are we have to move out Thursday... and are homeless. We've been burnt twice with burst pipes and having a massive water bill on our hands which both land lords from the different villas have refused to pay. We are just really worried about choosing the wrong place again and getting stuck with yet another nasty maintenance bill / issues. I think we need to take both LL's to RERA but I am intimidated by the whole process and not sure where to go with it. I've looked up properties in Arabian Ranches on dubizzle but most available are out of our budget but those that are available are all managed through MF!!!!!!! They should be out of business! I can't believe they are still functioning!!!!! We have a friend who has kindly offered us to stay in their villa until we find something but it means putting our stuff in storage and paying for that too. Just another expense we really don't need right now. :( we would be so far ahead savings wise if it wasn't for paying out all these maintenance problems in the properties we are renting. We did a rough caculation and if you count last house burst water pipe and then this house with all its horror maintenance we have repaired we are looking at over 50K AED we would have been able to send home to pay off our own house in Australia. just so stressed and at a loss of what to do. Neither DH or I are thinking straight and are reluctant to make any decisions on another rental. <sigh>
Latest post on 01 August 2012 - 21:01
thx. Do you think at 2 he will get the idea of a star chart? yes we have the stair gate and have tried the hole leave the door open thing but he is a very ligth sleeper (takes after me) and is usually woken by the LO crying so hence for door shut (but door use to be shut before LO arrived too anyway. Perhaps it is just the change of it all having his little bro and then the new bed too.
Latest post on 01 August 2012 - 11:20
Latest post on 29 July 2012 - 01:01
Hiya. The 30 day shred is a DVD workout done by Jillian michaels. I love it. Although do get bored of training inside. I'm down to 81.3 this week. No shred though. Waiting on insurance approval for so haven't yet been back to her. so in the meantime I've been sticking to postnatal training with amy at urban energy fitness and some exercises the physio emailed me. Weight not coming off as fast as I'd hoped but is expected given I'm not going hammer and tongs with fitness. I joined ww online too so just getting into the swing of tracking food. Stovetop, I'd just keep going at level 3 if you can or go back through levels but do the advanced options. Think it's the girl on the left looking at screen u need to watch.
Latest post on 29 July 2012 - 00:53
We use the cover over the car seat and a dummy and either jig the pram (with car seat) a bit or rock the car seat on the floor back and forth. I am also finding though DS will only nap a short while - 20 mins. But usually is enough of a power nap to keep him going again for an hour awake in time for me to get home and put him to bed. I find he is very easily over stimulated, generally have to do feeds in a quite space too. <em>edited by AussiePup on 29/07/2012</em>
Latest post on 29 July 2012 - 00:45
Beautiful news Sam! You've given me goose bumps with such beautiful news. Congratulations, Rania is a gorgeous little fighter and now may you enjoy precious moments with her at home. Xox
Latest post on 29 July 2012 - 00:30
We were looking to do this to for DS1 who has lactose issues. However as a good friend pointed out if you travel on holidays anywhere through the next couple of years, you are not going to find camels milk other than this region. It's hard enough getting it here from the spinneys near me, don't think they stock enough.
Latest post on 24 July 2012 - 22:20
i think you might need to head into the Address. We were at Marina mall on the weekend and felt a bit peckish so headed into the address there and they had lunch or afternoon tea option available. I'm sure the Address Dubai Mall would have something like that too.
Latest post on 24 July 2012 - 22:18
Thanks! I like both those ideas so may just go and combine them :) off to Dasio tomorrow actually too! Good timing! :)
Latest post on 24 July 2012 - 21:51
Age, location, gender? I always like "doing gifts" or books or magazine subscriptions for their specialty, eg. Vogue Traveller or Rolling Stone, that way they think of you each time they receive it! thanks, i did do something like this for xmas present last year. Was thinking more something baskety - food etc. if it were in Aus I'd send wine and cheese but probably unable to do that here!? I haven't looked into it.
