Sweet Chili Cheese Party Dip | ExpatWomanFood.com

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15 October 2012



Sweet Chili Cheese Party Dip


4 cups cream cheese - softened
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 sour cream
1 cup Beja cheese - grated
2 tbsp chopped sun-dried tomatoes - (in oil)
2 spring onions - chopped small
1 tsp red chili flakes
Sweet chili sauce


  • In a bowl, mix the softened cream cheese, mayo, sour cream and red chili flakes till it turns smooth and creamy.
  • Stir in the grated Beja cheese and sun-dried totamtoes.
  • Purée everything in a blender or use one of those hand processors.
  • Scoop the dip mixture out in a serving dip bowl and cover the top with the sweet chili sauce.
  • Then sprinkle the spring onions on top.
  • Serve the delicious dip with crackers or baked pita bread chips.
Cooks Note

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