Mummabear |


Latest post on 15 February 2014 - 19:14
Hi Anouja, We have twins and have the City Mini double stroller, it is side by side and I have never had problems getting down the aisles. It folds up in one easy sweep and is light considering (11-12kgs). It's from birth to about 4 years, lies flat with great umbrella canopies to cocoon the babies, it's sturdy with fabulous steering. I highly recommend it. We bought ours in UK and got the FIL to bring it out, but believe it's available from Mumzworld. HTH Mb xxx
Latest post on 14 January 2014 - 18:39
Hi SH, Firstly I would like to say not to lose hope, there are many new techniques being created everyday in infertility. I would recommend going to see Dr Fakih when you are here. I had many, many issues and I got pregnant with twins on my first try at his clinic. I had two previous fails at another clinic and had nearly given up hope, he reinstalled my confidence in finally having a family of my own. Have a look at his website. HTH MB
Latest post on 20 December 2013 - 18:03
Hi, yes I can highly recommend them, I did ivf and ended up with 5 blasts, they transferred two and both stuck, now have 1 year old twin boys and 3 embryos frozen. We initially did 2 rounds in conceive in Sharjah which there was no comparison. It's worth paying the money with dr Fakih, there is no price on having a family. His success rates are so high, and they cannot lie about it, I personally know 5 other couples who are friends that were also successful with him! Best of luck and lots of baby dust to you x
Latest post on 29 November 2013 - 18:31
Hi BL1, It's tricky as it depends on how thick the walls are but we had a large two bed in Tecom with quite thick walls and now live in a villa in the springs and used/use the basic Tomy Classic, sat outside with it now and it is brilliant! No camera or superdupa features but it does the trick and has a super range, I can highly recommend it. IMO all you need is to hear your baby through a monitor so no need waste your money on these snazzy monitors. We got ours for about 250dhs in the mothercare sale. Hope this helps, MB x <em>edited by Mummabear on 29/11/2013</em>
Latest post on 28 November 2013 - 13:35
No problem Tasha, keep positive and keep looking at the pics of the embryos and imagine them all nestling in and implanting :) Janet, good luck to you too in January! Baby dust to both of you xx
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 12:19
Hi Tashabegood, try to stay positive, I got pregnant with Dr Fakih with twins, I had two failed cycles with Conceive so when I went to dr Fakih I was feeling pretty low to say the least, their professionalism reinforced the confidence in me. You are in fantastic hands with the Fakih clinic, just sit back, relax and focus on positive thoughts that it will work. I even watched "the Secret" the day of transfer and made sure to watch lots of feel good funny tv. I also did some retail therapy a few days after transfer (nothing too hectic) and swear that I felt them implant at the cash counter! Lol.. I will be in your shoes next year again as we have three frozen embies :) Mb xx
Latest post on 02 October 2013 - 21:27
City Hospital, Dr Elsa, she delivered my twins with serious complications! Would highly recommend her! She has a long waiting list so ring now to get in and see her :) Mb x
Latest post on 02 October 2013 - 21:16
I have the city mini double stroller for my twins who are nearly a year, I had it from their birth and it has been amazing! It's very light and you can just pull it up into your car boot by pulling two straps, a very sturdy piece of kit! Plus it will last for years...Highly recommend! I have seen a lot of them around recently, so maybe they might be available here? If not is anyone coming out from UK that could bring for you? Hands down the best buy we made :) Mb
Latest post on 31 August 2013 - 19:35
