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Made in Sheffield

Latest post on 02 August 2017 - 13:04
I've been wondering about this too. Had a quick Google and found a What's On article from April saying it was due to open last month. Looked on the M&S ME store locator, nothing. Also searched on the Dubai Marina Mall site, it's not on there either. I really hope it's still going to happen. Their food bit in Ibn Battuta isn't bad but they don't sell meat. That's another thing I've been thinking. Will the larger shop sell meat as I'm assuming it won't be halal. Maybe they'll have a separate section.
Latest post on 19 March 2017 - 10:52
Not exactly the same thing, but me and the other half went to a Chinese restaurant a few years ago. Gave them the Entertainer voucher, got the bill and discovered that they'd classed egg fried rice as a main meal! They were adamant that rice is classed as a meal in China. That may be correct but surely they know most people won't realise this, especially when it's not with the main dishes in their menu. We eventually managed to get the bill changed but it took a lot of effort. The manager even refused to come out of hiding and speak to us (this was in a 5 star hotel on SZR by the way). We complained to Entertainer but nobody got back to us. Anyway, rant over!
Latest post on 09 November 2016 - 10:22
I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up yet! no, I'm not American but am following the election closely... While most polls point to a Clinton win so far, I was wondering what any Dubai-based Americans are thinking right now? We won't find out until tomorrow morning, too here in the UAE My husband is American and he really hopes that Trump wins, he says anything can happen since the candidates are within 5% of votes difference from each other. Hope the lesser of two evils will get elected and in my opinion it's Trump. Can I ask why Trump? I'm British and i find this veryyy familiar with the Brexit campaign... Noone thought it would happen, but alas... It did Companies are blaming Brexit as an excuse to rip people off. Walkers Crisps (British company that uses British ingredients.....) Marmite (oooh, I love Marmite) and now Toblerone have done something dodgy to their chocolate. We're all doomed, I tell you. Doomed! Anyway, sorry. I digress. I don't know much about politics but if I was American I'd hate to have to choose between those two. Hahahaaha, agreed! God if America goes belly up does that mean we lose oreos? Not fussed about Oreos to be honest. They taste like cheap bourbon biscuits :lol: However, I would be upset if it had an effect on peanut butter cup supplies.
Latest post on 08 November 2016 - 15:51
I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up yet! no, I'm not American but am following the election closely... While most polls point to a Clinton win so far, I was wondering what any Dubai-based Americans are thinking right now? We won't find out until tomorrow morning, too here in the UAE My husband is American and he really hopes that Trump wins, he says anything can happen since the candidates are within 5% of votes difference from each other. Hope the lesser of two evils will get elected and in my opinion it's Trump. Can I ask why Trump? I'm British and i find this veryyy familiar with the Brexit campaign... Noone thought it would happen, but alas... It did Companies are blaming Brexit as an excuse to rip people off. Walkers Crisps (British company that uses British ingredients.....) Marmite (oooh, I love Marmite) and now Toblerone have done something dodgy to their chocolate. We're all doomed, I tell you. Doomed! Anyway, sorry. I digress. I don't know much about politics but if I was American I'd hate to have to choose between those two.
