My Daughter has serious speech delay |

My Daughter has serious speech delay

Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 13:17

hi ladies, my salma is 3.5 years and cannot form any sentences and even rarely using the words she knows very well .. I want your recommendations on The Developing Child Center, have you used their services, or have a friend who did.. what was your experience .. do you recommend them specially that they are costly .. thanks

Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 11:51
My DS is on the spectrum and is echolalic - it's a form of speech delay as he echoes (repeats) much of what is said to him. Having a conversation with him was nearly impossible as he would just repeat random phrases that he had heard, sometimes many many months beforehand. Anyways, that was when he was 4; now he is 4.5 and he's been having regular therapy with Reach Out based in Knowledge Village. The team there have worked wonders; we can now communicate much better with our son and he can hold a great conversation.
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 11:13
This was 5 years ago and it was quite difficult to find reputable providers here, so I went back to the UK in the summer holidays and had a load of different tests done privately in London. As well as having a sensory integration assessment which picked up the dyspraxia, I had speech & language assessment, eye tests, hearing tests, blood tests and allergy tests. I could have had them done here but wanted independent assessments without my son's school being involved at that stage and also to ensure that there was no incentive for the tester to skew the results towards the services they offer. I think there are recommendations for local assessment providers on other threads. My son had 2 years' occupational therapy at what was then the British Institute of Learning & Development near Spinneys Umm Suqueim which was very effective. They have had a change in ownership and title and unfortunately I don't know what they are now called (but someone here should know) and they also did assessments for dyspraxia. Good luck!
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 19:16
Frazzled, can I ask where you had the assessment done for the dyspraxia diagnosis,
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 11:24
My son had speech therapy at age 3 for Developmental Speech delay at Rashid Paediatric following a assessments for speech and hearing at the American Hospital. The speech therapy was very effective but I was not aware that Developmental Speech Delay commonly occurs with a number of other conditions, so it was a huge surprise to me when 2 years later he was diagnosed with dyspraxia, sensory issues and a hearing problem which was not picked up by the American Hospital previously. If I had known of the connection I would have got him assessed for other conditions at the same time and consequently got him the therapy he needed for them at an earlier stage. I too was convinced that he did not have motor problems because I had never seen him having them - all the things he had difficulty doing, he avoided at home, so I never noticed and was shocked at the assessment to find out that he couldn't do basic things I had assumed he did regularly in PE or playtime at school, such as hop on one leg or walk heel to toe in a straight line. If you haven't had a formal assessment to rule out other conditions, please, please get one. Hopefully it will just confirm that speech is the only issue for your daughter but if there is anything else you'll be able to get her all the help she needs now. Wishing you both well.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 16:00
Have you had her hearing checked? If she can't hear well, then her speech will not develop normally.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 15:14
My friends son benefited greatly from his speech therapy at Kids First. Hope you find a good therpaist for your daughter xx
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 15:00
I have heard that Meg who works at the Developing Child Centre is very good. I don't have any first-hand experience though. <em>edited by Tru Blu on 21/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 14:56
Hello, I can highly recommend Infinity Clinic on Al Wasl rd. # 04394-8994 My daughter had sessions with Aalia Thobani and has thrived. She will no longer need her sessions and we will miss her, very lovely. She was highly recommended by DD nursery as they found her very sucessful. I find her very honest, positive, and warm. She also assists in what you can do at home to help.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 14:38
thank u, Dr Bakti was highly recommended to me too but she is not into speech .. she is specialized in motor skills which thanks god we have no problem with
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 13:35
Dr. Bakti at The Developing Child Center was recommended and I thought she was very good, and may be a starting point for you. Hope you find the help she needs.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 13:31
hi ladies, my salma is 3.5 years and cannot form any sentences and even rarely using the words she knows very well .. I want your recommendations on The Developing Child Center, have you used their services, or have a friend who did.. what was your experience .. do you recommend them specially that they are costly .. thanks Check out Kids First on Al Wasl. We met with Andrea to do an assessment and then did a few sessions. I found them very helpful and they let me know when they thought she didnt need to go anymore. With my daughter it was more confidence with certain sounds. I dont remember the fee precisely but it was around 250-500 AED. Sorry but if you call they can tell you. The assessment was more expensive and we received a written assessment at the end.