pinks |


Latest post on 17 February 2020 - 09:46
Why would you 'freak out'? Dubai is one of biggest transport hubs in the world, so we were bound to get cases here at some point. Given the millions that fly in and out of here, and the total population, we really have a very tiny proportion of cases. Nobody has died here, and some have recovered well and left hospital. Just be sensible and maintain good personal hygiene and keep washing your hands (the amount of people I see in the malls wearing masks and then pulling them down to speak/eat and touching their mouths makes me laugh!), not to mention all the women who leave the bathrooms without washing their hands - gross at the best of times!
Latest post on 17 February 2020 - 09:36
Hi - I'm not sure why you are focusing on colour (although happy to be corrected if this is a 'thing') as the female guests at the Emirati weddings I have attended have worn every colour under the sun! I've been to both male and female colleague's weddings, and colour has never been mentioned. The ladies are super-glamorous, so get your best dress, jewels and heels out! Most guests wore long dresses to the events I've attended. However, do make sure you have something to cover your arms/decolletage, etc. for later in the evening when the male guests join, as all the ladies cover when this happens. It's quite a long evening, but it's an amazing event to attend, and you'll be made very welcome by the other guests if my experience is anything to go by. Enjoy!
Latest post on 29 July 2018 - 12:35
Also, be aware that many drugs (controlled or otherwise) just aren't simply available here. HRT is a perfect example! Lots on the global market, but very few lines available here, and continuous supply isn't always guaranteed.
Latest post on 29 July 2018 - 12:30
Mediclinic Dubai Mall - physios Nikki and Fatima are both excellent
Latest post on 11 July 2018 - 13:01
It will be two charges there, and two charges on your way home, sadly.
Latest post on 23 January 2018 - 09:49
As the others have said, not really worth selling here, a least not a non-private sale. If you are just looking to get rid of a piece of jewelry you don't like or wear, have you thought of having it remade? I've turned various unworn rings into lovely pieces here (necklaces, etc.). Cara in the Gold and Diamond Park have done all mine.
Latest post on 22 January 2018 - 21:40
We went to see it on the second afternoon - I have to say that comparing it to their last visit I was quite disappointed, as it was far less spectacular. This show is more of 'story telling', with less of the circus acts I had seen before. Still stunning though. We opted for the cheapest tickets in the Silver section, and I have to say I think we had a better view than many in much more expensive seats, as much of the action took place in front of us. There's also an App to download before the show starts which enables you to join in and become part of the light show, which was quite cool! Needless to say, what did ruin it for me was the hoards of selfish people in front of us insistent on videoing the WHOLE show,
Latest post on 09 January 2018 - 12:15
Almost all the supermarkets stock British staples - as Alison says above, Choitrams stocks Tesco's products (though the prices might give you a shock), and of course there's the lovely Waitrose. Park and Rob advertise that they stock UK/US products (though can't say I ever go there so don't know what they do stock). You won't get everything you want in one place as you're used to in the UK, but I can't think if anything you can't get here now. Gone are the days of seeing something you loved and buying every single packet/box/jar on the shelf as you knew you might never see it again! If you can tell us what you are looking for, we might be able to tell you where to get it, as it will be considerably easier than shipping it!
Latest post on 08 October 2017 - 12:23
Hi Chunk I've worked in presentation graphics for the last 30 years (for government,and large financial institutions and the like), and even today, Word and PowerPoint are STILL the software of choice for presentations, handouts, and course material. There are so many templates available online or pre-loaded that you can use if you don't want to design your own. There's nothing worse than being given a copy of a presentation where there's so much color, weird fonts and only a few lines per page, that the message gets lost amid inappropriate clip-art, spelling mistakes, and other errors. You really can't go wrong by keeping it simple, clean and crisp, and running the spell check in whichever language you are using. HTH.
Latest post on 22 September 2017 - 15:46
Completely normal! As the others have said, and I can vouch for from many experiences over the years, the recommended course of treatment is to repeat in 4-6 months. This is the UK recommendation too. You will probably get a negative smear next time - so many things can through up a dodgy result. I know it's really, really scary if you haven't been through this before, and very easy for those of us who have to say 'don't worry, but please, don't worry. Just make sure you have that follow up smear. If they then find it's still abnormal, the treatment is reasonably easy, generally a quick freeze of the surface cells, which you hardly feel. In fact the anticipation is FAR worse than the treatment! If it were not a borderline result, you'd be in for a colposcopy straight away. If you need more reassurance, the NHS website has some very good information. Good luck!