Latest post on 03 November 2016 - 15:17
I asked on a FB page if there is anywhere to make a donation for the paper poppies this year as I used to get mine from Springs Town Centre years ago. Someone said they're no longer permitted to do this because of the new charity laws :(
Latest post on 19 October 2016 - 10:07
We call it the bum gun! We use it to clean the bath but never for its intended purpose. The cubicles in the loos where I work are awful. Wish people would dry up after themselves. Mind you, when they chuck used paper towels on the floor right next to the bin, it doesn't surprise me. The lazy, dirty mares :angry:
Latest post on 20 September 2016 - 13:49
Hi ladies -- we'd love your help with something! We're creating a list of the best curry houses in Dubai, and would love to hear which ones are your favourites. We appreciate any help you can give :) Brick Lane Brit Balti Another vote for Brit Balti. They do prawn puree, fried poppadoms (not microwaved like a lot of takeaways over here) and their onion bhajis are the size of cricket balls, just like home! For more 'authentic' food, Spice in the Ramada Chelsea is good. We're going to the Spice & Ice brunch in JLT this Friday so will report back :)
Latest post on 07 September 2016 - 15:06
I'm sure a friend told me that Media One do it every night and she has raved about it in the past, not been myself, but maybe worth giving them a call. When you go, don't forget to take a bottle of Hendo's! :biggrin: Just been on their website and it says Wednesday and Thursday :( I've been there three times (when I've been lucky enough to get a Thursday off). The first time was brilliant but then went slightly downhill afterwards. Stale crackers, cheap quiche instead of souffle etc. The next time I can make it I'll give it another go to see if it's improved. We've decided to go to the Grape Escape on Monday. Not an all inclusive cheese and wine fest but they have other deals on. I'll try and smuggle my Hendo's in. Which reminds me, my mum and dad are coming over in a few weeks so they'll hopefully bring some supplies :biggrin:
Latest post on 06 September 2016 - 15:40
I think it's going to be dry for two days. Just searched for some bars on Google and looked at the opening hours on the right hand side. For Saturday and Sunday it either says "Hours might differ" or "Closed".
Latest post on 06 September 2016 - 14:07
Have you checked Chee[r'>se Night, at Vida Downtown Dubai? Sorry, it is only on Wednesdays between 6 and 9pm.:( Thanks anyway :) Maybe I should've booked next Wednesday and Thursday off haha!
Latest post on 06 September 2016 - 10:34
Thank you :) Sorry, I forgot to add that we want to go during the Eid holiday. Most places only hold these nights from Tuesday til Thursday (I don't finish work early enough to go on a Thursday and I don't trust myself drinking on a school night lol). I've emailed Vintage and they've said they do fondue and wine (no beer though) on Sunday and Monday for a bargain 145 dibs. There's also a cheese and charcuterie restaurant in the JBR Hilton. They don't have a dedicated cheese and wine night but the menu and reviews sound good so that's another one to consider. Decisions decisions..... Ps my other half will just have to make do with vino :biggrin:
Latest post on 31 August 2016 - 16:51
Yes! I'm a 36GG but the closest I can find are 36G from M&S. I've heard that there's a good plus size shop somewhere in Jumeirah but it's very expensive and as I live quite a distance away I'd prefer to order online (as long as items can be returned without any hassle). I never realised how spoilt for choice (and price) I was before moving here. My friend's just come back from the UK, she bought 2 large sized bras from George at Asda for £8.00 each! :cry:
Latest post on 29 August 2016 - 21:50
It will be announced on the 1st September when they site the moon You know what the next question's going to be, don't you....? ;) And I WILL NOT be the first one to ask it :biggrin: Haha no clue and don't care as I am in the UK Lucky bu**er! How's the weather BTW? My mum and dad says it's been chucking it down but according to them, "it needed a storm to freshen it up". :biggrin:
Latest post on 29 August 2016 - 15:53
It will be announced on the 1st September when they site the moon You know what the next question's going to be, don't you....? ;) And I WILL NOT be the first one to ask it :biggrin:
Latest post on 09 August 2016 - 10:04
I'd just go with a normal taxi. The lady drivers are bonkers. Hi hi, the only times I got the pink ones usually from the airport the driving has been a bit erratic and last time the lady driver had her handbag at the passenger seat floor, so had to sit careful not to kick it, I was too tired to say anything. For the past three years me and my hubby have copped for a pink taxi from the airport. The one last year drove us home (all the way to Jebel Ali) in the outer lane at 80km/hour. Then there's the awkwardness of watching them lug the heavy cases out of the boot. We always tell them we can do it ourselves but they insist.
