NotMyRealName |


Latest post on 09 May 2012 - 19:50
Latest post on 24 April 2012 - 23:44
Could do with asking that English nanny who was on EW sometime back for her feedback. I'm happy to give you my "English nanny" feedback, but i fear you'll be disappointed that it's likely to sound unremarkably like an average "English Expat" opinion. ;)
Latest post on 30 March 2012 - 14:56
Thanks! I'm coming from near the ranches/silicone oasis area.... and i'm heading for a villa... do you mean near the cricket stadium in Sports city? it can't be too far from me then... <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 30/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 29 March 2012 - 10:33
yes, it has a grocery section with a nice little selection of organic and gourmet products. Some nice looking cheeses and drinks. no liquor licence yet, but they told me they are working on it.
Latest post on 27 March 2012 - 01:17
I stumbled upon a really nice one today at Global village in the Thai pavilion. They had a bunch of big hair accessories and bows and then suddenly I saw a cute little hat with beautiful long feathers. I nearly fell over when the girl said 15 add! wasn't even planning on going to the world cup, but now that i have such a cute hat, i have to go. =)
Latest post on 26 March 2012 - 01:42
after my comment earlier, i decided to swing by today for lunch and was surprised to be informed that they are making a few changes after their soft opening a few weeks ago and will be open again in a week or so. Not sure what they are changing, because like i said earlier, i thought it was already pretty good. Although, i will add that I haven't been able to decide if having iPads for menus is fun or pretentious... Think i'm leaning towards pretentious. <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 26/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 25 March 2012 - 09:20
It's fantastic. The gardens are as you would expect, the service was top notch and the lemon tart and green apple smoothy were heaven. 5/5 from me. ETA they opened March 1st. edited by NotMyRealName on 25/03/2012 <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 26/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 17 March 2012 - 11:13
Thanks Claire, but do you know if he was still able to see everything on his phone. I'm worried my problem isn't just with the glass anymore, it's the goo behind the glass which is now covering everything so i can't see my phone graphics ... <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 17/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 17 March 2012 - 10:53
Question for other clumsy ladies who've cracked their screens: When your screen cracked, were you still able to see the graphics and use it? My screen cracked a while ago and i was taking my time debating getting it fixed locally or sending it back to the UK because it still worked perfectly but suddenly, last night after another small drop the screen has gone dark. I know it still works because i was able to import my pictures off it and it vibrates occasionally when someone sends me a text, but i can't see or do anything with it. Am wondering if this can still be fixed by getting the glass replaced or if now i have a bigger problem.
Latest post on 17 March 2012 - 10:51
Out of curiosity.... when your screen cracked, were you still able to see the graphics and use it? my screen cracked a while ago and i was taking my time debating getting it fixed locally or sending it back to the UK because it still worked perfectly but suddenly the screen has now gone dark. I know it still works because i was able to import my pictures off of it and it vibrates occasionally when someone sends me a text, but i can't see or do anything with it. Am wondering if this can still be fixed by getting the glass replaced or if now i have a bigger problem.
Latest post on 15 March 2012 - 00:26
BUMP because this blog post deserves to be read and shared by everyone.
