Tarte Tatin | ExpatWomanFood.com

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17 September 2012



Tarte Tatin


For the pastry (you can use the store bought pastry if you have no time to make your own)
6oz. flour
4oz. butter (cold)
0.75oz. sugar
2 eggs
½ tsp. salt
For the filling
½ lemon
5 medium sized apples, peeled, cored and sliced into 8 segments
4oz. butter
3 oz. castor sugar or 2.5oz. granulated sugar
2fl oz. water
Preparation Time
Cooking Time


  • Preheat the oven to 200°C
  • Sprinkle the lemon juice on the apples so that they don’t turn brown
  • Butter a pie dish that you will use for baking
  • In an ovenproof dish add the sugar and water and heat up on a low heat. Once the sugar has melted turn the heat up to medium. Let it caremalise, do not stir the sugar but keep tilting the pan. Make sure that it doesn’t burn. The sugar will have caremalised once it has turned a golden colour
  • Once it has caramelized stir the butter into the sugar. Pour this mix into the buttered pie dish
  • Arrange the apple segments on top of the caramelized sugar as quickly as possible and place in the oven to bake for approximately 40 minutes
  • While the apples are baking make the crust
  • With your fingers rub the butter, sugar, salt and flour so that they incorporate until you get the texture of breadcrumbs
  • Add the eggs and incorporate using your fingers until a ball has formed. Knead the ball for half a minute
  • Roll the pastry out so that it is slightly larger in diameter then the pie dish. Refrigerate until the apples are baked
  • Remove the apples from the oven and allow them to cool for a few minutes. Place the crust on top of the apples and tuck the edges into the pie dish
  • Return to the oven and bake for a further 25 minutes or until the crust turn brow
  • Turn the pie out onto a serving dish and allow it to cool. Serve with vanilla ice cream, crème fresh or double cream.
Cooks Note

Preparation time: 30 minutes; Cooking time: 50 minutes; Serves 6

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