Hi Geneve, I had a septate uterus and my dr decided to remove it as it was quite large. I then went on to carry twins, they did come early but this was due to placenta previa not anything to do with the surgery that I had. My dr did say though that I would have to have a c section as I had surgery but this was going to happen anyway as it was twins. If your dr thinks its fine then I would trust her, or if you still have concerns then get a second opinion. Many women deliver full term naturally with a septate and many only find out they have it until after they have carried and delivered healthy babies. It is a lot more common than people think. Don't worry, it will not stop you from carrying and delivering a baby, they have so many things now a days to help with this. Mb x
Latest post on 28 August 2013 - 19:38
@che731, God bless you, life has a funny way of testing us sometimes and it will be extremely hard but time will heal and it will get better, your little angel will always be a part of you and by your side, no one can ever take that away! Hope you are coping ok with your gorgeous little boy x Sakn, hope you are ok? We used the nuk pacifiers for the first few months then they spat them out so don't use anymore, there isn't much for premies here but they grow so quickly they will fill out into the clothes before you know it. Mine were not responsive at all in the first weeks, they just slept all the time and fed so I wouldn't be too concerned at this stage, remember they should still be in the womb now so they won't have the same skills as a full term baba. Regarding the pediatrician, I just took them down to the a and e in city when I had any concerns and they were great, we then used various pediatricians in city in the pediatrics department when they had to have vaccinations etc, we also had a few follow ups with the nicu at city to weigh them just after we brought them home. We now use Dr Suzan in the meadows Mediclinic as we moved and have found her to be very thorough and excellent. Don't worry it does get easier! :) Mb xxx <em>edited by Mummabear on 28/08/2013</em>
Latest post on 22 August 2013 - 08:49
@che731, sorry to hear about your loss, it must have been very hard to go through that, you are a very strong woman! And a massive congratulations on your beautiful baby boy too! Sakn you are welcome, just post anytime.. Don't worry about the sleep, they are compensating on what they should be doing in the womb..enjoy the time while they do :) Mb
Latest post on 18 August 2013 - 21:18
Hi Sakn, congratulations on the birth of your babies!! Don't worry all will be absolutely fine. Mine were born at 31 + 4 and weighed 1.6 and 1.4 kilos and where in the nicu for 3 weeks. I went home after the 4 days as City cannot facilitate to keep the parent there anymore, but we were there everyday so I could express and give them their milk and cuddles. It really is daunting and scary to see them in the nicu but they are in such good hands and you will learn so much from the nurses on what to do and how to handle them, please make sure to ask them all your questions and concerns. Before you know it they will be home with you. They have to pass the main milestones like controlling temperature and sucking before they come home, but these things happen so quickly, we went in on Friday and where told that Sunday was discharge day!! Went you get them home you will be amazed how your maternal instincts kick in, and honestly with premies in the beginning they sleep so so much that you do have time to get used to them being around and all your set up :) They grow very quickly, get them into a routine, a plus point of bringing babies home from the nicu is that they are already in a feeding routine, ours where on 3 hourly feeds when they came home. I couldn't breast feed as they wouldn't latch, so expressed what i could and gave formula, the neosure similac is fantastic, they gained all the weight very quickly! Again don't worry you will be fine :) Do you have an email, I can email you if you like? Mb x <em>edited by Mummabear on 18/08/2013</em>
Latest post on 27 July 2013 - 19:11
Hi Spinnaker, We were lucky when we did our ivf it was still legal to freeze them, shortly afterwards it was made illegal, if I were you I would call Dr Fakih and ask them what the story is. It seems the law is always changing when it comes to this subject. Hope this helps :) Mb x
Latest post on 21 July 2013 - 19:39
