Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 14:59


Latest post on 13 November 2014 - 02:32
No one in particular. It will be lovely to meet up with sister who also have young children around Sidra accommodation wherever that might be as i don't know yet which accommodation will be offered. I also want to use this opportunity to learn Quran and arabic and can do with all the practice i can get. Umm Haddiya- have you had your offer come through yet? and in terms of Visa, what is the situation if my husband is able look for work ( he is a teacher ) as he is hoping to find work once we are there.
Latest post on 12 November 2014 - 22:56
What exactly are you looking for? Arab Muslim Americans? Muslim Americans? Arab Americans?
Latest post on 12 November 2014 - 19:23
Assalaamu alaikum sister, Glad to come across sisters also heading to Doha. I am midwife base in the UK and was offered the position of CNL for postpartum. I am also moving with my husband and three children and it will be great to meet up with other sister in the area. Are you in Doha yet? if so how are you finding it so fat. I am hoping to more next April2015 Insha`Allah Hope all is going well.
Latest post on 12 November 2014 - 19:18
Walikum salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu (And may peace and blessings and mercy of God be upon you) Sister Umm Hadiyah mabrook (congratulations)! What area? I am still waiting to hear back about interviews. I did not hear much, except contacting agencies it did not sound like they took Americans. Reassured by that you are accepted masha'Allah (Allah has willed it)! I am a DNP from the US. So far no job offers and two upcoming interviews insha'Allah (God willing) but the closing dates for my preferred positions are still out there... Please let us know about your experiences. Did you get response from SIDRA or an agency? I plan to bring my spouse and children as well inshaAllah (God willing) if I secure a position. What area are you in? I am in OB. It's the last ten days of Ramadan so look for laylatul qadr (the night of power/degree) and ask for a smooth move! edited by happyfamilies on 25/07/2014 as-Salaamu'alaikum Sister, I will be working in the NICU inshaAllah. I was contacted via LinkedIn by a UK based recruiting company (Cavendish Staffing) about applying for a position originally. So far they have been very upfront with me about everything Alhamdulillah and have answered a great deal of my questions. I was looking to move abroad anyway in order to vary my experiences. I was last contacted by Sidra's HR a week or so before Ramadan to let me know that they were working on getting my offer letter to me and asked for some patience. I suspect the arrival of Ramadan and the departure of much of the staff for the summer holiday has significantly slowed everything down. I thought I was the only one that noticed that of the English-speaking countries, America seems to be pretty low on the totem poll in terms of the number of nurses hired to the middle east! I think if you're a strong candidate though, no matter where you are from, they will interview you, wallahu' alim. Besides my seven years nursing experience in NICUs of all levels and well baby nursery, I have two years experience in the postpartum care and successfully interviewed for the University of Pennsylvania's nurse midwifery program. Once we see what the offer truly entails, we'll make a decision. I have been told that starting dates are pretty fluid, but the goal is to start moving staff overseas in November so there is time to get all paperwork and housing sorted out prior to the hospital opening. May the blessings of these last ten nights descend on you and your family and on the muslimeen everywhere, particularly those suffering so much injustice in this world, Ameen! Please keep in touch!
Latest post on 25 July 2014 - 13:04
Walikum salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu (And may peace and blessings and mercy of God be upon you) Sister Umm Hadiyah mabrook (congratulations)! What area? I am still waiting to hear back about interviews. I did not hear much, except contacting agencies it did not sound like they took Americans. Reassured by that you are accepted masha'Allah (Allah has willed it)! I am a DNP from the US. So far no job offers and two upcoming interviews insha'Allah (God willing) but the closing dates for my preferred positions are still out there... Please let us know about your experiences. Did you get response from SIDRA or an agency? I plan to bring my spouse and children as well inshaAllah (God willing) if I secure a position. What area are you in? I am in OB. It's the last ten days of Ramadan so look for laylatul qadr (the night of power/degree) and ask for a smooth move! edited by happyfamilies on 25/07/2014 as-Salaamu'alaikum Sister, I will be working in the NICU inshaAllah. I was contacted via LinkedIn by a UK based recruiting company (Cavendish Staffing) about applying for a position originally. So far they have been very upfront with me about everything Alhamdulillah and have answered a great deal of my questions. I was looking to move abroad anyway in order to vary my experiences. I was last contacted by Sidra's HR a week or so before Ramadan to let me know that they were working on getting my offer letter to me and asked for some patience. I suspect the arrival of Ramadan and the departure of much of the staff for the summer holiday has significantly slowed everything down. I thought I was the only one that noticed that of the English-speaking countries, America seems to be pretty low on the totem poll in terms of the number of nurses hired to the middle east! I think if you're a strong candidate though, no matter where you are from, they will interview you, wallahu' alim. Besides my seven years nursing experience in NICUs of all levels and well baby nursery, I have two years experience in the postpartum care and successfully interviewed for the University of Pennsylvania's nurse midwifery program. Once we see what the offer truly entails, we'll make a decision. I have been told that starting dates are pretty fluid, but the goal is to start moving staff overseas in November so there is time to get all paperwork and housing sorted out prior to the hospital opening. May the blessings of these last ten nights descend on you and your family and on the muslimeen everywhere, particularly those suffering so much injustice in this world, Ameen! Please keep in touch!
Latest post on 25 July 2014 - 00:50
Walikum salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu (And may peace and blessings and mercy of God be upon you) Sister Umm Hadiyah mabrook (congratulations)! What area? I am still waiting to hear back about interviews. I did not hear much, except contacting agencies it did not sound like they took Americans. Reassured by that you are accepted masha'Allah (Allah has willed it)! I am a DNP from the US. So far no job offers and two upcoming interviews insha'Allah (God willing) but the closing dates for my preferred positions are still out there... Please let us know about your experiences. Did you get response from SIDRA or an agency? I plan to bring my spouse and children as well inshaAllah (God willing) if I secure a position. What area are you in? I am in OB. It's the last ten days of Ramadan so look for laylatul qadr (the night of power/degree) and ask for a smooth move! <em>edited by happyfamilies on 25/07/2014</em>
Latest post on 24 July 2014 - 23:38
khokha2, I got a nursing job at Sidra....with all that's going on, and not having my offer letter yet despite turning in everything I have been asked to turn in, I don't know when we will be there. I'm also trying to find a job for my husband. He's former US military completing his second masters in Muslim-Christian relations...his first masters is in Public Administration. We have a 4 year old daughter.
Latest post on 24 July 2014 - 16:37
I am moving to Qatar in Sept and wanted to know of any groups i could join to meet new people and make friends. I am moving from the UK
Latest post on 23 July 2014 - 01:48
Umm Hadiyyah, I'm moving with my family, my husband got a job there. How about you?
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 23:20
khokha2 are you moving with your family? Will you be working yourself?
Latest post on 14 July 2014 - 08:59
I am an Arab Muslim American too,, I speak Arabic and English, and moving to Qatar in August :)
Latest post on 12 July 2014 - 12:31
Salaams! I am an American Muslimah hopefully relocating to Doha by the end of the year :).