Latest post on 14 July 2016 - 17:18
Me and my hubby have been on holiday to Gozo three times (will be 4 next year) with both our parents and in laws. We do it because we can't afford two flights in the same year to have a holiday [i'>and[/i'> go back home to the UK to see them, so at least we're all able to meet up together once a year. Luckily, we all get on :biggrin:
Latest post on 08 June 2016 - 11:40
I can imagine all the estate agents will be rubbing their grubby little paws together.
Latest post on 02 June 2016 - 13:32
Can't find the latest thread so thought I'd start a new one. My other half has texted me the following conversation he's just had at a McDonalds drive through..... Him: 3 beefburgers and a water please. Her: With cheese? Him: Erm no, that's why I asked for beefburgers. Her: What drink? Him: Thought I'd already told you, water. Her: Water? Him: Yes. Her: 7 dirhams. Him: For 3 burgers and a water? Are you sure? Her: Oh, I thought you said one. :cry:
Latest post on 26 May 2016 - 12:01
Tell me about it! I've been sooo frustrated this week with suppliers that don't respond to emails. I recently emailed our printing supplier for a quote for some business cards. After no response (and 2 further emails asking for updates) I managed to contact them by phone to be told that they can only print a certain amount. Why did they they wait until I called them instead of just replying to my email?! Arghhh! Honestly, I don't know how businesses keep afloat here.
Latest post on 11 May 2016 - 11:31
I don't need advice. I need someone to slap my hand away from the cake. Do you offer that service? Or wire my jaw closed :lol: Or make lettuce taste like chocolate.
Latest post on 04 May 2016 - 14:43
Never went to the Souk Al Bahar Rivi but loved the one at Madinat, they did a mean mojito. I was gutted when that closed.
Latest post on 02 May 2016 - 12:33
We used it twice on Friday night at the Nippon Bottle Company in Dusit Thani. Even though we were expecting blank faces and lots of excuses as to why we couldn't use it we had no problems whatsoever.
Latest post on 04 April 2016 - 10:25
Yeah, I'm on my husband's sponsorship. Thank you very much for the info :)
Latest post on 04 April 2016 - 10:20
You can feel "at" home in lots of places - we just had a holiday where we all felt very "at home" but when we left we said we were going home..I haven't lived where I spent my childhood since then but I still call it my home town and my house in the UK is home because it's still full of my things...My mum always used to say that family make a house a home so my home is where my family is - except that between the 4 of us we are in 3 countries !! so it's a difficult question to answer...a better question would be, what is the one thing you would only do in your own home !! lol (watch telly in my jarmies with a large glass of wine eating pizza out of the box lol) Definitely the last bit! Fridays at home (pre 2011 on a cold, frosty Autumn evening): Finish work at 3.15pm. Other half's on his weekly lad's night out so... go to Tesco for a bottle of their £2.50 wine, get home and put heating on, nice hot shower, change into my pyjamas, order a Chinese takeaway, watch Look North, Emmerdale, Corrie, Eastenders, QI then QVC. Go to bed a bit squiffy and content. It's the simple pleasures like these I miss.
Latest post on 30 March 2016 - 13:14
Easter has finished or am I missing something :biggrin: Haha! You read my mind! I was going to suggest that the eggs might be cheaper now but the shops will probably put them away only to try and sell them next year. Park & Rob still have Christmas chocolates on the shelves, I dread to think what the best before dates are on em :biggrin:
Latest post on 30 March 2016 - 13:05 Yeah, just read it myself. You'd have thought with the prices they charge for food and drink in the terminals, the facilities etc could be paid for 100 times over.
