Leek & Potato Rosti Brunch | ExpatWomanFood.com

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13 March 2017


Liz Robb

Leek & Potato Rosti Brunch

Leek & Potato Rosti Brunch


1 small leek
2 medium potatoes
30g butter
2 teaspoons of plain flour
A small bunch of chives
Salt and black pepper
Olive oil
2 large tomatoes
4-5 large chestnut mushrooms
2 free range eggs
A few sprigs of fresh thyme


  • Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, 170 degrees fan oven. Lightly oil an oven tray.
  • Wash, trim and finely chop the leek. Melt 10g of butter in a small frying pan and gently sauté the leek for 3 minutes then put into a small bowl and set aside. [You can just wipe the pan with kitchen towel and use it again.]
  • Scrub the potatoes clean and grate them, without peeling, into a clean tea towel. Squeeze out as much liquid as you can. Tip the potato into a bowl then add the leeks. Add the flour, snip in the chives, season with salt and black pepper and mix well together.
  • Put the prepared tray into the oven to warm then melt 10g of butter with a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan. Form the potato mixture into 4 patties
  • I used 8cm metal food rings to make neat shapes, or you can just use your hands. Fry the patties in the hot pan for 2-3 minutes on each side to brown them and then lift them onto the tray and bake for about 20 minutes to cook through.
  • After 5 minutes, slice the tomatoes in half, drizzle with a little olive oil, season and place on the tray with the rosti.
  • Thickly slice the mushrooms. Heat the remaining 10g of butter in a small frying pan and gently sauté the mushrooms until golden, for about 5 minutes, turning once.
  • Lastly, fry the eggs in a little oil. Divide the rosti, tomatoes, mushrooms and eggs between the two plates, sprinkling a little finely chopped fresh thyme over the mushrooms.
Cooks Note

On Mother’s day this year, give Mum a really relaxing morning by serving her this simple but tasty breakfast or brunch; delicious leek and potato rosti served with mushrooms and thyme, oven roasted tomatoes and a fried egg.

Serves 2.

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