Hi Kirsto, glad you are feeling better, the first few months are tough!! We didn't get any additional cover as we were lucky to have it all covered, with regards to Latifa, we went down to register and they said you couldn't just register like the old days but had to take the package and deliver in the hospital to get priority to the nicu, so we just left it as knew we wanted to deliver in City. Tbh the nicu in City now is just as good as Latifa if not better, they recently did it up and expanded it and I think take babies at 23 weeks or there abouts. Hope this helps! Mb xxx <em>edited by Mummabear on 21/07/2013</em>
Latest post on 19 July 2013 - 20:08
I had my twins in City Hospital with Dr Elsa, she specializes in high risk births and is fantastic, my boys came at 31+4 and it was a very difficult birth so having her made all the difference. They were in the Nicu for 3 weeks and the staff and hospital were fantastic, highly recommend. Mb x
Latest post on 27 June 2013 - 18:48
Hi MQ, I can personally recommend Dr Fakih, the clinic is fantastic and he now has some of the highest success rates in the world. We did two awful failed cycles with Dr Pankaj at Conceive and then changed to Dr F where I got pregnant with twins and have three blasts frozen. It is quite personal so maybe check them all out and see, but this is my opinion from my experience. Best of luck! Mb x <em>edited by Mummabear on 27/06/2013</em>
Latest post on 09 June 2013 - 19:42
I second Dr Elsa at City Hospital, she is fantastic! Mb xx
Latest post on 09 June 2013 - 19:35
I had my twins at City Hospital, they came at 31+4 weeks and stayed in the nicu for 3 weeks. It worked out at 4500 a night each so you can imagine the costs were very high. I did have placenta previa so this is why I went early. I do know many ladies with twins that made it to the 36 weeks and brought them home straight away so don't assume you will have premies that need nicu care just because its twins. I can honestly say the level of care at CH was absolutely fantastic and couldn't say a bad word about them, my birth was a difficult one and could have gone very bad so am very grateful to them for everything they did. I had Dr Elsa who specializes in high risk births. Good luck with everything and congratulations with having twins on the way :) Mb xxx <em>edited by Mummabear on 09/06/2013</em>
Latest post on 17 April 2013 - 20:59
I think it depends on the type of dog, we have a cockapoo, spaniel poodle mix which is medium sized, and live in an apt, I used to work full time and he was fine with a long walk in morning (30 mins) and a small one in evening for his 1s and 2s. We also used to put him into doggy day care once or twice a week at dog walk which he loved. We also left radio on for him and loads of cuddles and play time with his ball on the balcony when we got home. Now I am at home after having my twins and honestly he just sleeps all day after his long morning walk. Would highly recommend the day care though, they have so much fun playing with the other dogs and are wiped for a day afterwards :) edited by Mummabear on 17/04/2013 <em>edited by Mummabear on 17/04/2013</em>
Latest post on 17 April 2013 - 20:50
I second the veterinary hospital in al qouz, we did use al Safa vets but they misdiagnosed out dog and the vet hospital picked up on his hot spot straight away!
Latest post on 27 March 2013 - 20:22
I had horrendous nausea that lasted about 5 months, was awful in the evenings. I found cold juicy things helped like apples from the fridge and frozen grapes and ice lollys, in the evening I would try to eat marmite on toast and this helped. Xxx
Latest post on 27 March 2013 - 13:12
I also would highly recommend Dr Fakih, they are so ahead in their technology plus have some of the highest success rates in the world now. My twin boys are lying on their play mat as I write this. We got lucky first time with them. I personally would not recommend Conceive in Sharjah, we did two rounds with them before we went to Dr F and they were disastrous. This is just my opinion :) Hth MB x
Latest post on 14 March 2013 - 21:58
I have the city mini double stroller for my twins, it's amazing, so light and the easiest to pull up and close to put in my car, highly recommend. I got it from uk for 350 pounds and brought it out. Mb