Latest post on 17 March 2016 - 12:09
Thank you for the replies, will try those two out. :)
Latest post on 17 March 2016 - 09:53
I've been given the job of organising a salary transfer bank account for one of my work colleagues as the company are getting fed up of paying him cash every month. I've just visited Emirates Islamic but they need him to have a minimum balance of 3,000dhs otherwise they charge 25dhs a month. The trouble is, his salary's only 2,500dhs. He only needs a debit card. No credit card, loan or cheque book. I'm dreading calling the million and one banks here and speaking to sales people who don't have a clue what they're talking about so..... does anybody know of any that will offer him an account with no charges or penalties? Please :cry:
Latest post on 15 March 2016 - 12:25
Has anyone seen Marvel in shops here? The local brands of powdered milk never dissolve properly and Coffee Mate has a strange 'fishy' smell to it :(
Latest post on 10 March 2016 - 16:53
Once I get home, on the sofa, under a blanket, watching telly with a large G&T it can rain as much as it likes. Me, selfish? Never ;)
Latest post on 03 March 2016 - 10:07
Women have been wanting equal rights for years then this happens. What a load of rubbish.
Latest post on 01 March 2016 - 17:29
Sorry I can't help but would be interested in getting your fish and chip shop recommendations please? And curry house recommendations too actually! We have not been impressed with any that we have used....I just crave a fish supper like back home and a curry that actually fills me up instead of the piddly portions we have come across here!!!! We occasionally use London Fish & Chips but they're a bit hit and miss, the chips sometimes taste like deep fried oven chips. The same with Rock & Sole Plaice, sometimes great, sometimes not. Our favourite is Bob's in the Marina, they even do scraps (charged as a starter for 5dhs though lol). We usually stumble there after a night in Nell Gwynne's :biggrin: For curries we used to use Brick Lane in Barsha but they don't deliver to where we live now. There's one in Media City called 7 Spice London that's not too bad either, a bit pricey mind. You could also try British Tandoor, I think it's near the Toyota building on SZR.
Latest post on 01 March 2016 - 10:27
yes it is correct as soon as you have a residency from another GCC country that becomes just as important as the passport. if he was an Australian National without a GCC residency it almost becomes easier as they don't review your designation etc. and only consider your nationality as the qualifying factor for granting the visa. Thank you for the info. :)
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 16:35
It's of course not a concrete decision yet, just advisable.. But still? I can't imagine it being as high as say, the UK income tax. [url='>link[/url'> If they want to listen to her advice and cut their spending, then it's very easy to do- just don't invest money into all these ridiculous projects. And if they ever introduce tax, then they should get rid of weird charges we all pay, like 5% of your rent to dewa, fee for the alcohol license, 10% tourism tax (really, why do I pay it as a resident when I go away for the weekend?), 10% service tax, etc. And I can't imagine how expensive goods will get if you add VAT to the price. It is currently cheaper to buy things anywhere else than here. That's with the tax and delivery costs. And the mysterious "Knowledge Fee" :thinking:
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 12:59
I've never kissed any of my family on the lips. It's usually a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. It's been the same since I was little saying goodnight and now it's when they land at the airport :)
Latest post on 23 February 2016 - 12:01
Not sure about buying but we rented for a year (we left last February). The landscaping is gorgeous but the build quality of the apartments is atrocious. Visible gaps between the windows and frames, constant problems with the AC, grout on the bathroom tiles coming away etc etc. People have even reported balcony supports coming away from the walls. The maintenance company (who shall remain nameless) take forever to respond to complaints then charge a fortune to correct them. If you have a look at the Remraam FB group, there is a lot of talk about the above as well as it becoming the next International City (lots of men sharing an apartment, dodgy behaviour by the pools etc). A road connecting Remraam to Motor City is still being built but until it's finished it feels miles away from civilisation, especially with having to take the U turn on the Bypass road. Even though it's cheap(ish) to rent, I wouldn't move back.