Latest post on 22 September 2017 - 15:37
Have you tried the Compounding Pharmacy in Healthcare City? That's where I get my oestrogen and progesterone from, albeit in cream form. If you can't get them to accept the prescription, Dr Anna at Dubai London Clinic is the only gynae I've found here who specialises in HRT etc., though I'm happy to be proved wrong as I need to find another one who's covered under my newly reduced insurance!
Latest post on 16 August 2017 - 13:49
I can't help you with that particular drug - I've been told by quite a few local gynaes here that "we don't do HRT here", not sure how true that is... I've been on HRT for the last couple of years here, but using bio-identical hormone creams, prescribed by Dr Anna (gynae specialising in menopause) at Dubai London Clinic, Jumeirah branch, and dispensed by the Compounding Pharmacy in Healthcare City (the only one in the middle east according to my research). I know these don't always have the best write-up, and they are not cheap, but they work for me at the moment.
Latest post on 07 August 2017 - 10:52
IKEA. Fab selection, good prices and 25 year guarantee.
Latest post on 03 August 2017 - 10:27 Dr. Houriya Kazim. Can't recommend her highly enough. If you search on this forum you'll find lots of other great testimonies about her. Good luck.
Latest post on 24 July 2017 - 14:49
I must admit I always go back an have my eyes checked in the UK(and glasses bought so I can get my VAT back!), but if I were stuck here for bit, perhaps call Moorfields Eye Hospital? As they are actual offshoot of the proper one back in London, I'm assuming the quality of care would be as high? Worth a phone call.
Latest post on 20 July 2017 - 14:10
Hi Leanne If you use the search function above, you'll find there's a [b'>huge [/b'>amount of information posted about arriving in Dubai - the forum's a bit quiet at the moment as lots of people take off for the summer if they are not working and stuck here like the rest of us! Don't worry about the rules of Ramadan right now - you've got another 10 months before the next one, and plenty of time to research the culture out here. For dress, you do see some shocking sights here (I do wonder if I've just become a bit of a prude having been here for so long, but I don't think so...), but if you dress respectively in malls, much more conservatively in government offices (which you might have to be in a lot when you arrive in order to sort out all the paperwork), you should be ok. I still take a wrap with me to cover shoulders when I'm going out for brunch/dinner (for the journey itself, especially if I'm in a cab), but in hotels you're fine. Your garden? Will very much depend on your neighbourhood, your neighbours and the walls, but generally yes! Bank accounts - Emirates NBD will definitely open you a 'savings' account with an ATM card until you've got your residence visa - again use the search function for others' experiences. Maid's rooms - I've seen some shockingly small ones that don't even take a full size single bed, and some "study" rooms have limited a/c compared to normal bedrooms - you'll just have to take each property as you see it. Sky - can't help you there, but again, look on the search function with references to a three letter acronym.... (any more details and I'll be shot!) Good luck with the move - nothing will prepare you for the heat if you haven't lived out here before - just look forward to November when you can turn your a/c off :lol:
Latest post on 17 July 2017 - 11:29
Basic home insurance is so cheap here (compared to somewhere like the UK), just get yourself a simple policy and add your ring on - that will really bump the premium up, but so worth it if you lost it...
Latest post on 17 July 2017 - 11:22
You've made me think what advice I would give to myself if I was coming out here again... the first thing that springs to mind is I wish I'd got an Emirates Skywards credit card much sooner! Decide who you're going to fly with and get their credit card - hopefully you'll be able to use this fabulous hub to go off and explore the world, as well as for trips home, ad it's amazing how quickly the points rack up. Use Entertainer / Groupon / etc for everything - we try to never pay full price for anything when we go out for a meal / drinks. The other thing is get your own phone/SIM card, even if work provides you with one. Your phone number will be your passport to everything you register for, be it your GP, bank or utilities. So many people I know just used their work one, then lost/changed jobs and it was a nightmare trying to switch everything over, without access to the original phone (number). If you're going to rent a car - get this BEFORE you start work. As soon as you get to work and they take your passport off you to do your visa, you'll be stuck with public transport until you get it bac, and it can take a while. Get a Careem / Uber account straight away - so convenient, about the same price as taxis off the street (if you don't pre book) Cash? I wouldn't bring too much as the exchange rate just isn't in your favour right now - send everything you can back. As SarahLou says, using the money exchanges is the most cost effective way of sending large amounts back to a UK account - never pay the advertised rate on the boards - go and set an account up with one convenient to you, and go in and ask for a better rate. Always works. And get financial advice from someone recommended by a friend - you'll get so many unsolicited phonecalls from companies both here and in the UK offering to sort your UK pension out, but most of them have absolutely no qualifications (I've asked!).
