Crochet learning group, i could join? |

Crochet learning group, i could join?

Latest post on 28 August 2014 - 01:32

Hey ladies,

Am new to Doha, two months now.. and would like to meet up with any group over here to learn and start needle work (crochet).

I also would like to learn french, as am enrolling my toddler in a french nursery and planning to continue in a french school as well, if we found her a place of course .. any suggestions? i know little french, fluent english, native arabic speaker .. maybe in exchange of teaching arabic ..

thanks a million

Latest post on 04 September 2014 - 15:11
Hallo Roko, Welcome to the sandpit :) I do a bit of crocheting myself but am not part of any group. You could check ravelry (a great source for patterns). Search the "groups" for doha knitters' club or so. There isn't much traction but if you get in touch with the admins, they will let you know about their meetings. I think every Monday or so. You can also google inspiration station if they do groups of this sort. If you want to touch up your basics, I could possibly help with the general bits. Feel free to contact me at kirschtin at hotmail dot com Please let me know after you have noted down my address, then I'll delete it again. Cheers <em>edited by kirschtin on 04/09/2014</em>