Latest post on 24 July 2012 - 21:12
Hi there, Honestly, i feel the best way is to see how you feel during your labour. Be open to any situation and giving anything a go ... ultimately the main goal of course is to get that baby out in the safest way for both bubba and mummy. I've recently had bubba number 2 and had an epidural this time - my birth was beautiful. I did have the epidural quite late I was about 8cm when it was put in and about 1 hour later (only 15 mins of pushing) my little boy was born - I got to giggle him out (litterally). My first son however (who has only just turned 2) was a different kettle of fish. Cruisest pregnancy but difficult labour. It was however reasonably fast for a first time labour ... 5 hours from the time I got to hospital at 4cm dilated (waters broken by midwife at 5cm - 2 hours after arriving at hospital). With the birth of DS1 i was open to anything and I thought i would see if i could manage without. I did not have the epidural - purely because I was expecting the labour to last a lot longer than it did and when I did ask for it because things were getting a little intense i was again 8cm but the anithesist took hr and half to get to hospital and by that time Dr was telling me I was about to start pushing and it was too late. I didn't actually need it (well so I thought)... pain wise I did do ok. DS however took over 1 hour of pushing, 3 tries of the vontuse (suction) and then an episiotomy, a few mins longer and I was probably going to be whisked away for an emergency c-section. He was also born with fluid on his lungs and spent 5 days in NICU. My recovery after no epidural and DS1 was awful. Friends who had C-Sections around the same time recovered quicker than I did. Birth for DS2 where I did have an epidural, things were calmer and recovery has been brilliant, even with a small tear - i started exercise 3 weeks post birth with my personal trainer and by 12 weeks post birth I started running again (on the treadmill). After DS1 it was about 8 months before I started on the treadmill again! be open to anything! wishing you all the best for a beautiful birth experience.
Latest post on 11 July 2012 - 20:35
I'm selling mine if you would like to look at it I can send you a photo. Pls email me on shareeness at hotmail dot com It's sweetheart neckline, rouched bodice with a-line to bottom. It is diamond white crusted silk and has some spots where the fabric gathers on the skirt area that has schwartsky crystals. I have a small hoop that goes under it.
Latest post on 10 July 2012 - 21:27
thanks all. he is really only using the dummy to help him settle / get to sleep but i have to hold him against me so that it doesn't fall out. without it he just doesn't settle and gets to the over tired phase which then of course takes me almost an hour (if lucky) to get him down. he spits the dummy out when he is relaxed and starting to nod off - this is also the time i know i can put him down in his cot and he wont get fussy and upset. i guess i just want to know how i am going to get this little one sleeping on his own without me holding him tight. sometimes, and only sometimes does it work where I put pressure on his side of his arm, stretch my little finger out to hold dummy in and then pat his bottom quite forcefully to get him to go to sleep without being in my arms... its a bit tricky though. he is also suffering terribly with wind and reflux but i will post seprately about that. thx again. xox
Latest post on 04 July 2012 - 11:55
doh... weight went up to 82.3 this week. the exercise is almost 2nd to none as physio has told me not to run for a couple of weeks nor do the shred :( i see her again on the 16th so see where to from then. also loaded with a cold this week and kids with ear infections &lt;sigh&gt;
Latest post on 02 July 2012 - 22:25
Hi presam12 I won't lie... I've found having 2 tough. Was so glad I had my mum here for 4 weeks, then in laws, then mum back again... All up they got me through to just under DS2 12 week mark. It was fantastic to have grandies to entertain DS1, he loved it. B'feeding for me has been a challenge both times and this time it was more a case of wanting to bf as I was a lot more comfortable with it this time but that meant feeding, then pumping then feeding etc etc. That took up so much of my time and then DS2 had colic and reflux and suffered very badly with constipation, hard work :( only now in past week or so am I starting to figure the whole looking after 2. We are lucky to have full time help however other than cleaning of the house and our laundary I only use her to help with the kids as I would grandparents etc if we lived at home... So am trying my best to be hands on with both of them as much as I can. Admittedly that doesn't always work to the way I want it and I have to call out for our maid to help me out (like last night DS2 was up a llllllllll night until 5am from 11pm with bad wind so needless to say I got very very little sleep, today I had our maid watch DS1 for 3 hrs in the morning so that when DS2 went for nap, so did i! Thankfully he slept 3 hrs so I had a lot more energy after to play with both of them in the afternoon. I wish you all the best for it. I'm sure you will be ok. We manage to make it work somehow, that's just what us mothers do. ;) I think getting head start on your DS with getting him use to daddy or maid doing bedtime and bath will help greatly. Ds2 was always a mummies boy up until I was in hospital with DS2... then Ds1 got a nice bonding experience with daddy for a few nights and all great! Sing out if you ever need a hand though. Im sure loads of us (including myself) can come lend a helping hand if u need it. :)
Latest post on 25 June 2012 - 12:09
cool, i think i have ripped here too - i will take a look. i bought a few of her DVDs when i was back home in Aus last year. well i weighed in yesterday to be 81.9 so phew!!! things are starting to work! i also think me up'ing my water intake has a great deal to do with it so fingers crossed those scales keep on going down!!! ;) i had blood tests done recently though that show i am vitamin D deficient (like so many others over here!) and i started taking the tablets 3 days ago but have had a nasty headache since yesterday which isn't going away - even with panadol...hmmmm!?