Latest post on 14 March 2013 - 21:51
I have also read the walkers that they sit in are not good, I did buy a wooden small stand up giraffe walker for my twins that they can push around from mumzworld for 200dhs, the reviews are fantastic so hoping that they will like it, I live in an apt so don't have to worry about stairs though.. Mb
Latest post on 14 March 2013 - 20:26
Hi sakn, I was on the osteocare without iron, but took an additional iron tablet plus pregnacare so sure it is fine, just double check with your dr if you are worried. Regarding weight I put on 13 kilos, when I delivered I lost 8 straight away with the babies/placenta and fluid etc and then had 5 kilos to lose which came off pretty quick with expressing milk and running around after them, still want to lose a bit more tho - like we all do :) how are you? Are you showing now, hope you are feeling ok :) Quicksilver - glad you are excited, I wish you the best of luck and sending you lots of positive thoughts! Btw eat lots of quinoa - the superfood- think this helped me loads! Goodluck babylover and to all the ladies starting the IVF journey soon - remember if your feeling rough through the Ivf, it will all be worth it in the end and you have your baby - Ivf is a very wonderful thing! Mb xxx <em>edited by Mummabear on 14/03/2013</em>
Latest post on 19 February 2013 - 18:42
I used cyclogest to about 13 weeks and then started again later on till the very end as dr said it was the same as the stitch, and progyluton had no tests think all clinics give it, can't remember how long I took it for but wasn't the whole pregnancy, maybe 13 weeks.. X <em>edited by Mummabear on 19/02/2013</em>
Latest post on 19 February 2013 - 14:00
Hi sakn, I was on 3 progyluton (white tabs) and 3 cyclogest daily. X
Latest post on 13 February 2013 - 20:20
Forgot to mention the pregnacare plus is the multivitamin plus an omega 3 fish oil vitamin, they sell it in the pharmacy in spinneys umm sequim, and for the osteocare is says on the box to take two a day but dr Fakih told me only one to prevent build up of too much calcium. I did occasionally have salmon but not that much, didn't eat tuna or hamour as it has high mercury, however had heard the odd tin of tuna is ok :) Mb xo
Latest post on 13 February 2013 - 19:38
Hi sakn, I ate loads of apples, had three a day as craved them, loads of chicken, loved the chicken satay salad at spinneys by appetite, eggs are good if hard boiled, I would have them mashed on brown toast for breakfast, beef, palm hearts as snacks (loved these), hand full of almonds as snacks, cut out diet drinks and caffeine, chicken ceaser salads but with a tiny bit of the dressing and loads of veggies, I would make up a big pot of the frozen veg and eat small bowls as snacks too. Also humous with carrot sticks as snacks. Oh also for breakfast a healthy cereal like raison wheats - I would chop up an apple to go ontop. I think this was the main stuff :) Make sure you are taking a multi vitamin, I took pregnacare plus which was fabulous! I also took iron tablets and calcium (osteocare), which the dr instructed me to take because of twins. Mb xxx edited by Mummabear on 13/02/2013 <em>edited by Mummabear on 13/02/2013</em>
Latest post on 13 February 2013 - 00:20
Sakn .. Oh yes they do!! But it's all worth it as you will get to know very soon :) Keep me posted on everything xoxo <em>edited by Mummabear on 13/02/2013</em>
Latest post on 12 February 2013 - 22:05
No problem sakn :) I know what it's like to worry and you have been through so much before. This is your time now to have your babies so don't worry! :) Get lots of sleep in now too before your little angels arrive :) Mb Xxx
Latest post on 06 February 2013 - 21:16
I scrub the bottles in hot water and fairy liquid with the brush to get rid of the milk residue ,then put them in a big tupawear of Milton for 15 mins. I have also never heard of the bottle cleaners..i am sure fairy liquid is just as good! Mb xx <em>edited by Mummabear on 06/02/2013</em>
Latest post on 31 January 2013 - 10:44
Dr George, very thorough and has the best equiptment x
Latest post on 30 January 2013 - 21:20
