Moving in 3 weeks: what to bring? |

Moving in 3 weeks: what to bring?

Latest post on 19 January 2015 - 08:07

Hi All,

Husband, daughter and I are moving from Toronto to Doha in 3 weeks. Daughter is 15 months old.

Wondering if there is anything in particular we should bring along? For example tylenol infant etc etc?

Were throwing all major stuff in storage and sending Clothes and essentials via air freight.

Look forward to your input.

Latest post on 22 January 2015 - 23:07
I always bring Tylenol and Vitamin D (Jamieson) for the kids as both are not available here. U do get Panadol syrup for kids and Advil has recently become available here. So as another member said substitutes are available but if u are particular about certain medications bring them along. I find children's clothes to be cheaper and more variety back in Canada so usually stock up on from there. Hope that helps.
Latest post on 22 January 2015 - 22:33
I think it depends on whether you intend to ship or just bring your allowed luggage. Also, what is particularly important to you and your lifestyle. You really can get most things here, or some kind of substitute, though some imports are quite expensive. The things I ask my friends to bring when they visit: Andrex toilet roll(!). You can get it here, but it is twice the price. Atora suet (for dumplings in stew when it's cold!) Enough favourite clothes as it may be difficult to find the styles you like. A jacket for colder weather (even a winter coat). Shoes that don't slip on marble mall flooring. Several long scarves/pashminas to cover shoulders and add warmth in air con malls etc. Perhaps bring some of your favourite possessions to help you feel settled quickly. I would also advise to have a good haircut/colour just before you leave so you have time to hunt for a new stylist here. Same for dentist/optician and any medical needs. All available here, but it takes time to get your bearings. Hope my thoughts help. Good luck with your move!
Latest post on 19 January 2015 - 10:05
Hi - When mine were that little, I always brought the concentrated infants drops but they certainly have pain/fever reliever here as well. I just can't remember if I have seen the specific drops. Also, any special lotion or soap your daughter might need. You really can find just about everything here. That being said, I just asked my mom to throw in some sour skittles in her next package. :)