JJBAUS | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 03 September 2015 - 21:09
Hi Ladies, I just wanted to give a little shout out to Pro Bee Steam Cleaning. They just finished cleaning my villa and did an amazing job. But what I liked most was that they clean WITHOUT CHEMICALS. They used a steam cleaning machine and my floors are super shiny and looking new. i'm really pleased and recommend them.
Latest post on 30 August 2015 - 12:28
Thank you Alison. I am trying another recommendation, so fingers crossed they work out! Pro bee steam cleaning. :) fingers crossed
Latest post on 27 August 2015 - 12:06
Hi Ladies I've just had a rotten experience with a cleaning company. So need a professional cleaning company for a villa deep clean / move in clean. Any recommendations? Also, how do these people call themselves cleaners when it is still dirty and dusty everywhere?? And charging a fortune!! Shampoo stains on tiles? Drives me mad!
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 20:53
Hi Plum2, pls keep me posted, sounds interesting.
Latest post on 27 July 2015 - 20:51
I sent my nanny to The Perfect Help. She attended Tagalog class, and I also went to the same class, in English. they did a great job
Latest post on 23 April 2015 - 08:33
Hi Ladies, Does anyone know where I can get organic rusks from for my LO? Ive only seen one brand in the supermarket and I couldn't see anything at the Organic Store. Thank you in advance JJB
Latest post on 03 February 2015 - 09:39
Thanks Cowboy!
Latest post on 01 February 2015 - 16:00
Hi Ladies, I would like to buy a range of baby/toddler beach toys/inflatables. Can you please let me know of a one stop shop where I can buy from a decent range? Thanks JJBAUS
Latest post on 29 January 2015 - 19:19
Thanks Ladies for confirming. Couch Potato.. what do you mean by "There are pros and cons to starting school at FS1 age, it works for some and not others. " Excuse my ignorance as I really have no idea what the pros or cons could be as this is my first baby. I work fulltime so I'm thinking my baby will already be used to a nursery environment anytime after the age of one. So I would imagine its not much different. But Id love to hear what the cons are?
Latest post on 29 January 2015 - 19:14
Try: http://dubaiwholesalediamonds.com/
Latest post on 29 January 2015 - 19:11
My mail was sent back to Australia also as I've only ever used my employers PO Box.
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 16:07
ABSOLUTELY 100% ... BUY YOUR CAR SEAT IN AUSTRALIA!! I had my baby at home in Oz in November, and we hired a Maxi Cosi car seat for while i was there which beat ANYTHING you can buy here handsdown safety wise. My baby was super snug and I knew if we had an accident he would be safe. When we came back here and put him into our Cabriofix I couldnt be more shocked by the poor quality and that he was just loosely lying there. I'm constantly driving around nervously as if we have an accident here, with the speed we go at, he would definately incur some harm. Australian safety standards are by far more superior - the seat we had not only had the isofix base, but also there was a latch which hooked over the seat and onto the boot floor. In addition, it had a 5 point seat belt with quality straps and buckle, unlike the crappy plastic 3 point buckle you can buy here. My mum is coming here in March and if she has room im asking her to bring a seat for his next step up in car seats.
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 13:37
I work in DIFC (on mat leave at the moment). It depends what time you go, before or after 9pm? After work drinks are busiest probably at the Gramercy, Zuma and probably the bar at Le Petit Maison. From around 7pm onwards these places would be pretty busy. But you can also go to the bar at Roberto's and Caramel but I think they get a bit busier from 7pm onwards. Sass Cafe is also in DIFC, I havent been, but I think that may also be good to go to, but later in the evening.
Latest post on 11 January 2015 - 07:53
Thanks Ladies, I thought about gel but wasnt sure how toxic it was. But, given he isnt crawling i thought it would be ok. Do you know if there is an environmentally friendly gel product on the market? I also thought about the boric acid but had no idea where to start looking for it... will give that a go as well. Luckily our building gets regular pest control, but it probably is time it was done again. We are clean so no real reason for cockroaches.. eek.
Latest post on 11 January 2015 - 07:22
Hi Ladies, I need some advice pls, I have a 2 month old and failed to remember to get pest control done before bubs arrived. I now have cockroaches which appear in my kitchen in the evenings and I need to get rid of them... particularly given i have sterilisers and bottle drying rack etc... what do I do? 1) Arrange pest control and get it done and leave the house for 2 days? 2) Get pest control to apply gel and that way I dont have the hassle of leaving the house with a 2 month old 3) is there something else that I can try that actually works? Although, for cockroaches I thought that nothing really works. TYIA
Latest post on 07 January 2015 - 12:11
I know its the new canal project, but its so disappointing to see grasslands and so much nature just destroyed. Particularly all those lovely old trees! the new track is not ready, but as you say, its a mouse-wheel by comparison.
