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Kitchen Tips

This Simple Hack Will Keep Lemons Fresh For 3 Months

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30 July 2017

Hacks to keep lemons fresh

To say that lemons are just another regular fruit is a gross understatement. Seriously, how many fruits have an entire song by Beyoncé named after them? None.

The gorgeous superfoods not only add a tangy flavour to a variety of cuisines, but they also boast a ton of health benefits. The flavonoids within the juice are said to contain antioxidants, which is why lemons are useful in treating so many ailments and conditions.

14 Cooking Mistakes You're Probably Making

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16 August 2016

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To help you avoid any cringe-inducing moments while cooking and with your foodie friends, here's some mistakes to steer clear of and advice on how to help you fix them. 

1. Not tasting your food while cooking
Recipes don't always call for the right amount of seasoning, cooking times are estimates and results may vary depending on your ingredients, your stove, your altitude... And a million of other factors. At the end of the day, your palate is the control factor. Trust your taste buds!