Latest post on 11 July 2017 - 13:54
Check out Martin Lewis' UK website They've had good recommendations in the past for travel insurance companies for older people with pre-existing conditions. Having said that, my Mum has had good coverage through Saga - we always find buying an annual policy for her works out much better value, even if she only comes here once, as she's then covered for even one night away anywhere else, even the UK. My in-laws (in their 80s) get theirs at what I think is a ridiculously cheap price through their UK bank. Worth checking.
Latest post on 11 July 2017 - 13:48
When my in-laws were over a few months ago I did lots of research on this! We ended up going to Serafina. As most of the reviews point out, the food is most definitely not what you'd choose to go to this restaurant for, but the view of the fountains were good and the in-laws absolutely loved it. We had also taken them up the Burj late that afternoon. Make sure you book a table on the lower terrace (if there's four of you they should put you by the outside railings - all the tables of two were one row in and hence came to stand by our table each time the fountains went off), and take your Entertainer vouchers to lessen the pain in the wallet factor.
Latest post on 06 June 2017 - 10:01
The Compounding Pharmacy in Healthcare City dispenses this (my gynae sends me there as it's the only pharmacy in the Middle East that dispenses bio-identical hormones). Probably more a of guaranteed source than a health shop if you want to be sure of what you're actually taking.
Latest post on 29 May 2017 - 13:03
That seems a fair quote. Just remember you get what you pay for - a cheap policy could end up costing you a lot of money if you are involved in an incident. One company we used to be insured with was un-contactable on a Friday, and yes, we were involved in an incident a long way from Dubai on a Friday! Ended up costing us much more (in both AED and stress!) than a quote from other companies.
Latest post on 23 May 2017 - 14:40
I've used Allied Pickfords in the past to ship from the UK to Dubai, and like you, had an excellent experience. However this time (last summer) shipping a container from UK to Dubai, the experience couldn't have been worse. My container was originally packed for storage, so they said I needed to pay for it to be re-packed for shipping (fair enough). However, on arrival here it was all in the original storage packing - what I had paid for I don't know. Quite a few items had been thrown into boxes with no wrapping. The UK side was completely unresponsive after they had got their money, and to make thing worse, instead of using their own people here (who I had thought were very good in the past), they outsourced the operation to a small third party company, whose unpackers all needed constant supervision - cupboard doors and lampshades were put on upside down, small items had to be rescued from being thrown out with wrapping paper... I wouldn't use them again, if only as noone from AP would take my calls or respond to my emails asking them to call me to discuss. Previous move from here was with Sante Fe in 2016 - absolutely faultless, both here and in the UK! Quotes from all companies I approached were incredibly similar.
Latest post on 01 May 2017 - 10:35
Just one other thing to add - although you don't have to, I was advised to register myself as non-UK resident by my tax accountant when I first came out here (there's a simple form on the HMRC website). There doesn't appear to be any negatives to doing this, but it does mean that if you go back to the UK, and for the time you are doing any tax returns from out here, the HMRC have accurate information for you, and you're not having to prove where you've been in the intervening years, which apparently you can be asked to do!
Latest post on 30 April 2017 - 13:31
The HMRC website has good calculators so you can work out what your status is. They also have lots of 'scenarios' - highly suggest sitting down with a cup of coffee and reading through. If you have property in the UK you rent out, you do need to declare yourself as a non-resident (landlord) to HMRC, then when you do a tax return you can do one with a split year allocation. That way you know you're all above board with it, won't pay unnecessary tax, and won't have any issues if and when you return to the UK. I did it this way and it's been relatively simple, and it means I have had no tax liability in all the years I've been here, despite having UK rental income. Might be worth getting a UK accountant to do your family's first tax return if you are having a split year - I paid about GBP 200 the first year if I get it done for me as it was a split year - and they got me a refund (and GBP 30 to buy the required 3rd party software to do my own when I have a 'simple' tax year). The longer you live abroad, the more days you are allowed to return to the UK without penalty (as Bingo12 said the 90 rule is the best known but does not apply to everyone!), and you now have to keep tabs on which midnights you are in the UK, AND other countries, as well as public holidays and sick days. Also, there's now the issue of 'family ties'... It's less complicated than it sounds, but the rules have tightened up over the years. HTH!