Latest post on 07 January 2015 - 11:51
I'm looking for a variety of entertainment for my 2 month old. so we can start reading, singing etc. If you have any suggestions pls let me know. As for Brainy baby, just looking for something for the future which we can put on for 15-20 mins every alternate day... or something that he can listen to, we can sing to. Unfortunately as a first time mother I have no idea where to buy and would like to avoid the costly shop and ship option.
Latest post on 03 January 2015 - 18:44
I'm wanting to head there tomorrow, but not sure what documents to take... My son was born in Australia in November. Do I need my husbands ID's as well as mine? And our marriage certificates? Do they accept copies only of these documents or do I need originals? Anything else ?
Latest post on 03 January 2015 - 11:03
Hi Jussie, I don't know how to pm, so will paste my number Just curious, until how old did your little one fit in it? My baby is 2 months and already feeling a bit too big for his stokke mini cot. Thanks so much!! <em>edited by JJBAUS on 03/01/2015</em>
Latest post on 02 January 2015 - 10:29
Thanks for the offer, but I'm actually looking for the cot that attaches to the bed at the same level, so bubs has his own bed next to me. I actually have a small bassinet like cot next to my bed but this saves me having to get out of bed, I can just roll over to feed/settle and hopefully my little guy will be happy and content knowing I'm just there.
Latest post on 01 January 2015 - 19:51
Chicco store is sold out and are not expecting stock til February, and nothing on Dubizzzle which hasn't been sold. Desperately wanna get my little one his own square of bed so we can all sleep peacefully.
Latest post on 09 December 2014 - 12:54
Thank you MrsM... Cutter found at creative minds! Fantastic craft store!!
Latest post on 08 December 2014 - 14:50
Professional photo printing can be done at prolabs. They are behind garden centre near moe. It's more a professional printing place, but excellent quality. 04 347 7616
Latest post on 07 December 2014 - 22:25
Thanks Saggi 1 - I'm trying to use Bonnisan but I think it's one of those things you need to use regularly. How much and how often should it be given to a 1 month old? Also, I think it's something you need to use regularly for it to work. As a first time mum, I struggle to give it to my bub as it's not the most pleasant taste for him and I haven't seen any outstanding results from when I have used it. Will keep your other home remedies in mind for when bub is a bit older. Thanks ladies!! Stix - if u do have infants friend still available, I'd love to give it a shot. Pls msg me and I'll arrange to collect it. Thanks so much!!!!
Latest post on 07 December 2014 - 13:48
Thank you so much for the responses. Australiajudy / Stic -I would be so appreciative to try infants friend and your gripe water if the offer is still there. My mob is 0508453671, pls Sms me and I'll arrange to collect at some Point this week. Which section in spinners do u think I can get gripe water?? Life pharmacy on wasl said they were out of gripe when I called last week. This is what we are doing so far: 1) we are spending at least 15-20 mins with him after burping as he also gets reflux and possets if we lay him down too soon after a feed. 2) I bf with his stomach towards mine across the body as he is only 1 month old and we have had a few problems getting his latch right and until recently I've been almost exclusively feeding him from nipple shields. 3) Interesting you mentioned greens, I'm eating a big salad every night, but there really isn't any gassy foods that I'm eating. I'm even avoiding spices.
Latest post on 07 December 2014 - 07:31
My ebf newborn seems to have gas pains that really upset him throughout the night which wake him up over and over again as he tries to pass wind. In Australia parents would use gripe water but it's not available here. I've tried infacol but my baby hates the taste, I also have bonnisan which I don't think makes much difference. Is there anything else out there that I can try? There seems tone slit of products abroad but nothing here.
Latest post on 30 November 2014 - 08:28
Great, thank you. Have never heard of this place before.. Thank you!
Latest post on 30 November 2014 - 08:22
Hi, I just noticed that I had prolapse myself this last week. My baby is 3 weeks old and I delivered in Australia. However, I contacted my OB here and he saidnl it was very common, and suggested I see his Physio in a weeks time. Try to look up women's health physios. I think there is one called Physio art in beach centre.
Latest post on 27 September 2014 - 21:35
Ok, this is an interesting question, im looking to hire a nanny soon as im expecting my first. I will be going back to work after 3 months maternity, so this does not leave my nanny /maid for an option of a start/finishing time. So, how does that work? She will be at home with my baby and will be expected to clean a 2brm apartment. Also, i will need help with noght time wakeups as i have to work everyday. How should i deal with this?
