Parkin |

Posted on

30 September 2012






8 oz. molasses/ treacle
4 oz. butter
8oz. golden syrup
½ level tsp Baking soda
½ pint milk
12oz. oatmeal
1tsp. ground ginger
1lb. flour
pinch of salt
2oz. sugar
1 egg, beaten


  • Butter a 9 inch square cake tin and preheat the oven to 180°C
  • In a saucepan melt the molasses, butter and syrup taking care that they don’t burn
  • sift the dry ingredients and stir into the melted syrup mixture
  • Stir the baking soda into the milk and add this and the egg to the batter and stir well
  • Pour it into the tin and bake it for 45 minutes
  • Cool the cake then remove from the tin and store in an airtight container for at least a week before eating.... this gives it time to "mature" and become even more delicious!
Cooks Note

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