Latest post on 18 February 2016 - 14:39
I love this thread, I too have had to change from Potaita to Potaytow ! Vacation, garbage, lunch and dinner feature in my vocabulary now instead of holiday, rubbish/bin, dinner and tea. I have just been back to the North West of England and suddenly felt very posh! We must be from a similar part the Uk ( I am from the NW too) I still say Dinner and Tea time though, some of my UK Southern colleagues correct me to which I reply we had Dinner ladies at school not lunch ladies :biggrin: I say dinner and tea too, apart from when I'm having food at work then it's called snap :biggrin: So far I'm just managing to resist the American words. A mate of mine over here's from Barnsley and he's succumbed even though he's retained his strong accent. To hear him say elevator and garbage is pure gold.
Latest post on 18 February 2016 - 12:39
I can so relate to this! I also have developed this tendency to neutralise my British accent considerably when talking to people that speak limited English, and quite frankly I end up sounding like an idiot - it's not even something I can control it just happens! Thankfully on the flip side I can also slip back to my usual accent in places like work. I find I have a switch in my brain that just flips on and off. Although I definitely have started using phrases that I wouldn't have said before such as garbage, vacation, chips (or crisps), etc. Also the other "Dubai" phrases. Having said all of this I think the deterioration in English in general is also as a result of social media and not just the fact that people speak with different accents here. For example, on Whatsapp a lot of us tend to just cut corners in the way that we write as it's too much effort to bother with being very proper in a casual conversation. My accent's still there (one of my Indian colleagues says I sound like Geoff Boycott!) I just have to concentrate to speak in a slightly different way. As an example, I usually use flat vowels but I'm not sure if people would understand me so where I would say usually potaita (or taita lol) I feel I need to say potaytow. Not sure if I'm describing it very well..... :biggrin: Also, I don't use the word "The" in sentences either. I say "I'm going t' shop" instead, for example. If I pronounce it properly though, it doesn't feel right. I used to think it was a glottal stop but that's not exactly the same thing. Apart from "lol" I don't use text speak. Even when I send messages I use commas and apostrophes, it takes me ages! I would love to study dialect, accents and language one day, those subjects have always fascinated me.
Latest post on 18 February 2016 - 11:46
I can totally relate! My hubby tells me off when I start talking to him like it too. All hail the dinglish language! Don't worry Made in Sheffield, can you please kindly only waste just 1 minute next time. Shukran, thank you, thank you... One minute next time, yes? Yes? Good. Ok yalla see you :lol: Hahaha! I draw the line at "Kindly". I would rather use 10 "Pleases" than that blummin word! Now, pls do the needful and revert on the same then touch base round the backside in the second half once we've preponed ;)
Latest post on 18 February 2016 - 11:18
So you're asking for recommendations then recommend a certain restaurant yourself, mmmmm. Sounds a bit fishy to me *gets coat*.
Latest post on 17 February 2016 - 16:46
My boss has just come back from Mirdif and said there are hail stones!
Latest post on 17 February 2016 - 10:55
I'd trust any of the girls at Ted Morgan Motor City. Mostly Irish or British staff. I have Niamh or Susan but all are good. I've made an appointment to go there just before my hols in June. I've had the same style for over 20 years so desperate for a change (when I say style I mean longish, straight, mousy brown hair with a centre parting and no fringe) :biggrin:. I've got really fine hair so I've pre warned them lol. Been in Dubai for nearly 5 years and have never had my hair cut here so I'm a tad apprehensive.