Latest post on 27 September 2014 - 21:12
Hi Ladies... Inching closer and closer and Im now almost all packed for my flight back home to Aus. Just 5 more work days to get thru. Gilly3, i havent taken any iron, as i have it my multi so ill survive on that, but can i ask where you get the prune juice? That would be useful as i think ill start needing a kick start soon. Also, do tell me more about the breastfeeding schedule? Im planning to just do my best to get into a gina ford like schedule, as i dont know anying else being my first. Kamoosha, i hope you arrived safely in Geneva and hope you are enjoying your family time. Im also glad to know that im not the only one with dead arms and knots up and down my arms. Any pregnancy travel tips? Im travelling this weekend, 35 weeks pregnant. Im praying to upgrade that is for sure! Unique me, i didnt end up doing a tour, but i went directly to the delivery ward and the midwives were more than happy to show me around. In fact, it was great to meet them and i felt very comfortable. Very unlike the overcrowded under staffed tour at city hospital. It was like a zoo. What is everyone else planning for their delivery? Would love to hear. Xx
Latest post on 27 September 2014 - 20:35
I saw some in summer in carrefour moe, so maybe its a case of timing. Looked like they had been there in the shelves for years.
Latest post on 24 September 2014 - 20:07
Thanks Daza and Beebers for your input! It just made me think more, and subsequently get more confused. I thought that i had to provide one month leave within the 12 month contract, or is it something you can pay/give after the contract ceases? As neither my husband or I are here in Nov, I would prefer she goes on holiday then (whether she stay here or not) so Ive done my duty. At least if she does come back she will be fresh for the extra work required ;) But, if she goes on leave in Nov, wouldnt that leave me liable again for another one way ticket for her to go home at the end of the contract? And, if its a holiday mid contract, do i need to give her a ticket home for her holiday, cos I dont get a ticket home from my employer when i go on holiday so maybe im getting this mixed up. Confused!!
Latest post on 10 September 2014 - 21:55
Hi Ladies, Long time no hear, I guess most should be back from holidays by now? I had luck and mt GD test came through normal, but my iron is starting to run low and Im now feeling quite tired. A couple of times Ive gone to bed super early but then woke up at 3am unable to get back to sleep until 6am, which is not convenient when I have to work all day. I also get hungry but cant eat fruit cos it ferments so emd up having honey on toast... All the things that you shouldnt do... Mid night eating and carbs, thrn going back to sleep, so wrong! Im 32 weeks Im starting to get very uncomfortable. I cant eat much, I cant eat late, and belly is getting heavy. Sleeping is starting to get more frustrating as Im getting a dead arm and its like i have knots in my arms as a result, not my shoulder, but my upper arms, And the knots are super painful to knead out. Im sleeping with a materity pillow, ans flipping sides regularly, but still no relief. On the bright side, my little bean is looking great and growing just perfectly. Just another 3 weeks here and Ill be head home to wait for LO arrival. Also, Im really enjoying Real Pilates prenatal sessions, better than any other prenatal class Ive been to. Its active and strengthening. Pleas update how you are all progressing, would love to hear more about whats moving in your belly!
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 21:48
Hi, Hanfanuk - agree that its imperative to keep an open mind. I know hypnobirthing courses dont tell you all the other stuff as they want to avoid filling ypthe mind with negativity, but if you get put into a sitation, you need to know how to deal with it. On the course at Zen - you missed NOTHING you cant gain from flipping through an active birthing book, and reading the first 50 odd pages of the hypnobirthing book. Im so annoyed I wasted not only my afternoon off, but my husbands. The workshop had the potential to be good, but both instructors were difficult to hear and understand, and did not have a clear path kaid out for what messages they were trying to convey. I knew it would be bad within the first 15 mins, it didnt disappoint.
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 21:37
Im no expert with babies, but a friend of mine said a nanny she once had used little bowls of water with drops of eucalyptus oil inside and put the bowls on the radiator (this was over winter in London). But, i guess any kind of electric oil burner / air diffuser could work. Not sure where the best place is to buy pure essential eycalyptus oil though.
Latest post on 16 August 2014 - 21:32
Hi Northern Lights, I was Silver until recently, but now im just a little blue card holder. But, my husband is gold and has also been trying for me, so i think it must be a policy to not upgrade until 24hrs or until check in on the Perth legs. I spent about 45 mins on the phn with Emirates the other day and it seems to me that both business and economy are fairly wide open over the 1 week period Im trying to fly out. Really annoying as I feel there really is no need to not allow your miles accruing FF the ability to upgrade when the flight is wide open. Anyways, as some would say... First world issues ;) Thanks ladies for your responses.
Latest post on 14 August 2014 - 18:46
I would try contacting the manufacturer. I have a weber, the ingnition broke and I contacted Weber here and they supplied the part to me, via Dubai garden Centre. My colleague had a similar issue and he did the same thing. Of course. Calling anyone on the telephone still has its issues but at the end you should be able to use your bbq again. Hope above helps!