Latest post on 13 March 2012 - 08:31
Just found a good website for the area in which we are staying, so have looked up library story times ect :) [b'>Just wondering shouldn't the Nanny be able to come with some ideas too?[/b'> Its quite easy for my DD because she is older enough to sit and do things, less so for my Ds who's only 1.5years. Anyway thanks g8 suggesions. Yes, if she is actually nanny, she will come with some ideas and be happy to brainstorm with you some things she thinks the kids might like. You didn't say where in the Uk you are going to be... maybe if you gave us a location we could give more specific advice. (rural/urban?) ETA corrections to my grammar. <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 13/03/2012</em>
Latest post on 12 March 2012 - 23:00
Well i'm glad so many people are being encouraging, but just so you can hear some other points i'll weigh in with my experience and resulting advice. Like many people, i made the move because jobs were paying more in the UAE. I was able to negotiate a great package and as a result I have a great life here. I have been referred to by more than one person as the most spoilt woman in Dubai, and I wont deny that i often feel that way. The maids and beaches, tax free living and higher salaries are a dream but the fact remains that I would happily give it all up to be able to walk down the street and have a pint with my dad, catch a game with my mates or be able to hold my best friend's baby. I am making the most of it here, and the freshly ironed laundry and letters from my debt collectors thanking me for paying back all my student loans make the suffering tolerable, but if I could do it all over i probably would have chosen to stay back in the UK. If you are really ready to start a new life than there are plenty of great things about this city, just keep doing what you're doing and asking questions. In addition to looking into what you will be gaining, have a nice hard think about what you'll be sacrificing.
Latest post on 10 March 2012 - 01:32
The fact that Joseph Kony is listed as wanted on the Interpol site as well on the Forbes list of the 10 most wanted criminals is enough for me to support this campaign. As mentioned, I have posted on my FB wall and blog. I wont be contributing any money or buying any products, and don't at all feel pressured to do so. Did you? But in regard to targetting teens, I would much rather have my teen spend money on a product with even just a small percentage of the proceeds going to a charity, than I would a designer product, and we all know how hard hitting their marketing is. Re comments about compensation. If this is their chosen path and they are committing themselves full-time to making a difference, then of course they should take compensation in form of a salary as well as cover their expenses! One shouldn't have to do things for free to prove that they are genuine, surely. The message I got was from the video was to raise awareness of Joseph Kony and to ensure he is caught and bought to justice. An active LRA or not, justice is still what all his victims need to see. I also hope that this project generates enough interest that people will start to look at other areas where atrocities are taking place and government are not stepping in, like Rwanda. Well said. three good points and i agree. the goal of the video was to raise awareness and get people talking. Anything that makes people ask questions is good in my books.
Latest post on 01 March 2012 - 00:06
LOL. I was 22. I wanted to login sooner but was waiting for the right ... question. And Irooni... At least it was memorable. ;) and I bet the ground shook.
Latest post on 29 February 2012 - 11:47
Thought of you today while buying my ticket for the Diamonds and Ice ball. It's this thursday for Canada week. There are a few tickets left on the CBC website if you want to go. =)
Latest post on 28 February 2012 - 20:56
BaHHHHa haha ha ha I just found the comment you made on the maid forum about criteria for a choosing a new maid: Criteria: [u'>Desireable[/u'> 2 arms 2 legs Ugly Ability to cook [u'>Essential[/u'> At least 1 arm 1 leg and a wooden peg Bucked toothed with hairy upper lip Unable to pee in a bowl Sorry OP, I guess my sense of humour runs closer to NIP's than yours because i almost choked on my popcorn from laughing so hard. <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 28/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 28 February 2012 - 11:40
i think it's important, but i'm afraid i haven't heard or know about any.
Latest post on 27 February 2012 - 12:08
Minimonsters on sheikh zayed road has wifi. also has fabulous pizza. Yummy.
Latest post on 27 February 2012 - 12:08
Thanks ladies!! Would you recommend Extreme Fun for 6 & 7 yr olds? I know a 5 and 7 year old who love it!!!
Latest post on 27 February 2012 - 12:04
I never got any pocket money as a child/teen. We were expected to help out around the house of course and i don't ever remember feeling put out by it. Even when i offered to do extra work around the house, my mother always said "Why would i pay you to do something i'm perfectly capable of doing myself?" She packed our lunches and we ate them except on special occasions, like hot dog day at school when they gave us money. When i was a teenager i had to ask for money every time i wanted anything and i think it kept me in my place. I would explain what i wanted to do or buy and they would say yes or no. If it was money for a movie and popcorn on a weekend they would give me enough money and let me go. If i wanted to go on a private jet to disneyland, they would laugh at me. If i wanted to buy some clothes and they were appropriate my mom paid for them and i was happy. i eventually leant what my mom and dad would and wouldn't pay for and they were always very logical and reasonable, and that's how i developed a sense of right and wrong. Looking back i never felt like i had to beg for money, but i was never given any without accounting exactly where it was going to go. If i could make a case for it, i could have it. Not sure if it would work for all families but it worked for us. <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 27/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 27 February 2012 - 10:05
Glad to hear you're getting lots of advice and starting to get excited. As for coffee... set something up and i'll be there.
