Star, Horizon or Safa School? |

Star, Horizon or Safa School?

Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 17:15

Mods please dont move this. I'm only posting here as it will get more traffic.

Are these 3 schools owned by the same people? Which one out of the 3 is better and why?


Latest post on 25 November 2015 - 20:53
how is al safa school now? how r the teachers?
Latest post on 15 September 2012 - 07:46
Hi I don't have actual exp of any of these schools, but I did look at them all a couple of years ago for my dd. They are all 'good' schools and I don't think you can really go wrong with any of them. But if I had to choose I think it would be Horizon as it is the most established. Star: V nice and approachable head. Small classes and better facilities (now pool completed). Safa: V progressive and nurturing environment (although this may change now they have expanded and moved to new premises). Horizon: Similar to Safa but more established and have not expanded as quickly. Location also better. Good luck x
Latest post on 14 September 2012 - 21:38
I'm another happy star mummy as well. They only charge if they offer you a place. Nice teachers and the headmaster is out and about every morning come rain or shine. I actually admire him for doing that.
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 19:06
So 31839 is the highest fee? Thats pretty good. according to the website yes..there's the medical fee on top (don't ask what it covers, i have no idea lol) and all the usual expenses such as uniform etc...
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 18:46
So 31839 is the highest fee? Thats pretty good.
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 18:27
It says they range from 21,456 to 31,839 dhs
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 18:25
I found that section on the website but when I click on the link for the fee's it says page not found? Same for you? sorry, it works fine for me - maybe try again ?
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 17:06
I found that section on the website but when I click on the link for the fee's it says page not found? Same for you?
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 17:02
Im a star mum and have been since it opened in 2008. I personally love that school and so does my son. he is really well settled and considoring how new the school is its doing a great job. I must mention that Credit does go to Michael the headteacher. today when I was dropping my son off he was standing in the car park monitoring the car parking situation. I doubt you will get any headteacher doing that ! I dont really bother with the KHDA results to be honest. I would much rather have my son in a school with a max of 20 children in the class where his learning and development is nourished and encouranged. Baffles me how thats done in a class of over 30 at an outstanding school but thats ny 2 pence worth. The pool is finally ready and the extra curricular activities that are run this year are much much better with a really good mix of free stuff along with paid. My only gripe with the school is the bus service but thats not the schools fault. Its the company that they use STS. Apart from that Im really happy with the school. book an apointment and have a look at the school to get a feel for it. I dont know what the situation is regarding a registration fee as there wasnt any when i put my sons name down but mind you .. at that time the school just opened and they had less then 100 children in the whole school !!!!!!!!!!!! Ou director stands in the carpark morning and afternoon to monitor traffic too. If they don't bother to come out, I wonder what else they don't bother with? Good that your head teacher is doing the right thing. our head and assistant head stand outside the front gate every morning - always have done...
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 17:00
very happy at Safa and i don't remember being charged a registration fee...(may be now though)..the new premises are fab in spite of some teething problems with the parking arrangements !! but i don't suppose we're alone in that lol... Could you please share the Safa fee's? I cant find them on the site. sorry, the fees have gone up this year for new parents as the school has changed ownership.. they're on the website under "admissions"
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 16:59
Im a star mum and have been since it opened in 2008. I personally love that school and so does my son. he is really well settled and considoring how new the school is its doing a great job. I must mention that Credit does go to Michael the headteacher. today when I was dropping my son off he was standing in the car park monitoring the car parking situation. I doubt you will get any headteacher doing that ! I dont really bother with the KHDA results to be honest. I would much rather have my son in a school with a max of 20 children in the class where his learning and development is nourished and encouranged. Baffles me how thats done in a class of over 30 at an outstanding school but thats ny 2 pence worth. The pool is finally ready and the extra curricular activities that are run this year are much much better with a really good mix of free stuff along with paid. My only gripe with the school is the bus service but thats not the schools fault. Its the company that they use STS. Apart from that Im really happy with the school. book an apointment and have a look at the school to get a feel for it. I dont know what the situation is regarding a registration fee as there wasnt any when i put my sons name down but mind you .. at that time the school just opened and they had less then 100 children in the whole school !!!!!!!!!!!! Ou director stands in the carpark morning and afternoon to monitor traffic too. If they don't bother to come out, I wonder what else they don't bother with? Good that your head teacher is doing the right thing.
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 16:57
very happy at Safa and i don't remember being charged a registration fee...(may be now though)..the new premises are fab in spite of some teething problems with the parking arrangements !! but i don't suppose we're alone in that lol... Could you please share the Safa fee's? I cant find them on the site.
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 16:56
very happy at Safa and i don't remember being charged a registration fee...(may be now though)..the new premises are fab in spite of some teething problems with the parking arrangements !! but i don't suppose we're alone in that lol...
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 16:52