Latest post on 14 August 2014 - 07:16
Also, its every seat blocked from mid September through until January. In previous years, they didnt even open the upgradeable seats until around 2 months before the flight. I know this as i upgraded every year on my flights home...and that would be around christmas. May have had to juggle flight days/times, but that was not usually too much of an issue.
Latest post on 12 August 2014 - 17:12
LB101 - thank you for asking the question. I'd like to say that although you asked it, it is informative to others to see the responses. I too have a LO on the way and am thinking to send the new nanny to a nanny course, as well as a pediatric first aid course. Mostly because most "nannies" are not formally trained. Childcare experience is not the same as newborn experience.
Latest post on 10 August 2014 - 21:35
Hi Divinebeet, The class is this friday afternoon, at zen yoga media city. They emailed a flyer to me, so maybe call one of the locations and ask for more details. Maybe ill see you there! Jjb
Latest post on 05 August 2014 - 22:00
Hu Gilly3, Im glad to hear that my belly bundle isnt oversized afterall. Ill definately have to give some thought to some insoles, although to be honest, im probably better off with a donut to sit on as I think its the sitting at a desk all day that aggrevates me more. Fingers crossed you dont have any issues wih GD this time around! Best, Jjb
Latest post on 04 August 2014 - 20:01
I have a maid that may be perfect for you, but available in Jan next year im afraid. I went for a mature maid, cleaning and cooking experience. Let me know if you have any cares.
Latest post on 04 August 2014 - 19:51
Hi, Im 36 and hired a 50 yr old maid for our housekeeping and food prep at home. Most definately the benefit of her being older is that I dont need to deal with any maturity issues. Her energy is quite good for her age, but Im not at home to monitor her, and we have an apartment, not a large villa. The only age related issues that I would highlight is that her hearing is not so good at times which I did not notice in the interview. But, bearing her age in mind, Ive provided her with insurance to cover any ailments that she may have. However, Im pregnant with my first and will have to find a replacement once LO comes along as she is not a nanny, and has no children of her own.
Latest post on 04 August 2014 - 07:05
Hi Divinebeet, Zen Yoga is holding a prenatal yoga class combined with intro to hypnobirthing next Friday 15 August. Its very affordable and for you and hubby to attend, so that might help you make your decision. All the best!
Latest post on 04 August 2014 - 07:02
Hi Gilly3, I'm pregnant with my first, and I feel the same issues with my pelvis. I'm used to being quite fit normally but due to extensive working hours in my first 6 months I didnt get any exercise in. After any pre-natal yoga or walking/standing for extended periods, my pelvis does not like me, its as though its tilted in the wrong direction. I guess its normal though as everything slowly expands. I'm 26 weeks now, and I've put on about 8 kilos which I feel is maybe a bit too much. My fasting gestational diabetes test is next week, does anyone have some tips for passing? I'm trying to avoid sugar, am trying to eat rounded meals of carbs/protein at each meal, and I'm trying to exercise each day. Is there anything else I should be doing? I know its all hormone related so its quite uncontrollable, but I dont want to be in a situation of regret because I ate cake the day before ;-)
Latest post on 17 July 2014 - 19:11
Southern star, Im soo sooo deeply sorry to hear your heartbreaking news. Wishing both you and your husband for a soeedy recovery, and I hope that you can find some resolve/reason why this has happened so you can rest your mind. Loads of love xxx
Latest post on 08 July 2014 - 18:35
Hi Divine Beet, Ive been looking into hypnobirthing for some time now, and another contact is Deborah Williams. She is more expensive, but does her sessions privately. What I liked most is that she is a midwife by profession, and will come to you. In my emails with her, she also said there was no need to do the antenatal classes as it is already included, so you can save on that additional cost. Unfortunately though, she too is away until end of August. As my husband is away first week of September, Im not sure if I want to cram it in over 3 weeks, or if I should do the sessions with my Doula in Australia, as she is also a hypnobirthing therapist. Best of luck to you in finding your classes! My doula in Australia as a extensive track record in natural births, so it clearly must work for alot of people. Hope the above helps!
Latest post on 12 June 2014 - 06:57
The larger supercare pharmacies stock Tempur pillows, you might find it there. Otherwise you could also try Debanhams who stock all Tempur items.
Latest post on 06 June 2014 - 11:06
Tom & Serg hands down have the best coffee. For best in DIFC - The Magazine Shop in Gate Village.
Latest post on 06 June 2014 - 11:03
Hi there ladies, I'm wanting to buy a watch for my husband's birthday later this month, and have been told that there are some great deals on Chrono24.com. I've found a few watches in the model I want, but I'm curious if Dubai shipping & customs will charge me import or custom duty on a pre-owned watch? The watch will be UNWORN, but pre-owned - thus USED but in completely mint condition with box and papers. Clearly after forking out so much for the watch I dont want to be stung at the end on unexpected duties payable. Any advice will be appreciated!