Why, Just Why | ExpatWoman.com

Why, Just Why

Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 14:33

would anyone open the seal on a tube of toothpaste in the store, squeeze some out and put it back in the box for someone else to buy.

Really sick of buying tampered products, its only a few dirhams product I threw in the bin, but now have to go out again for more toothpaste!

So annoying :(

Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 20:21
My favorites are people in the fresh vegetable/fruit departments that "sample" the fruits. Some mothers take their kids in the shopping carts and encourage them to take a grape or 2 or munch on mint leaves they pick and then don't buy anything. Also good: open bread at Waitrose, Geant etc. The number of times people take bread with their hands, check it and hten put it back... I've tried to talk to some of them, trying to make them understand that this not hygienic and actually plain stealing if you take fruits without paying, but all of htem ignored me. Now it's basically Ripe market or packaged fruit/vegetables for me...
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 14:53
I once had words with a woman in Carrefour who was opening up pots of Nivea and trying them. She didn't seem to get my disgruntlement and walked off although I'm sure she did really and was faking she couldn't understand me.
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 13:22
Why do people smoke on running tracks? Why do they then look gormless when they get told to put it out?
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 13:09
I once went to this coffee shop and was looking at the cakes. I picked one and was standing there waiting for him to put it on a plate and give it to me over the counter. He puts the cake cutter under the cake, lifts it but it falls on the side. so what does he do, he picks it up with his hand. right there in front of me. I could not believe my eyes. I'm like did you seriously just do that and expect me to eat it? he smiled as if I complimented him and shook his head with a "well, if you don't like it, that's your problem" why do people promise things they have no intentions of keeping? why do people dump garbage on the streets when they just passed by a garbage bin? so many whys...bc a lot of the times they can and bc most only think about themselves
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 12:42
Really sick of buying tampered products, its only a few dirhams product I threw in the bin, but now have to go out again for more toothpaste! ( I hear you. I learned the hard way about tampered products when I bought a pack of tampons only to discover that a quarter were missing! What the ...?! That's why I always take a pack from the back of the shelves and squeeze the box to make sure it's full. What is also worrisome is that I can't imagine some poor woman (or staff member) being that desperate that she has to steal from the box rather than just purchase the goods to sort herself out. What gets me is that back home, these boxes -- being 'sanitary products' -- would have a proper wide sticky seal on them so they couldn't be opened/touched, but out here, that doesn't seem to be the case. Annoying and ... unsettling as well. :( edited by LadyBee on 06/04/2014 Yes agree about the need for proper seals on products, tampering is rampant here. And watch out for lipsticks too, so many times I have bought lipsticks that appear sealed with a bit of sticky tape around the tube and found them used. It has happened three times in Boots and several times in Lifestyle and Beauty Bay too recently and there is no exchange on cosmetics. Now I only buy lipsticks with proper factory perforated seals. edited by Di@DXB on 06/04/2014 I have seen the assistants in the Lifestyle shop take the sticky tape off lipstick, let the customer try it and when the customer doesn't want it, put some sticky tape back on and return it to the shelf. Yuk, Yuk edited by Ladybirdsarethebest on 07/04/2014 disgusting
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 12:40
The amount of times I have picked up half empty bottles of Deo Now I take from the back I always pick the item (what ever it is) from back side not the front one.
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 12:39
I have seen the assistants in the Lifestyle shop take the sticky tape off lipstick, let the customer try it and when the customer doesn't want it, put some sticky tape back on and return it to the shelf. Yuk, Yuk edited by Ladybirdsarethebest on 07/04/2014 A sales assistant did that once and I told her I won't be buying from them again because I could never be sure if someone had used the sealed product. I also told her that she should use a "Tester" sticker instead of having people think it is alright to open, test, return the seal and repeat with I don't know how many other colors. <em>edited by Gentle on 07/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 12:19
I've shopped there for 13 years ever since they opened, its not been open 13 years correct its been open for 9 years I am mixing up how many years I have lived near it! ETA I have shopped from opening day to date over 9 years. <em>edited by Di@DXB on 07/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 12:05
I've shopped there for 13 years ever since they opened, its not been open 13 years
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 12:04
