Lemon White Sauce for Broccoli | ExpatWomanFood.com

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29 March 2015



Lemon White Sauce for Broccoli

Lemon White Sauce for Broccoli


2 TBL butter
2 TBL flour
1/2 tsp. finely shredded lemon peel
1/8 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cup milk
1/8 tsp. lemon juice


  • 1. Melt butter in small saucepan. 2. Stir in flour, lemon peel and salt. Continue to stir until it begins to thicken and be well mixed. 3. Stir milk and lemon juice in and stir over medium heat until bubbly and thick. 4. Serve poured over vegetables, or on the side for dipping.
  • (Source)
Cooks Note

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