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A Lazy Girl's Guide to Fixing Cake Cravings

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22 March 2015

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Being a foodie is not easy. I'm always torn between wanting to eat healthy and staying away from sugar forever. Another option and the most feasible one so far is to give in to the dark side and stuff my face silly with cake. Always, the latter wins because who would not want to eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner? 

I discovered the wonderful world of microwaving a cake batter for a minute and a half and a magical moist chocolate cake will appear. In my astonishment they always fill into that gaping hole that a bad cake craving inflicts upon my sugar hungry soul. 

5 Cake Wrecks That Will Leave You Howling With Laughter

Posted on

12 February 2014

5 Best Cake Wrecks Ever

We've all had a baking disaster at one point; be it on our journey as a budding cake baker, or even a kid's birthday party organiser... And as disastrous as it may have been, we're sure you saw the funny side of things.

In celebration of all things cake-fail, blog Cake Wrecks proudly displays baking mishaps so bad that your end dessert probably didn't look so bad in hindsight.