Latest post on 16 February 2016 - 09:51
Hi. I would recommend you do your own CV as I can tell a mile off when someone has had one done professionally.DO it yourself, It will be more natural when you talk through it at interviews. The last time I updated my CV (director level) I used a fantastic book which I bought from Amazon. I have had lots of compliments on my CV from recruiters and colleagues. The book is: Top Notch Executive Resumes by Katharine Hansen Good luck. Do you mean "Your esteemed organisation blah blah blah" type of waffle and attaching a stern looking passport style photo? :biggrin:
Latest post on 03 February 2016 - 12:12
Well I had this experience just yesterday at the Oud metha fuel station. A couple with 2 kids (an infant girl and son maybe 5) told me they had their money stolen etc and I could help them, they have come from muscat. I know of this scam very well and again a family in a tahoe having no means of getting cash seems extremely unbelievable. Anyway, I said "In what way do you expect me to help you?" and the father said "if you can just help with some food and milk for the kids" and pointed at the zoom. I was reluctant to handover cash so I agreed to buy milk and some food. The wife came to the store with me and picked up a shopping basket, idk if she expected me to buy her a week's grocery, and the boy started filling it with freshly cut fruits and chocolates. I went on the other side, picked a 1L bottle of fresh milk and a box of digestives and said "this is all I can get you". The mother kept asking if I could buy chocolates etc but I stood firm. Anyway, I bought it and handed it over to the boy. I clearly know this is a scam because Ive heard it all before and even before I walked out after paying the mother walked back to the refrigerators for purchasing more supplies by herself. It was quite obvious that they are quite seasoned in doing this, but I'm quite surprised that people with kids of impressionable age and parents that can afford to own/rent a tahoe resort to begging like that. I'm not only disgusted, I'm also confused as to if i did a good thing for letting the kids have some food inspite of knowing this is a common scam or if im so foolish that im that vulnerable to emotions. :confused: The bloomin' cheek! :angry: BTW the word I've got in my head isn't "bloomin", it's far less reserved.
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 14:13
What about matching husband and wife outfits Howard and Hilda stylee. Used to love those two. Sorry..... :biggrin:
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 11:04
It would appear that the flight will be via Larnaca twice a week so if you can be flexible with your dates you could avoid Tunis. The dates aren't flexible, unfortunately, as our accommodation has already been booked. I will remember this if we go again next year though, thank you :)
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 15:18
I can't speak for the UAE market but my personal opinion is no, no, no. Sarah Ferguson and her matching daughters all decked out in ginormous bows and ruffles come to mind. 80/90s fashion was bad enough without matching mum and children's clothing :biggrin:
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 15:12
I've looked at every other option but there's only Emirates that fly with no changes. All the others have at least 1 changeover and take at least 12 hours which wouldn't be much fun. My other half isn't a fan of flying anyway so the quickest we can get there the better. We'd better have a few cheeky ones on board to calm our nerves ;)
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 13:16
Just been looking at available Emirates flights to Malta for our holiday in June. We've made this trip twice before. It stopped at Libya in 2014 (obviously a no go now), last year it changed to Cyprus (fair enough). Found out it's changed again to stop in Tunisia. We only stop for 1 hour 40 minutes so I assume we'll be staying on the tarmac but am I being a bit OTT thinking this may not be a wise move given the current situation there? :confused:
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 12:27
It is quite strange, McB. I agree. You would definitely want to have your passport with you at all times in a foreign country. I'd keep a copy of it before sending it off. With my embassy, you apply for the new passport and they send it to the embassy. When you go to collect the new one, you have to bring the old one for the embassy staff to cancel. They just basically cut off the barcode with a pair of scissors. Granted there are about 20,000 of us in the UAE, vs 100,000 Brits, but surely it's a far safer option for everyone if the old passport just got cancelled locally. Imagine it was lost in transit and you still had your residence visa stamped in it. You would need to jump through all sorts of hoops to get the visa replaced. They changed the process due to major security issues, a lorry carrying blank British passports for delivery was robbed therefore they now do it this way. If you had to fly in an emergency the Embassy will issue you a travel document. A lot of people also do it whilst in the UK on holiday and it is sent via reputable couriers DHL so the chance of it getting lost is very slim ( You can track it and I got an email when it arrived at Liverpool passport office) Yep, my husband applied for his renewal last year and sent the documents and old passport via DHL. He got a text saying it had been received in Liverpool and the name of the person who signed for it. He got his new passport a week later and his cancelled one a few days after that. The new way is so much easier. If it's a straight forward renewal just enter your details on their online form, print, sign and send with the necessary photos etc. I hated filling in the old form by hand as I used to worry about writing outside of the little boxes by mistake :biggrin: