Residents permit and ID card |

Residents permit and ID card

Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 16:35

Please can you tell me whether I can apply for a school place from the UK with only a letter from my husband's employer saying the RP is in process?
I understand (but not sure) we can only apply for an ID card once in the country.

We may also have to have a trip to Doha for school assessments, so if the RP has come through - can we apply for ID cards then?
I realise a child cannot start school without one.
(I need to ensure DH's company apply for RP for all of us, which I have yet to do)

I hope that makes sense, your help is most welcome.
Thank you

Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 11:10
Hi Natasha, I am in the same position, awaiting my visa for month an half. heard it depends on employer wishing u good luck
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 01:40
Hi I got a job offer from a company and my visa process Started a month ago,can anybody tell me how Long it takes for visa to process
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 00:17
please, please post away ... all useful information. I'll heed advice to apply to several And make a few phone calls tomorrow... How do I know which are community schools, and which are embassy sponsored? Or I guess that doesn't matter at this point. I'll just concentrate on applying. Thanks lalala, kimmc3 and whereintheworld
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 22:36
I've heard of at least one more but can't remember the names. I think there might be one opening in Wakra
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 22:35
The new Newton at Barwa City.
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 22:16
Garbie I hope it is OK to post on your thread. Any idea whether the International School of London will only do an intake at the beginning of the year?
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 22:14
Lalala do you now the names of the schools opening in September? We're in a bind because we only applied to ASD and it seems we're pretty low on the priority list and every other school I contact says they are no longer accepting applications for my kids' grades (grades 1 and 2nd)
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 22:04
The community schools are still governed by the SEC. They can just get exemption from certain rules (particularly the term dates). As I understand it all schools chose their own entrance criteria at the moment. You probably will get a place for the older two and maybe the younger as well just probably not in a school that would be your first choice and almost certainly not all in the same school (although there are some new schools opening in September). The problem you have is that at this stage, most of the schools you actually want will have filled all their spaces for September that they know about. More spaces will come up but a lot won't actually be available until after the start of term in September because parents don't tell the school they're leaving Qatar or have another place(for example, about 5 children just didn't turn up in my son's class). This means you need to apply everywhere (which is expensive) not just to 3 or 4. When interviews are will depend on the individual school. Don't assume all schools are closed this week btw. My son's isn't and I think ASD is open as well.
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 19:29
Thanks - all very helpful replies. I have children who will be in Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 from Sept 2014 My aim (don't laugh) is to get the elder two in for Sept 2014 and home school the younger for the year, as I expect it will be impossible to get an infant place. Worse case - Sept 2015 for all of them, but I'm prepared for that. I'll be phoning around soon because I'm not completely clear on when kids can take assessments - anytime? or at certain set times, and I presume this has to be onsite. ...assuming we get that far. The other issue is I'm not sure when to tell our current school, because I don't want the kids to be in limbo or the teachers not knowing if they are coming or going. I'll wait until I have a definite timescale I think.
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 19:06
Great - that's helpful, thanks I haven't applied yet for schools.. waiting until the offices open again on Sunday... it's going to be a long haul, but I'll persevere. I think I'll apply to 3 or 4, so wish me luck.. I'm going to need it. edited by garbie on 23/04/2014 It's going to be a test of your patience and persistance for sure - the school issue is probably the biggest problem you'll face here. Not all the schools are governed by the SEC and therefore have different rules. The embassy sponsored schools eg, DESS, Doha College and the American School for instance, have their own criteria for entrance. These are also the most difficult to get into, even a British passport doesn't guarantee a place anymore :-( <em>edited by kimmc3 on 23/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 18:41
It will probably be difficult to start school this term as I believe the SEC does not permit children not already in education in Qatar to join in the third term. From September of 2014 they are proposing no students from abroad will be able to join schools at anytime other than the beginning of a given school's year.
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 18:36
You can normally apply without the RP (but not always). You really need to apply to more than 3 or 4 unless you know one has space. This assumes your child is in primary. If in (later) secondary and academic then it might be different.
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 17:55
Great - that's helpful, thanks I haven't applied yet for schools.. waiting until the offices open again on Sunday... it's going to be a long haul, but I'll persevere. I think I'll apply to 3 or 4, so wish me luck.. I'm going to need it. <em>edited by garbie on 23/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 17:23
Your husband's RP will be processed first (which could take anything from 3 weeks to 6 months depending on the conditions of employment). Only after his has been processed can he then apply for yourself and the children. The ID card is not the b-all and end-all here, it's the RP that matters. You'd have to ask the schools you have applied to if they are willing to take your children while their RP is in process. I've heard that some do, but it probably depends on how in demand the places at that particular school are. Edited to add; The reason why his is done first is because the company sponsors him, and he in turn sponsors yourself and the children. <em>edited by kimmc3 on 23/04/2014</em>