Latest post on 10 April 2017 - 08:36
Gulf Photo Plus - fantastic outfit with courses at all levels. I sent my ex-husband there some years ago (typical bloke - all the gear and no idea), and he came away after various weekend courses taking some pretty stunning photos! I've also been on (free) afternoon sessions with them on how to properly use your iPhone camera.
Latest post on 16 February 2017 - 20:14
As a Brit who has done this for their US boss (in AD at least), go on the US embassy website, book an appointment, and take everything listed. It was amazing quick in AD (days, rather than weeks), but for all country's visa etc it's generally quicker there for some reason.
Latest post on 31 January 2017 - 15:00
Sadly you can't any more. If you're both non-Muslim, you've got three options: 1. a religious ceremony in one of the Dubai churches (paperwork to be done at the embassy though!) 2. fly home 3. fly to somewhere like Cyprus (can fly there and get married the same day if necessary)
Latest post on 12 January 2017 - 11:59
We bought fairly expensive seats in a box when we first went, but immediately after the show we went and had an explore of all the levels and decided there really isn't a bad seat in the house. It's beautiful designed - the acoustics are wonderful wherever you sit, and unlike much older buildings, I can't see any seats with a restricted view. Since our first visit, we've bought the cheapest seats going and have not been disappointed. We love the fact that everyone really makes an effort and dresses up, and they also seem to have sorted out the mess that was the bar/drinks ordering area. However, as previously stated, so order drinks for the interval as there just isn't time to order, pay and then collect (especially if you also need to visit the Ladies!) If you want to drive there yourself, the parking is also super easy and free - the carpark entrance is immediately after the entrance for valet parking, and you go underground (follow signs for taxis), and park on your left next to lifts/staircase 17 if I remember correctly (the security guard is very helpful). You then pop up a few feet from the wonderful pavement fountains, missing out on the queues of both people and cars.
Latest post on 08 September 2016 - 09:34
Latest post on 07 September 2016 - 08:53
Sorry, I don't think any of them do - you'll have to use Shop&Ship or get it sent to a friend or relative and posted onwards. Even doing that, I got it within three days.
Latest post on 05 September 2016 - 20:54
Online chemists in the UK have it again - I just ordered 3 months supply for £19 and got it posted here (phew!)
Latest post on 05 September 2016 - 13:28
I used Santander last summer from DXB to London - superb service from start to finish. Was forced to used Pickfords a few months ago (as they had my goods in storage in the UK for the last few years, this time from London back to DXB) - dreadful service at all points - wouldn't touch with a barge pole!
Latest post on 04 September 2016 - 07:57
Dubai Osteopathy ( I've heard good things about all the osteopaths there, and can personally highly recommend Aziza who has put me back together on more than one occasion over the years!
Latest post on 21 August 2016 - 12:55
Not particularly helpful, but be grateful you've been able to have a summer break! There are a lot of us who have to stay here with our families as we have to work every day, and boy, it's been hot!
Latest post on 17 August 2016 - 10:41
Why pay for someone to do it for you? The RTA next to the Gold and Diamond Park is open until about midnight, and all day Saturday - I normally go at 8am on Saturday when it opens, and using the Ladies' queue, you're out in 20-30 minutes, even with testing.
Latest post on 08 August 2016 - 11:55
Why not try the 5:2 way of eating, along with an increase in soluble fiber (i.e. porridge for breakfast)? It's been proven to reduce cholesterol levels in just a few months, along with a whole host of other benefits (yes, I'm a convert!). It's free, completely safe, and many GPs in the UK are now recommending it to patients rather than going on a life of statins. Certainly worth a try if the problem is caused by diet.
Latest post on 17 May 2016 - 13:17
It's used quite extensively in the UK, but not on the NHS. Essentially it is IS HRT, but a much more 'natural', body-friendly version. I discovered them after reading an article in the UK's Sunday Times about 18 months ago (, and by chance was seeing Dr Anna at Dubai London Clinic, had some blood tests done, and she put me on them. I feel fabulous on it! The actual prescription isn't covered by insurance (and I have very good insurance), but it works out at about AED 300-350 every couple of months for me for my cream (obviously depends on the strength you get prescribed), but I think it's well worth it. Haven't experienced any downsides!