i use C4, Wrose, choitrahms..... never had any issues. I never go to Giant and i only use clinique.... I've also never had "vintage" products here. Even after having done my groceries for 2 years at Geant I never had this problem. I've shopped there for 13 years ever since they opened, it as only become a real problem in the last few years though, in fact I've spoken to the manager on several occasions about their practice of returning abandoned fridge food items to the shelves after they have been left at check out until to go bad as well as the tampering of other products on the shelves and their habit of putting these items back on the shelves when they are returned to customer service. It seems I am "lucky" enough to encounter this on a regular basis.
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 10:12
i use C4, Wrose, choitrahms..... never had any issues. I never go to Giant and i only use clinique.... I've also never had "vintage" products here. Even after having done my groceries for 2 years at Geant I never had this problem.
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 08:12
Really sick of buying tampered products, its only a few dirhams product I threw in the bin, but now have to go out again for more toothpaste! ( I hear you. I learned the hard way about tampered products when I bought a pack of tampons only to discover that a quarter were missing! What the ...?! That's why I always take a pack from the back of the shelves and squeeze the box to make sure it's full. What is also worrisome is that I can't imagine some poor woman (or staff member) being that desperate that she has to steal from the box rather than just purchase the goods to sort herself out. What gets me is that back home, these boxes -- being 'sanitary products' -- would have a proper wide sticky seal on them so they couldn't be opened/touched, but out here, that doesn't seem to be the case. Annoying and ... unsettling as well. :( edited by LadyBee on 06/04/2014 Yes agree about the need for proper seals on products, tampering is rampant here. And watch out for lipsticks too, so many times I have bought lipsticks that appear sealed with a bit of sticky tape around the tube and found them used. It has happened three times in Boots and several times in Lifestyle and Beauty Bay too recently and there is no exchange on cosmetics. Now I only buy lipsticks with proper factory perforated seals. edited by Di@DXB on 06/04/2014 I have seen the assistants in the Lifestyle shop take the sticky tape off lipstick, let the customer try it and when the customer doesn't want it, put some sticky tape back on and return it to the shelf. Yuk, Yuk edited by Ladybirdsarethebest on 07/04/2014 They should be reported to Health Authorities, this could spread all kinds of diseases!
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 08:07
i use C4, Wrose, choitrahms..... never had any issues. I never go to Giant and i only use clinique....
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 08:06
Really sick of buying tampered products, its only a few dirhams product I threw in the bin, but now have to go out again for more toothpaste! ( I hear you. I learned the hard way about tampered products when I bought a pack of tampons only to discover that a quarter were missing! What the ...?! That's why I always take a pack from the back of the shelves and squeeze the box to make sure it's full. What is also worrisome is that I can't imagine some poor woman (or staff member) being that desperate that she has to steal from the box rather than just purchase the goods to sort herself out. What gets me is that back home, these boxes -- being 'sanitary products' -- would have a proper wide sticky seal on them so they couldn't be opened/touched, but out here, that doesn't seem to be the case. Annoying and ... unsettling as well. :( edited by LadyBee on 06/04/2014 Yes agree about the need for proper seals on products, tampering is rampant here. And watch out for lipsticks too, so many times I have bought lipsticks that appear sealed with a bit of sticky tape around the tube and found them used. It has happened three times in Boots and several times in Lifestyle and Beauty Bay too recently and there is no exchange on cosmetics. Now I only buy lipsticks with proper factory perforated seals. edited by Di@DXB on 06/04/2014 I have seen the assistants in the Lifestyle shop take the sticky tape off lipstick, let the customer try it and when the customer doesn't want it, put some sticky tape back on and return it to the shelf. Yuk, Yuk <em>edited by Ladybirdsarethebest on 07/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 08:04
i would change your supermarket..... where do you normally shop? For food Geant, Spinneys, Waitrose, LuLu, Carrefour, had tampered stuff from all of them, but a lot from Geant and cosmetics several times from Boots.
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 08:01
i would change your supermarket..... where do you normally shop?
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 07:59
I have been here nearly 10 years and am not sure i have ever come across a product that has been tampered with - my tampax always are full and toothpaste has the little sticker thing on it.... maybe i am lucky You are indeed very lucky, on average I get one or two tampered products a month!
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 07:57
I have been here nearly 10 years and am not sure i have ever come across a product that has been tampered with - my tampax always are full and toothpaste has the little sticker thing on it.... maybe i am lucky
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 07:50
