Spinach and Feta Tart | ExpatWomanFood.com

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17 September 2012



Spinach and Feta Tart

Spinach and Feta Tart


For the filling: 1 onion, chopped
2.5 fl oz. olive oil
20 oz. packet frozen spinach, thawed
salt to taste
2 eggs
3oz. feta, crumbed
3 tsp. breadcrumbs
3 oz. Greek yoghurt
3 oz. pine nuts
for the pastry: 1 pack phyllo pastry
0.5oz. unsalted butter
3.5 oz. parmesan cheese, grated


  • Preheat oven to 200°C
  • Drain the spinach in a colander and try to squeeze as much liquid out of it as possible
  • In a skillet sauté the onion until translucent
  • Add the spinach and season with salt, sauté this until all liquid has evaporated
  • Whisk the eggs in a bowl and add the spinach and the remaining filling ingredients except 2 oz. parmesan cheese
  • In an ovenproof bowl layer 2 sheets of phyllo with a generous amount of the filling until the filling is finished
  • Finally add one layer of phyllo, brush generously with butter and add a sprinkling of parmesan, repeat this process with two more layers, use only 1 oz. parmesan for this process
  • brush a generous amount of butter on top of the tart and sprinkle with the remaining ounce of parmesan
  • Bake for 30 minutes and serve warm.
Cooks Note

Prep Time: 45 min; Cook Time: 35 min; Serves 6

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