Latest post on 27 February 2012 - 00:39
that didnt clarify it as well as i'd hoped, sorry. We use to have just Provincial Sales Tax(PST), on "things"( approx 7%) , but then the gov't decided they were missing the boat so added a Goods and Service Tax(GST), (another 7%). this seemed wrong to many people who didn't like being taxed twice for their "goods" as well as also being charged for services (plumbers, waitresses, mechanics) so the gov't said okay we'll scrap them both and bring in a Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) in their place and juts charge 14% every time money changes any hands for any reason. Surprsingly enough, people are still not happy. They lowered it to 12% recently, and word is it will go down to 10% by 2015. edited by NotMyRealName on 27/02/2012 <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 27/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 27 February 2012 - 00:36
The GST/HST thing is up in the air and you can WIKI it for the full boring story. Basically there is a lot of tax added on to the price of things (groceries, Mcdonalds cheeseburgers, Car parts, Houses, electricians bill, anything that can be classified as a "good or service") so it's always a bit of a surprise when the tag says $10 and the cashier asks you for $14, but you get use to it. You are making me long for home, but in a good way. We need to go for coffee!
Latest post on 26 February 2012 - 23:59
well the first thing i think you'll need to wrap your head around is driving distances. I am a British Columbia girl myself and the biggest adjustment i had to make when moving to the UK was distances. In BC (and Canada in general) everything is spread out and so it's quite normal for people to commute 20 or 30 km (10-16 miles) to work/school or even more , However, because the country is so new the cities have been built with commuting in mind so that 20 km drive will likely only take 30 minutes and almost all of it will be on nice uninterupted highways. I think it's important to point this out right away because i don't want you to be frightened away by the cost of housing in the Greater Vancouver area. There are plenty of great places to live on the other side of the bridges/tunnel. (Langley, Aldergrove, North Van, West Van, South surrey, Maple ridge) The beauty of BC is that you can find whatever you are looking for; You can live in the mountains, in the Valley, on a farm or in a high rise and still only have a 45 minute commute to work. I assume you are moving to the Vancouver area because you mentioned high cost of living, but if you are considering moving to the island, (one of the nicest parts of the province) you will be pleasantly surprised by housing costs and only need to worry about the ferry costs (which are atrocious) when you want to visit the mainland. If you move up north you will have the beauty of untouched wilderness, and won't have to worry about expensive land/housing, but you won't have access to all of the big city amenities. I'm getting excited on your behalf, and am dreaming of the day my husband says we're ready to move back. =) ask plenty more, i'm happy to help, but i am biased because i think it's the best place on earth to live. =D <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 27/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 25 February 2012 - 22:08
If it's for a costume - or does not actually have to be of protective material - then a larger size white school shirt might do? (Have done this in the past - got one dirt cheap fr Choithram). it's just for play, but she has expressed an interest in having her own REAL lab coat a number of times and i think it's great. I want to foster her love of science so I'd like to get her the real thing. It doesn't have to be protective fabric i suppose because she won't be using any harmful chemicals, but the more authentic the better. Thanks for your tips everyone. Oh and i did check out the ones that they sell at Pharmacies, but the adult small is still way too big for her. <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 25/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 25 February 2012 - 01:16
I get mine on line. Try this site: Thank you so much this looks perfect! Have you had them deliver to Dubai before, or just shipped it home to a friend and then have them sent it out?