Latest post on 15 May 2016 - 14:44
Hi - have you tried the Anti-Ageing Compounding Pharmacy in Healthcare City? I've been getting my bio-identical progesterone there (through Dr Anna at LDC), and I believe it's the only pharmacy in the region that does things like that. Not sure if they do what you are after, but worth a try (04 452 0646)
Latest post on 12 May 2016 - 09:44
You're right - the rules have changes since I went last summer. Looks like you'll have to use a visa agency. Sorry can't be of more help... :(
Latest post on 12 May 2016 - 08:05
As sarahlou says, check on the website as many nationalities don't need visas (Brits for one). I went down through Mongolia on the TransSiberian railway last summer - HIGHLY recommend it!
Latest post on 27 March 2016 - 08:06
I've been on Accutane twice in the past, both for 4 month sessions. No weight gain, and have actually never heard of anyone having that problem. As poshbird says, it's not hormonal, doesn't stay in your system, and (from my experience), WELL worth the very short-lived side effects for what you'll gain in the long run.
Latest post on 27 March 2016 - 08:03
I've just reinsured my soon-to-be 10 year old BMW with RSA. They'll only do third party for cars of that age, but that's all I want given the actual value of it now.
Latest post on 15 September 2015 - 12:57
Hi - before you spend any money consulting a professional, I'd highly recommend looking at the HMRC website. Initially it looks quite confusing, but if you take time to read through it, you'll find it has answers to most, if not all of your questions. It also contains lots of 'scenarios', and I've always managed to find one that matches what I'm going through with regards to tax liabilities, residency status and (as I'm returning to the UK next year), rules about dates. HTH.
Latest post on 16 May 2015 - 20:45
I got mine at Dubai London Clinic. Should be the same price anywhere, as essentially you are paying the prescription price. Most expensive was Hep A&B at AED310 I think - the Tentanus/Dip combo was AED 55. Depending on your insurance you may have to pay consultation price - mine covers that, but not actual travel jabs. Enjoy!
Latest post on 13 May 2015 - 22:03
Hi Hitch I had all these done this week as I'm off travelling soon around Russia and Asia, so went to the doctors to check what I needed for which countries. All are a must as far as I am concerned, and it's worth remembering that your travel insurance might not be valid if you are sick and then claim but didn't have the recommended jabs... [b'>Hep A & B[/b'> (in one jab). 2nd jab 3 weeks later will protect you for a few years - if you have a 3rd jab after 6 months then you'll be protected for life. I originally had this 20 years ago so had a blood test a few days before to check my immunity, but obviously didn't have the 3rd jab back then, so wasn't immune. Blood test was same price as the first jab itself. [b'>Typhoid[/b'>- one jab protection for 10 years I think [b'>Tetanus, Polio and Dyptheria[/b'> (all in one jab if they have it in stock, if not polio is given as drops) 10 year protection. Polio is rearing its ugly head in countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan again, so worth having. All the above can be done in one visit (albeit into different arms and legs!) and the cost was AED 580. The only other thing you could consider is [b'>Rabies [/b'>- thee jabs over a month for life long protection.
Latest post on 10 May 2015 - 22:34
If you want history, then Rules (oldest restaurant in the city). For breakfast (or any other meal, but breakfast is my favourite), then you can't beat The Wolseley. Last time I was there, I was seated to Bryan Adams! Kitty Fishers is currently leading the 'must go' list: <em>edited by pinks on 10/05/2015</em>
Latest post on 06 May 2015 - 13:11
Choitrams sell it too - generally in the same bin as the bananas.The one in the Greens often has both large (easy to tell apart from the normal sized bananas) and small, not so easy! Fried plantain... yummy!
Latest post on 28 April 2015 - 21:41
Yes, you can get your FSH and other blood tests done here - certainly by a gynae, anyway! Had mine done a few moths ago at Dubai London Clinic.
Latest post on 16 April 2015 - 14:28
Also worth remembering that retailers / restaurants won't accept Entertainer vouchers (essential with visitors IMHO) during any public holiday, and they can 'extend' these dates quite widely!