Hi hopingblue, I took the following before and during stims: Coq10 - 400 Selenium Pregnacare - this one is amazing! Larginine - 3 times a day Royal jelly - cant remember dose but high one Folic acid I also ate loads of eggs, super foods like quinoa and lentils, and loads of protein like chicken, fish etc and I tried to eat organic meats, eggs and fruit. It was like a body builders diet but I believe it really helped with my egg quality, my hubby took a male fertility vitamin and coq10 too, I ended up with 3 (5 day) blasts, in which 2 transferred and stuck and have one frozen. I took two weeks off work during the retrieval and transfers and watched only funny tv (modern family), plus watched the video "the secret" the day of my transfer :) Acupuncture is another option, I actually did it for the two failed cycles but it never relaxed me and I always felt it hurt, but a lot of women it does relax them, I didn't do it for my successful cycle. If you do choose to do it I would highly recommend Dr Ou that comes to your house, she actually told me I didn't need it and recommended me to take the above mentioned vitamins. Best of luck to all the ladies going through ivf, remember to stay positive :) Hope this helps xxx <em>edited by Mummabear on 30/01/2013</em>
Latest post on 30 January 2013 - 10:46
Hi babylover, yes I remember you, how are you doing? I am good, hope you are well. Let me know if you need anymore info :) Xxx
Latest post on 29 January 2013 - 22:31
I use bottled water then boil it then let it cool and leave in fridge then make up batches as I need them (I have twins so lots of bottles to make up), this is how the NICU told me to do it so have done. I tried making it up with hottish water but it just goes clumpy and really sticky, was thinking as my boys are on special premmie formula that's why but have worried that I am using cold water to make it and people say it has to be 70 degrees?? I heard that the tap water is fine but its the pipes in the water that have pollutants that boiling wouldn't get rid of that's why it's best to use bottled water. So many mixed views!! I am confused too with all of this.. Xxx
Latest post on 29 January 2013 - 22:20
I would also like to say that Dr Fakih and his team are absolutely fantastic, I had two failed Ivf's with conceive in Sharjah and both experiences were awful, Dr fakih's clinic was so refreshing and highly professional, my third cycle went like clockwork, I now have two beautiful twin boys sleeping in the room next to me. I cannot talk highly enough about everyone that works there. I have also met so many people that have been successful with him, there is a reason his success rates are so high! I have to say even if I didn't live here I would travel back to use them again. Best of luck and hoping you have your little angel or angels soon. Xxxx
Latest post on 24 December 2012 - 17:56
Hi FG Al Shaiba trading have the pumps and all the accessories, +971 55 9546189 a lady called Jenti. I am selling mine plus a brand new twin breast feeding pillow if anyone is interested, email me at [email protected] Xxx <em>edited by Mummabear on 24/12/2012</em>
Latest post on 10 October 2012 - 12:11
Trish at Pastels on the Al Wasl Road, she is great :) MB xxx
Latest post on 09 October 2012 - 15:24
I have bought hardly anything, just basics - cots, twin buggy, changing table, twin bf pillow, arms reach co sleeper, breast pump, few clothes and some nursery bits and bobs. We have heard from so many people not to go in and buy everything all at once and to wait for a lot of the things until they re born as a lot of the things people never use and are a waste of money..we are also waiting to see what size they are when they are born before we buy too many clothes so have a few of each size to see then hubby will go down to MC and stock up later...thought bouncers and all toy things to try and get second hand, having twins is not cheap! We need to get so much more like car seats, isofix, bedding, steralizers, bottles etc.. We are having two fraternal boys, do you know what you are having? That sounds great regarding the insurance! Its good that you can get the cover after you have got pregnant too :) so if you can get it then definately go for it as it will cover you for the NICU too which is important.