Latest post on 25 February 2012 - 01:14
never heard of it before... link?
Latest post on 24 February 2012 - 12:12
I have just moved into my villa in Barari last week and yes it is really quiet! Would love to catch up with residents as I am not only new to Barari, I am also new to Dubai! To aurora and Mariegrazia, Are you going to the soft opening of the farm?
Latest post on 24 February 2012 - 12:11
Think you're right about the licence following the hotel; However, Got an e-mail yesterday about the restaurant opening up on the 1st of March, so i'm very excited to check it out.
Latest post on 24 February 2012 - 12:08
Pinkleton, we are all waiting for our invite from you when the restaurant opens! The restaurant is opening on the 1st of March! Consider yourself invited, Glenfiddich!!!!
Latest post on 24 February 2012 - 11:44
What a difficult time you are going through. I'm sending loving and warm vibes out into the universe in hopes they find you and give you some strength. My Sincere Condolences...
Latest post on 23 February 2012 - 10:38
Just to add my 2 cents worth... I love CB and GB. =D Very confident they aren't going anywhere.
Latest post on 23 February 2012 - 10:35
hello, if you can print out the Confirmation Order Form do so, alternatively you can just go to the Theatre Box Office with your Confirmation Number, as well as the credit card you used to book your tickets online. (that's what it says on my email confirmation). HTH. Thanks Mystique, Figured thats what i'd have to do, but i'd just forwarded the confirmation part to my main account and couldn't find the original. Thanks for your help.
Latest post on 23 February 2012 - 09:10
What i think of when i hear "Nappy Cakes": (WARNING: it's called CAKEWRECKS for a reason) OF course there is always a chance it will turn out like the second one of this page: but is it worth risking ending up with something like this?: =) (Can you see why it's my favourite blog) PS. A nappy cake in most circles looks more like this:
Latest post on 21 February 2012 - 20:44
Very cute. Thanks for the Laugh Irooni.
Latest post on 20 February 2012 - 23:37
Since you've mentioned you're new to the idea of a maid you might not have noticed that on the main forum page where you found the Dubai thread there are a number of different topic based threads. The Maids thread has lots of information about base salaries for maids and legal advice. You can scroll through the threads page by page or use the search function to narrow it down. Just don't let it frighten you. For every bad maid experience there is a good one out there that hasn't been written about. Good Luck.
Latest post on 18 February 2012 - 16:55
isn't there a company that will deliver food for restaurants that don't deliver to your area? I've tried to search the take away threads, but can't find it.
Latest post on 18 February 2012 - 11:02
Came down to Abu Dhabi for the weekend and have never seen anything like the sandstorm we had! We visited Ferrari world but the big roller coaster was unavailable due to the storm. At one point visibility was less than 2 meters and our car nearly came to a halt on the motorway. Thank God the driver is a pro, because i was freaking out. A little stressed already about the trip back up to Dubai today... =(
Latest post on 14 February 2012 - 22:40
Got mine at Kinokineya (sp?) in the Dubai Mall.
