29 June 2015
Liz Robb
Thyme and Lemon Lamb with Pea and Potato Salad

First make the pea and potato salad. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil then add the new potatoes and cook for 15-20 minutes
cook baby new potatoes whole, or cut larger ones in half. When they are tender, drain and leave to cool then cut into bite sized pieces.
2. Simmer the frozen petit pois in boiling water for a few minutes until cooked, then drain and allow to cool.
3. Juice a lemon and put two tablespoons of it into a large bowl. Peel and chop the spring onions into small pieces, slice the celery very thinly and add both to the lemon juice. Chop most of the chives, reserving some whole ones for garnish, and add them too. Peel and crush the garlic to add, tip in the cooked peas and mix them with everything else.
Spoon in the mayonnaise and crème fraiche
I used low fat versions of both, but use full fat if you prefer. Add the mustard and cayenne pepper then stir it all together. Season to taste, then fold in the potatoes until they are all coated but not broken up. Cover the bowl and leave in the fridge to chill for about an hour.
4. Now prepare the lamb. Finely grate the zest of the second lemon into a large bowl and squeeze in all the juice from it too. Add the leaves of the fresh thyme, then put in the lamb cutlets and coat them with the thyme and lemon. Cover the bowl and leave in the fridge to marinade for at least half an hour.
5. When you are ready to eat, season the lamb cutlets with salt and black pepper and cook them in a little olive oil and butter in a fairly hot frying pan or on a griddle, turning once. How long they need cooking depends on the thickness of the cutlets and your preference, but generally they will need 2-3 minutes on each side if you like your lamb pink
for well done, 4-5 minutes on each side.
Serve beside a generous spoonful of pea and potato salad garnished with a few pieces of chives.
Why not try this fresh and tasty version of those old favourites, lamb, potatoes and peas? Serve your family or guests some juicy lamb cutlets marinated in thyme and lemon, and new season baby potatoes with the added sweetness of peas, the crunch of celery, a little mustard and cayenne pepper to add flavour to the mayonnaise, and just a hint of citrus.
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