Latest post on 08 October 2012 - 18:01
Hi Ladies, I have heard fab things about Latifya, if you dont have insurance then I would go with them, they have a great NICU so if (God Forbid) there are any problems, they will be able to cater for it, you have to register and deliver there to have the priority for the NICU as we went down just to register and they said that we had to do the whole package to be entitled to use it. I also had a friend that delivered there years ago with a singleton and she had no problems. :) I saw the Dr today, still have placenta previa so definitely a c-section for me, gave me the steroid shot for the baby too, just counting down the days to maternity leave now.. Hope everyone is doing well.. Heard heartburn means the babies will have lots of hair, if thats the case mine are gonna come out with dreadlocks :) xxx
Latest post on 07 October 2012 - 16:45
Hi Sada, Congratulations to you!! :) how are you feeling? are you far along.. Gillianna regarding the buggies, we also have bought the Cify Double Stroller 2012, the reviews are amazing, we got the side by side one, they are not that wide at all and has peep holes to look at the babies, and very light, the best thing is how they fold up, I could do it with one hand in the shop, we got ours in UK and asking FIL to bring it out for us. My friend has the single one and swears by it :) xxx
Latest post on 07 October 2012 - 10:37
Hiya, Yep Gina Ford, just lots of routine stuff, everything from what to buy to feeding to crying, she is quite military with her approach, so I dont think that we can stick to it like that but will take what we need from the book, we are also seeing Cecile the midwife for antenatal classes, two sessions before and three afterwards at the house. She is also very good, had the first session on general baby stuff last night and we learnt loads, she is a very warm, motherly lady that you can call at all hours for help, that is what we liked, our twins are our first thats why we need it, but you will be different as you have the experience already :) Yep we are looking to get a lot of stuff second hand too, I dont see anything wrong with that, the main things like buggy (from UK) and cots (mothercare) we have bought new, but other stuff we have got second hand and gyms, bouncers, isofix gonna try second hand too, as everything is so expensive, especially with twins :) I heard also Amazon is the best for toys as much cheaper than here, also babyshop a lot cheaper than M&P and Mothercare for stuff. Yep the scans are amazing arent they, we had our big one at 20 weeks with N9 Medical, was a 4D one, amazing, regarding doctors, we would recommend Dr Elsa at City, she specialises in high risk pregnancies, City have an excellent rep too, what insurance company are you going with, again would highly recommend Daman, they have been excellent. Good you are feeling ok, and not too sick..heartburn is horrible, I am sitting at my desk glugging back the Gaviscon as we speak, my husband says it smells like sambuca, thats the nearest im gonna get to that right! Are you working? I finish in a couple of weeks, cannot wait :) xxx edited by Mummabear on 07/10/2012 <em>edited by Mummabear on 07/10/2012</em>
Latest post on 05 October 2012 - 15:16
Hi TC, just saw the pregnacare plus in the spinneys umm sequim x
Latest post on 05 October 2012 - 13:29
Hi TC, I was only able to get the regular pregnacare here too, but didn't try boots, maybe try there as that's where I bought in uk. Other option is to get the DHA separate, there is a prenatal one in a glass bottle that I used before available from chemist here. Xxx
Latest post on 05 October 2012 - 13:24
Yep I would send a message again to them for sure as worth being on there. I know very exciting having twins, have you bought anything, we still have so much stuff to buy :) feeling good, just tired and heartburn, had the worst ms for 4.5 months, so glad that is are you feeling so far? Which doctor are you using? We just got the Gina ford for twins book, very helpfull, I would recommend it! MB xxx
Latest post on 04 October 2012 - 17:31
Hi Gillian, Congratulations on your pregnancy with twins!! :) I am also 26 + 3 pregnant with twins :) There is a fabulous group called TTOM on facebook that is a closed group, thre are lots of tips on there. Think you can do a search for the group then send a message to join. Do you know what you are having yet? All very exciting xxxx
Latest post on 04 October 2012 - 14:19
Hi Ladies, I need advise on a good prenatal supplement (minerals, vits etc). What is good on the market here in Dubai? Thanks. Hi Niccy, I am on Pregnacare plus DHA, this is the best one, I also took it before getting pregnant too. In addition I am on calcium and iron. MB x
Latest post on 04 October 2012 - 14:16
Oh HB, I am so sorry to hear your news. I know its hard but try to keep strong and stay positive, and most importantly dont give up! Take time to recover mentally and physically. Sending you lots of cyber hugs. xxxx
Latest post on 03 October 2012 - 19:22
Hiya, great fab! yep defo still interested, saw the add on dubizzle today and sent you a text, let me know when we can come over and get it :) x