Feijoada | ExpatWomanFood.com

Posted on

17 September 2012





48 oz. dried black beans
2 lb. carne seca (you can use a good pice of South African biltong or beef jerky – not the snack variety)
2 lb. sweet sausages
2 lb. spare ribs
3 fl oz. oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic
1 dried red chili
handful parsley
1 bay leaf
salt & pepper to taste


  • Soak the beans and carne seca overnight in water (separately)
  • Cover the beans in water and bring to boil, reduce the heat
  • Cut the meat and sausage into bite sized pieces and section the ribs
  • add the meat and herbs to the beans, season and simmer over a medium heat for 2 hours, stir occasionally and replenish any evaporated water
  • Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onion and garlic until brown
  • scoop out 2 ladles of beans and blend till smooth, add this to the onion and garlic and sauté
  • add this bean mash to the pot of beans, this will thicken the stew, continue simmering for another hour
  • Serve with rice and enjoy.
Cooks Note

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