19 May 2014
Marianne Lynch
Low-Fat Pasta-Free Lasagne
1. Heat a large pan with a small amount of oil.
2. Chop the onion into small pieces and add to the pan, crush the garlic cloves and also add to the pan.
3. Cook the onions and garlic until they are soft.
4. Add the mince to the pan and leave it to cook until it’s all brown.
5. Chop up the pepper and add that into the mince as it is browning.
6. Add the tin of chopped tomatoes and lower the heat to a simmer, let the mince cook within the tomato juices. You can add salt and pepper if you so wish. Leave the mince to simmer for 5-10 minutes.
7. While the mince is cooking, take your courgettes and using a vegetable peeler slice the skin off – discard the skin and then carry on peeling the courgette keeping the white fleshy bits in a separate bowl. As soon as you start to see the middle of the courgette stop peeling as the middle can be quite bitter in taste.
8. In a separate bowl, add the 2 pots of ricotta cheese – whisk them until they form a smooth liquid.
9. Grate up the mozzarella and add a sprinkling to the rictotta.
10. You are now ready to build your lasagne
start with a layer of mince at the bottom of your dish, on top of that add a layer of courgette(instead of pasta as you would build a normal lasage), then smooth over the ricotta mixture (instead of white sauce) and repeat another layer.
11. Sprinkle the rest of the grated mozzarella on the top of the lasagne.
12. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.
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