Im a star mum and have been since it opened in 2008. I personally love that school and so does my son. he is really well settled and considoring how new the school is its doing a great job. I must mention that Credit does go to Michael the headteacher. today when I was dropping my son off he was standing in the car park monitoring the car parking situation. I doubt you will get any headteacher doing that ! I dont really bother with the KHDA results to be honest. I would much rather have my son in a school with a max of 20 children in the class where his learning and development is nourished and encouranged. Baffles me how thats done in a class of over 30 at an outstanding school but thats ny 2 pence worth. The pool is finally ready and the extra curricular activities that are run this year are much much better with a really good mix of free stuff along with paid. My only gripe with the school is the bus service but thats not the schools fault. Its the company that they use STS. Apart from that Im really happy with the school. book an apointment and have a look at the school to get a feel for it. I dont know what the situation is regarding a registration fee as there wasnt any when i put my sons name down but mind you .. at that time the school just opened and they had less then 100 children in the whole school !!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks mushypeas your post was so informative! It seems there are many happy star parents and I'm rather intrigued. I will certainly be setting up an appointment to have a look around the school :)
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 13:37
Im a star mum and have been since it opened in 2008. I personally love that school and so does my son. he is really well settled and considoring how new the school is its doing a great job. I must mention that Credit does go to Michael the headteacher. today when I was dropping my son off he was standing in the car park monitoring the car parking situation. I doubt you will get any headteacher doing that ! I dont really bother with the KHDA results to be honest. I would much rather have my son in a school with a max of 20 children in the class where his learning and development is nourished and encouranged. Baffles me how thats done in a class of over 30 at an outstanding school but thats ny 2 pence worth. The pool is finally ready and the extra curricular activities that are run this year are much much better with a really good mix of free stuff along with paid. My only gripe with the school is the bus service but thats not the schools fault. Its the company that they use STS. Apart from that Im really happy with the school. book an apointment and have a look at the school to get a feel for it. I dont know what the situation is regarding a registration fee as there wasnt any when i put my sons name down but mind you .. at that time the school just opened and they had less then 100 children in the whole school !!!!!!!!!!!!
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 13:31
Thank you for all of your valuable advise! Seems all 3 schools have a good reputation. I've got the fee structure for Star but any idea where I can find the fee's for Horizon and Safa?
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 13:25
I'm a Horizon mum... and very happy with the progress DD has made there... just her second year there so far... very small school feel where everyone seems to know everyone... class sizes are big though... they have 25 in a class with a teacher&teaching assistant in yr 1... not sure if it gets any smaller as the classes go up... safa and horizon used to have the same owners but that has changed this year... so both have different owners... they kind of work along the same lines though (although safa has just moved to a new campus so bigger)... they even have the same class sections, etc. my neighbour used to go to Star in Umm al Sheif and they loved it...
Latest post on 13 September 2012 - 12:42
another happy star mom here....
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 18:52
Don't forget JBS !! great school and amazing facilities.
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 18:47
Another happy Star mum here. I think they do charge the 500aed but i cant remember 100%. But great school, like suze63 said. Also the pool is done!! Yay
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 18:47
Another happy Star mum here. I think they do charge the 500aed but i cant remember 100%. But great school, like suze63 said. Also the pool is done!! Yay
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 18:18
Is it true that Star do not charge a registration fee unless a place is offered?! Thats pretty different to how the rest of them do it?!
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 18:16
What does and doesn't constitute a KHDA 'outstanding' rating will open up such a can of worms we could be here all night! Suffice to say that Star in Um Shief is a relatively new school and it's been making progress in the ratings (in a good way!). There will soon be as many posts on this topic than on Flygate and Babysittergate put together. :)
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 17:50
They are on the school website...about 44000 in Y6 I think. I've just paid the first term which was about 17K but next two are lower (about 13)...thereabouts anyway! Sorry indeed they are! I was getting confused between the 3 schools. Everybody wants to apply to the KHDA 'outstanding' rated schools and I wonder if that should really be such an important factor when deciding on a school. We've applied to JAPS & Kings (will be applying here soon) for DS but really need advise on a good third school.
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 17:45
They are on the school website...about 44000 in Y6 I think. I've just paid the first term which was about 17K but next two are lower (about 13)...thereabouts anyway!
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 17:41
Thank you. Could you please share the fees for Star? I couldn't find them on the site.
Latest post on 12 September 2012 - 17:39
I don't know about the latter two, but Star is owned by a consortium. I'm really happy with Star...the pastoral care has been excellent and the school nurse deserves a particular mention for the support she has given my daughter. Fantastic range of extra-curricular activities (my 10 year old is just about to start doing her PADI), great drama productions with staff really going above and beyond to make these happen..I could go on. My daughters year has been split into two classes so she's now in a class of 10 (which is smaller than her private school in London). All in all, a very happy Star parent!!