Italian Stuffed Chicken |

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13 May 2015



Italian Stuffed Chicken


2 tbsps. Olives, chopped
2 Garlic Cloves, crushed 1 bunch Fresh Basil, chopped 1 Egg (h). beaten 200 g Ricotta Cheese 1 tsp. Dried Mixed Italian Herbs (h) Salt and Pepper (h) 600 g boneless, skinless Chicken Breast Fillets, cut into a pocket Butter or Cooking Oil for greasing (h) 4 ripe Tomatoes, sliced Olive Oil (h) 400 g Orzo 1/2 Lemon, zest (optional) 1 bunch Lettuce, shredded Balsamic Vinegar (h)


  • 1. Heat oven to 220 C.
  • 2. Chop the olives, crush the garlic and chop the basil. 3. Beat the egg and mix with
  • olives, garlic and the herbs (1 tsp. fresh basil and 1tsp. dried herbs) into the cheese, then season. 4. Cut a slit along the side of each chicken breast, then use your knife to open it out into a pocket. 5. Slice the tomatoes. 6. Stuff each breast equally with the cheese mix, then press to close. You can use toothpicks to secure the openings as an option. 7. Put onto a greased baking tray. Season the top of the chicken, then overlap tomato slices over the top of each piece of chicken. Season, then scatter with the remaining herbs. Drizzle with olive oil. 8. Roast for 20 mins until the chicken is golden around the edges and the tomatoes look a little shriveled. 9. Meanwhile, Cook orzo according to packet instructions. Drain, mix with a dash of olive oil or butter, and add finely chopped basil, mixed Italian herbs and some fresh lemon zest if desired. 10. Make the salad dressing, mix 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, season with some fresh pepper. 11. Shred the lettuce and mix with the balsamic dressing. 12. Serve with a green salad and herbed orzo.
Cooks Note

Recipe provided by Dinnertime.

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