Wedding guest rant... |

Wedding guest rant...

Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 10:25

so as not to hijack...

5Abum - can't you ask your dad to tastfully have a word with his sisters... or to contriute more..

Latest post on 19 December 2014 - 16:40
I like SueB's style!
Latest post on 19 December 2014 - 13:10
The transport. The grandparents get a ride and of course the wedding party, no spouses. Now please send everyone a note with a list of the car rental companies in the area or airport :)…Tell them you understand their concern but not tone as the car rental companies are good. They could also get together and have a van at their disposal for the day :0… how wonderful they are that they are making the effort to find their own way to the church/reception/home as it relieves Dad of one less responsibility as he has so much on his plate now :)……looking forward to seeing you. You might also include a list of hotels/motels/b&B accommodation and make suggestions about the good ones. Relieve yourselves of the guest problem :)
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 17:24
I am just a bit grumpy about it as i am friends on Facebook with some of these cousins on my Dad's side and they couldn't even be bothered to 'like' my engagement announcement / photos so I am feeling a bit sore about inviting them to the wedding as it means DH and I are moving further and further away from our ideal day. Terrible bore FB is today isn't it?
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 12:45
I'm sure when the day actually comes and we are all getting ready in the morning it will all be forgotten about. I can't wait to walk down the aisle and exchange vows, its just this wedding planning malarkey has been about as enjoyable as root canal.
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 11:28
We got married in Vegas. Two emails, all organised, best day of our lives, we both cried all through the ceremony! Good luck, I hope you have the day you hope for x Unfortunately it appears they have already booked flights to come... We haven't had the explicit contribution conversation with my Dad yet, I know he will be contributing a good amount but we haven't had the opportunity to get into more detail. Its a bit hard on FaceTime with the 11 hour time difference thing. Another problem is that the reception is in a marquee on the farm where my Mum lives and since the ground isn't completely flat the marquee provider will have to build a mini scaffold to put the marquee on. The problem is they can only build a marquee scaffold up to a certain size. We will be able to accommodate everyone in the current marquee size it will just means people will be a lot more squeezed in than I wanted. I am just a bit grumpy about it as i am friends on Facebook with some of these cousins on my Dad's side and they couldn't even be bothered to 'like' my engagement announcement / photos so I am feeling a bit sore about inviting them to the wedding as it means DH and I are moving further and further away from our ideal day. All this to appease people who I haven't seen in years and wouldn't even notice if I never saw them again. Makes me want to go to Vegas :evil:
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 11:24
I did not enjoy planning my wedding at all. It's an administrative nightmare and I am not one of those girls who dreamed about it since I was little. THIS IS WHY!!! ;)
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 11:21
You only (hopefully!) have one wedding and it is for both of you to enjoy and cherish. Be nice, but firm in what you want to happen. A smile and alternate arrangments as suggested above might work wonders. Good luck and have a lovely day :)
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 11:16
I know the Facebook liking thing is completely irrational :-) Also Dad's family are nagging to find out about transport plans between church - reception - home. Its 9 bloomin months away and i am a bit busy emigrating to book buses etc!
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 11:10
Unfortunately it appears they have already booked flights to come... We haven't had the explicit contribution conversation with my Dad yet, I know he will be contributing a good amount but we haven't had the opportunity to get into more detail. Its a bit hard on FaceTime with the 11 hour time difference thing. Another problem is that the reception is in a marquee on the farm where my Mum lives and since the ground isn't completely flat the marquee provider will have to build a mini scaffold to put the marquee on. The problem is they can only build a marquee scaffold up to a certain size. We will be able to accommodate everyone in the current marquee size it will just means people will be a lot more squeezed in than I wanted. I am just a bit grumpy about it as i am friends on Facebook with some of these cousins on my Dad's side and they couldn't even be bothered to 'like' my engagement announcement / photos so I am feeling a bit sore about inviting them to the wedding as it means DH and I are moving further and further away from our ideal day. All this to appease people who I haven't seen in years and wouldn't even notice if I never saw them again. Makes me want to go to Vegas :evil:
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 10:56
From my point of view, I wouldn't worry about the contribution for the wedding. It's your day and you want to do it your way.[b'> If your family want to invite relatives you wouldn't recognise even if they stood in front of you, let them pay towards a party after your reception. [/b'>That way you have the ceremony and reception you want and your family get to have a party later in the day No kidding! I didn't invite my siblings despite my Mom thinking that was "bizarre." My Dad said's their money! :) Hey, our ceremony, our money, no regrets.
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 10:35
From my point of view, I wouldn't worry about the contribution for the wedding. It's your day and you want to do it your way. If your family want to invite relatives you wouldn't recognise even if they stood in front of you, let them pay towards a party after your reception. That way you have the ceremony and reception you want and your family get to have a party later in the day
Latest post on 18 December 2014 - 10:28
Good idea on the new thread. My parents ended up contributing more in the end, but we started with the 'whoever you want to invite, you pay for' theory and they were happy with that ;) I had a small church too and according to my calculations, everyone we invited, would have had a seat. Turns out we still had people standing, and up in the choir loft as we had so many people who just came to see the wedding. It was so nice, as the church had a very cosy feel and I felt very fabulous when I turned around and literally saw people leaning on the balcony of the loft! With all that being said I HATE having to stand at a wedding. ;) <em>edited by Stix on 18/12/2014</em>