Where did you buy this tampered product? Ibn Battuta Mall Geant supermarket, I would have taken it back to them but knowing from past experience that they just put tampered products back on the shelves I binned it.
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 07:38
i open and smell fabric softener.... dont see the issue really. I know it's tempting as some of the fragrances can be awful but while you may not actually put your nose onto the spout I have seem someone actually get softener on their nose and sneeze it all back into the tub....... EEEEEEWWWWWW and? its not like i am going to drink it - it's going in the washing machine where it will be diluted and rinsed in either 40 0r 60 degree water. I was merely making an observation.......about a fragrance sniffer who took a bigger sniff than they bargained for.Even though I too don't drink my fabric softener ;) I still prefer not to rinse my clothes with someone else's cooties....... <em>edited by Nomad on 07/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 07:33
Where did you buy this tampered product?
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 07:15
i open and smell fabric softener.... dont see the issue really. I know it's tempting as some of the fragrances can be awful but while you may not actually put your nose onto the spout I have seem someone actually get softener on their nose and sneeze it all back into the tub....... EEEEEEWWWWWW and? its not like i am going to drink it - it's going in the washing machine where it will be diluted and rinsed in either 40 0r 60 degree water.
Latest post on 07 April 2014 - 03:44
i open and smell fabric softener.... dont see the issue really. I know it's tempting as some of the fragrances can be awful but while you may not actually put your nose onto the spout I have seem someone actually get softener on their nose and sneeze it all back into the tub....... EEEEEEWWWWWW
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 20:25
Strange I agree. I was perusing the aisles at Spinney's the other day and there was a lady opening up disinfectant and smelling it!!!!! wt???? I mean, is there even a disinfectant that does smell good? Ha! Ha! I do that, Mr Muscle smells horrid, that's why I always check now, and I do the same with fabric conditioners.
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 19:39
Really sick of buying tampered products, its only a few dirhams product I threw in the bin, but now have to go out again for more toothpaste! ( I hear you. I learned the hard way about tampered products when I bought a pack of tampons only to discover that a quarter were missing! What the ...?! That's why I always take a pack from the back of the shelves and squeeze the box to make sure it's full. What is also worrisome is that I can't imagine some poor woman (or staff member) being that desperate that she has to steal from the box rather than just purchase the goods to sort herself out. What gets me is that back home, these boxes -- being 'sanitary products' -- would have a proper wide sticky seal on them so they couldn't be opened/touched, but out here, that doesn't seem to be the case. Annoying and ... unsettling as well. :( edited by LadyBee on 06/04/2014 Yes agree about the need for proper seals on products, tampering is rampant here. And watch out for lipsticks too, so many times I have bought lipsticks that appear sealed with a bit of sticky tape around the tube and found them used. It has happened three times in Boots and several times in Lifestyle and Beauty Bay too recently and there is no exchange on cosmetics. Now I only buy lipsticks with proper factory perforated seals. <em>edited by Di@DXB on 06/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 19:18
i open and smell fabric softener.... dont see the issue really.
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 18:52
Strange I agree. I was perusing the aisles at Spinney's the other day and there was a lady opening up disinfectant and smelling it!!!!! wt???? I mean, is there even a disinfectant that does smell good?
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 18:24
Really sick of buying tampered products, its only a few dirhams product I threw in the bin, but now have to go out again for more toothpaste! ( I hear you. I learned the hard way about tampered products when I bought a pack of tampons only to discover that a quarter were missing! What the ...?! That's why I always take a pack from the back of the shelves and squeeze the box to make sure it's full. What is also worrisome is that I can't imagine some poor woman (or staff member) being that desperate that she has to steal from the box rather than just purchase the goods to sort herself out. What gets me is that back home, these boxes -- being 'sanitary products' -- would have a proper wide sticky seal on them so they couldn't be opened/touched, but out here, that doesn't seem to be the case. Annoying and ... unsettling as well. :( <em>edited by LadyBee on 06/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 14:58
I bought a box of 'Luxury' Christmas crackers from Ace, specifically chose the expensive ones with nice gifts in, all nicely boxed up, when it came to Christmas Day and pulling our crackers, not one of them had the gift inside - was so cross, sadly I hadn't kept the receipt or checked beforehand. Very annoying indeed.
Latest post on 06 April 2014 - 14:50
The amount of times I have picked up half empty bottles of Deo Now I take from the back Funnily enough I bought deo too and was careful to check that had not been used! That's happened to me countless times too.