Salaries in Qatar |

Salaries in Qatar

Latest post on 12 June 2015 - 18:42


I'm wondering if anybody would know an estimate of what a senior design architect salary would be in Doha? We are currently in Dubai and hubby has been offered a job in Doha and we haven't a clue of what the going rate is over there to try and compare.

Or a similar type role just to try and get an idea.

Thank in advance ?

Latest post on 20 June 2015 - 16:24
If you were my friend, I'd be having serious words with you about revealing so much private information on a public forum - especially when you claim to have acted in a professional capacity!!!
Latest post on 19 June 2015 - 19:35
A friend of a friend was employed as a Senior design architect in a company *edited by admin* and he was getting paid approx. 40K. QAR a month. I know because, he came to me for professional advice on financial planning...Hope this helps...
Latest post on 14 June 2015 - 09:06
Tulip's response is a list of 'nice to haves' but in any company of significant size most of these points won't be negotiable as the base contract itself won't be negotiable and the benefits package will be set. Totally points you should be negotiating if it's a company with a limited number of people on the ground in Qatar or that doesn't have established expat packages worldwide. In my experience the vast majority of expats do not have 100% of school fees paid for example. My understanding is that Qatar is around 20% more expensive to live in than the UAE (although school fees are generally cheaper I think). Add the fact that it's Qatar and not Dubai and you should be looking at 30-50% more to move. I don't know that particular profession though.
Latest post on 13 June 2015 - 15:47
Hello, I don't know if this helps or not... I don't know the salary level of a senior architect here in Doha, but if you do accept an offer here in Doha (or really anywhere else), you should keep the following in mind -- especially if you are being offered a 'contract' position, and not a salaried permanent position with a company. 1. make sure you work into your contract that you want the employer to adjust your housing allowance every year or 2. Rents go up and you don't want to get into a situation where your rent is going up and you have to move or end up paying the increase yourself. 2. If you have children or are going to have children, you would like your employer to pay for the school fees, period - whatever they are, wherever they go. School fees vary from school to school, admission fees vary and school fees can also increase. It will greatly improve your piece of mind if your employer just covers the fees wherever you send your kids to school and you don't have to worry about budgeting your own money to cover them. Also work into the contract that you'd like fees covered for all of your children (even ones you don't have yet). 3. You would like your employer to conduct a salary review yearly and based on good performance, a salary increase. Cost of living increases year by year, and of course you would like to be compensated fairly for the work you are doing and be rewarded for a job well done. 4. Transportation covered by the company -- if you can get it, it's nice to have. So you don't have to worry about buying a car or leasing a car. Remember, it's tough to just switch jobs here if you're not happy. Your company basically 'owns' you. Try to hold out for the best possible contract you can get. Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate... if they want you badly enough, they will negotiate with you and if the contract is not what you want, don't accept it. Don't be 'lured' by the cash they offer - it goes quickly, as the cost of living here is high. The reason you're probably coming to Qatar is not the beautiful beaches and the "lifestyle", it's probably to save money for the future... but if you're stuck with a bad contract, saving money becomes that much harder. Good luck