Please keep the cord of your window blinds out of reach of children... |

Please keep the cord of your window blinds out of reach of children...

Latest post on 23 June 2013 - 23:27

This story really moved me :( , I had to post just to make sure people are aware of the dangers of these cords:

Keep your home safe for children.

Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 20:08
Don't leave high chair harnesses dangling....a child once got caught in one and hanged itself from it whilst stood there playing with the harness, the mother was washing up with her back turned.
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 20:03
Oh SL that's dreadful :-( There is a safety shop in Time Square that sells a contraption that deals with these cords somehow and removes the risk of this problem. I find it so scary how many dreadful accidental deaths in children we hear about in the UAE I wonder if it is as bad globally? The little one who suffocated in the car recently, the baby battered to death by the maid for example :-( I think it is something that happens everywhere although somehow it's especially shocking for those from the colder countries to hear about little children suffocatinging in hot cars because it's not really a problem we're used to. But with the window blind cords,this has been an ongoing issue for years and years.I remember when my DD was tiny being absolutely paranoid about it.We had special cords on her blackout blinds that had an easy break catch on them. My ex colleague in the UK lost her niece :-( she got tangled up in the cord). Her Mum was deaf and had literally walked into the kitchen when it happened. The parents never got over it
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 15:17
We've got some very in depth guides for all aspects of child safety here...
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 15:04
IKEA do not have the loop type cords, they are all hanging strand types. I cut the loops in mine then tied a knot at each end so kids can't fall into the loop.
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 15:01
There is a safety shop in Time Square that sells a contraption that deals with these cords somehow and removes the risk of this problem. I find it so scary how many dreadful accidental deaths in children we hear about in the UAE I wonder if it is as bad globally? The little one who suffocated in the car recently, the baby battered to death by the maid for example :-( I think it is something that happens everywhere although somehow it's especially shocking for those from the colder countries to hear about little children suffocatinging in hot cars because it's not really a problem we're used to. But with the window blind cords,this has been an ongoing issue for years and years.I remember when my DD was tiny being absolutely paranoid about it.We had special cords on her blackout blinds that had an easy break catch on them. My ex colleague in the UK lost her niece :-( she got tangled up in the cord). Her Mum was deaf and had literally walked into the kitchen when it happened. The parents never got over it
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 14:58
Yes AC - there was a lady who wrote a blog about what happened when her twins were crushed by a chest of drawers that fell on top of them. Absolutely devastating. At what age do you start babyproofing? My baby is bum scooching and trying to crawl. I already want to secure our glass cabinet to the wall, I think you can buy the things from Ikea. We have these plastic hooks to secure the blind cords already. What else needs doing? A health visitor back in the UK suggested to me when my two were little and starting to get around, that I should get down on the floor and see what I was able to reach, grab hold of, put my fingers into and bump into. I also did the same around where their cots and beds were. Gave me a good insight into the amount of danger in the house.
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 09:44
There is a safety shop in Time Square that sells a contraption that deals with these cords somehow and removes the risk of this problem. I find it so scary how many dreadful accidental deaths in children we hear about in the UAE I wonder if it is as bad globally? The little one who suffocated in the car recently, the baby battered to death by the maid for example :-( I think it is something that happens everywhere although somehow it's especially shocking for those from the colder countries to hear about little children suffocatinging in hot cars because it's not really a problem we're used to. But with the window blind cords,this has been an ongoing issue for years and years.I remember when my DD was tiny being absolutely paranoid about it.We had special cords on her blackout blinds that had an easy break catch on them.
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 09:41
There is a safety shop in Time Square that sells a contraption that deals with these cords somehow and removes the risk of this problem. [b'>I find it so scary how many dreadful accidental deaths in children we hear about in the UAE I wonder if it is as bad globally?[/b'> The little one who suffocated in the car recently, the baby battered to death by the maid for example :-( I don't know what the statistics are but realistically, you could point at anything in your house and think of a way that it could somehow be life threatening and a danger to children. The problems go much further than just a dangling cord or a loose chest of drawers. And in some cases, it's just an accident, as tragic as it is.
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 09:30
There is a safety shop in Time Square that sells a contraption that deals with these cords somehow and removes the risk of this problem. I find it so scary how many dreadful accidental deaths in children we hear about in the UAE I wonder if it is as bad globally? The little one who suffocated in the car recently, the baby battered to death by the maid for example :-(
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 09:30
and don't forget to secure chests of drawers to the when the little ones stand on an open drawer (as they do and they will at some stage) the whole thing can topple onto them.
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 07:36
I should add "listen to the nanny" is also an important lesson.
Latest post on 24 June 2013 - 07:35
Or, instead of taking away all dangerous objects until one day somewhere he is finding one and being completely new to it, harms himself; just explain over and over the principles of "not to touch" "because it is too sharp/hot/etc" and "because I said so". Discipline and education can do wonders and prepare our kids to be stronger adults. Overprotection can result in accidents.