Can I ask an honest opinion please... Re maids |

Can I ask an honest opinion please... Re maids

Latest post on 30 August 2014 - 17:07

I'm trying to decide if I am being unreasonable but we have a part time agency maid but she is with us 15+ hours a week (so feels at home here!) she has been with nearly 6 months and in many ways is over familiar. criticises what I feed the kids or sandwiches gets "oh poor babies one day I'll cook properly for you" etc and tells me how I should be putting foil in the oven before I use it etc. Anyway the point I am getting at is that she keeps helping herself to things from the fridge, diet coke mostly or milk and coffee etc. She never asks, doesn't care if it's the last one or bit. Anyway my question is what would you do? Would you ignore it and allow it or what??

I know I should probably just get rid of her as she really winds me up but her husband has just lost his job and her daughter is here with them and she is always going on about needing money and how "lucky" we are and how hard things are for them!

I'm not sure my judgement is very clear at the moment so would appreciate your opinions!

Thanks in advance

Latest post on 30 August 2014 - 19:50
Thanks ladies, I think that is what my opinion is too. She is stressing me out and as my husband and I both work it is important to have someone trustworthy at home! I will have a chat with her and look for someone else. Many thanks
Latest post on 30 August 2014 - 18:26
Me personally I couldn't put up with it, and it's not your fault what her personal situation is. It is tough but having a soft spot maybe spells to her 'leniency' with regards to boundaries, etc... What you've described is rude and not professional, and it's not worth it to stress you out, in my opinion.
Latest post on 30 August 2014 - 17:19
Agree with sandy_dogg, if she is causing you headaches then she is not the right choice for you and your family anymore. I know that live-in maids usually have access to food and drinks but I never heard that live-outs have free reign of the fridge.... The least she can do is ask, and if she doesn't, you need to tell her that if she wants a drink, she has to ask you. She is your employee, not a family member. And if she is worried about the fact that her husband has lost his job, maybe she should be treading more carefully as opposed to lecture you. If you want to give her another chance, maybe write out a simple list of rules/instructions, and also remind her that you are employing her as your help to clean the house, not a nanny?!
Latest post on 30 August 2014 - 17:10
I'd get rid. You are paying to have someone make your life easier, not wind you up. I guess if you're happy with her work you could have a word with her and tell her that her role is to clean your house, not comment on your family and the way it's run. It's not your fault her husband lost his job, and if her job is that important maybe she needs to smarten up a bit.