Latest post on 13 February 2012 - 19:36
I've got to stick my neck out here and say that I don't think GF's comments were uncalled for either. They were not rude they were stating a fact (her age) and an opinion (jump in there and give it a go). IT may not be wrapped up in cotton candy, but i think that's what's makes talking in a forum better than talking to friends and coworkers when you need advice. A friend would never say that it's time to settle, but that doesn't mean that it might not be true. As for asking her to stay out of your thread... I'm with Sponge Monkey and AMYAus on this one.... you can't expect someone to butt out of "your thread". EW might not be the gentlest place to come when you need a shoulder, but it's a great place for honest feedback. I suggest you take this as a lesson that just as you have every right to tell her to butt out of your thread, she has every right to continue "butting back in" with her opinion. As for my opinion... I dated a lot of men who i had a fantastic spark and nothing in common. We made it work because we were good compromisers. One day we would sleep with the windows open and a full duvet, then next windows closed and a light sheet. One day we would have a full english breakfast like he enjoyed, the next it would be just cereal. One day we'd listen to my radio station, the other his. You get the picture. The problem was, because we were both constantly compromising, by the time something big that actually mattered, like how to handle finances or where to live we both were out of energy and tired of compromise. We broke it off and i fell in love 2 years later with my current husband. We have so many things in common that when something major comes up, we are both happy to give in and it makes working out the big things much easier. Hope that gives you a bit of insight... Best of luck either way and just remember you deserve a fabulous relationship even if it means making sacrifices. (be they waiting and giving up kids, or giving it a go risking a friendship.) <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 13/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 13 February 2012 - 13:11
We love Al Barari. It's got separate maids quarters and lots of light, The grounds are spectacular and it's very green. Def. Worth checking out. Although...They come in all different sizes and i know you can get 5 bedroom, but not sure about four... <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 13/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 20:56
Sorry just noticed that you say you are moving out in the "next month or so" which means you may miss the fair. To answer your question yes, there are a few private teachers working here in Dubai , including myself, but not many. There are a number of families who would benefit from it, and a number of teachers who have expressed a desire to give it a go so it's just a matter of finding them. I have been working as a teacher/governess for almost 8 years now and think it's a fantastic way for children to benefit from being able to travel or live in multiple places with their parents without putting the pressure of their education solely on the parents shoulders. Feel free to contact me through this forum if you have any more questions, and best of luck with the move.
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 20:50
Funny that you should ask! I was just speaking to a friend about starting up a business which would help to match families with private teachers, because we do think there is a growing demand for it worldwide. We are considering having a booth at the EW education fair so keep an eye out for us there. =)
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 19:43
Our routine is: 5:30 dinner 6:00 dessert. They aren't great at telling time, but they know what 6:00 looks like because if their meal isn't finished by 6, then no desert :) 6:30 Bath (if the 1 yr old looks sleepy, she'll just get a quick wash then straight to bed, otherwise she'll bath with her sisters till 6:45, then go down. 7:00 older two brush hair and teeth, put on PJ's and hop into bed. I read one story with the 5yr old. Then It's lights out for her. 7:30 lights out for the 8 yr old who's been in her bed reading since she got out of the bath. Confession: there are no clocks upstairs and on days when i'm going crazy, i have been known to push dinner forward and put the older two to bed as early as 6:30. As long as it's dark out, i consider it fair game. =) <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 12/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 12:10
My feet are dying for shoes that fit. I've been able to find a pair of men's birkenstocks that i wear pretty much everyday and some white flip flops, but where do you buy large size shoes out here? It's impossible. (and yes i know New Look sometimes has them, but not a great selection)
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 12:08
MMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!! krulka at hotmail dot com
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 11:57
A little concerned about the teacher who doesn't know the difference between 'you're' and 'your'. Apart from one typo (your are instead of you are) I didn't see a mis-use of the words? I'll believe that adding the extra r might have been a type but then the teacher goes on to say " i see your friends with your parents on Facebook" That's a bit sketchy. and yes, why is the teacher a) on Facebook during class and b) friends with their students? sheesh.
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 11:44
Glenfiddich... You are clearly a prolific contributor to EW and your responses are often valuable... However, in the interests of creating a pleasant environment for all, perhaps the condescending comments could be curbed? Just a thought. Oops.... (embarrassed for laughing) You're probably right Cobette. I think this is a case of different types of senses of humour and I'm pretty sure GF wasn't trying to be mean, but we do all need to be careful about remembering how comments made in print can be taken the wrong way. edited by NotMyRealName on 12/02/2012 <em>edited by NotMyRealName on 12/02/2012</em>
Latest post on 12 February 2012 - 11:42
It's not rocket science. It's 999. LOL. Glenfiddich you crack me up.