Latest post on 22 June 2012 - 10:53
Hi there, Both of my sons hated their car seat, the toddler still does and DS2 is also starting to scream when we go out. Scream or not the car seat is your baby's Safest option when going in the car. I think you are on the ball with getting him use to the car seat first at home then take him for short drives before attempting something longer. With my older son we timed our trips so that he would sleep whilst we were driving so went at nap time. We still do that for long drives also, if we go to Abu dhabi or al ain, we take him at nap time so we know he will sleep in the car for most of the trip. I think he actually gets car sick like I do. As for DS2 well he is 13 weeks and up until 3 weeks ago putting him in his car seat and going for a drive actually made him go quiet and stop crying / screaming, the past few weeks however that has totally changed and again I have another boy who hates the car. I basically put up with the screaming, we tend not to go further than 20 mins in the car anyway. There is no harm in the baby have a cry like that, it is better than him being held by someone or not in a baby car seat at all whilst driving. Perhaps you can find some small set of wind chimes to put on the handle, they will play as the car moves. Also getting him use to his sear at home is also a very good idea. Good luck!
Latest post on 18 June 2012 - 22:17
Hi amel123 I signed up for ww 2 weeks ago through Australia. Haven't had a lot of time to sit down and go through the website though to get on track better. Have only lost 300 grams and well that's not really anything I should count because I actually put that on in the first week. Do you have an iPad and do you use ww on there? I am trying to get it set up on mine but having difficulty finding apps to support it.
Latest post on 18 June 2012 - 22:14
So weigh in this week is 83.1 so loss of 300 gms.better than nothing. Got fridge stocked with healthy stuff now though son should be hoping to lose a bit more next week. Exercise may be on hold a bit as I had a wart frozen off the bottom of my foot today and I can hardly walk so will see how things go tomorrow. I thought shred was meant to get easier as u do it but seriously I think the huge sleep deprivation I'm going throu at moment with DS2 is probably taking it's toll on me. Till next week. Hope every one else exercising is going well.
Latest post on 14 June 2012 - 21:56
Loved city hospital, had both sons there. Dr Elsa fab. Midwife I had at birth of DS2 is a beautiful caring lady. Aftercare midwives also lovely. Never had any problems either time.
Latest post on 14 June 2012 - 21:53
We use meadows ehl dr hamzeh and infinity clinic dr loubser and dr sanja all are great but the first 2 can be rather busy so hence why I have 3. Lol. Meadows clinic is convenient and my son likes dr h. Infinity are fantastic and can help with intollerances and allergy diagnosis. As for first check up for both sons we did city hospital but then found the other docs by recommendation on here and through other friends. As for jabs one son had at meadows which we paid for... Other son had at infinity which we also paid. The government clinic is however a great option for free jabs, but they do not give rotta virus vac ... You need to get that through private clinic or city hospital and it needs to be done within 24 hrs of the other vaccines (so I was told). Rotta virus is common here.
Latest post on 14 June 2012 - 21:45
Welcome aboard jesspm. My week again has been horrid... More so diet wise. Stuck to exercise excluding today, had to cancel on my trainer today... Well reschedule. My 13 week old son has been very unsettled at night, especially from 4am. DH is away and DS1 is cutting his molars so also waking at night. I'm wrecked! So eating hasn't been the best coz I'm going for the quick easy to get and give me sugar boost fast. I'm terrified of getting on scales Sunday. I have also signed up for weight watchers online... Need something to help me feel accountable as well as more competitive but have hardly had 2 seconds to sit and read through the website and work out what to do. Off to sleep now, so tired!
Latest post on 10 June 2012 - 12:46
ok so this week i have been MIA... in-laws were here and I was totally off the wagon! Indulging way too much and only 2 shreds and 1 PT session. Back on wagon this week though. Weigh in today is 83.4kgs. So whilst i didn't shift any weight I am rather relieved i haven't put on any either. phhheww! Right back on track this week. DH away too so it makes things a bit easier for me as I can do a full detox whilst he is away, no treats to tempt me - he is a major sweet tooth. How is everyone else doing that is doing this with me?