schools (trouble between morocco french school and German school) |

schools (trouble between morocco french school and German school)

Latest post on 04 July 2015 - 19:21
JillMv , I love to understand what she say , what she love , what she talk with her friends and also with her teachers how can i contact with them if she enter the german school And there are some friends give me an advice to continue in a nursery this year too Do it will be better than i let her in morocco school or the german school And to try next year again to propose her paper in the french schools again or what to do !! NEW BEGINING , they have a looooong waiting list in voltere
Latest post on 04 July 2015 - 18:33
I have heard very good things about the German school, and from what I understand, it is not a problem if you don't speak German at home. Many kids go there whose parents do not speak German. I have heard you're just expected to speak your home language at home and leave the German learning to the school... But if you're trying to get back to the French school, perhaps it's best to listen to what the school admissions said.
Latest post on 04 July 2015 - 18:14
Good morning ladies My little girl didn't accept in any school french curriculum and she was in petit pas nursery for 2 years. They told me that her age is big and they dont have a place for her,they told me to go to morocco school and they accept students from there when i try to transfer her The only school that they accept her is the German school, but the point is that we dont know and talk deutch even her all these past years is french Now am confused , what to do for my little one? Is it good school the morocco french school , any feedback or recommendation please Time is short ,and i have a dream to let her in voltere or bonapart school Please help Thanks We secured places for my 2 kids at voltere but had to let go our space last week as our coming has been delayed till Jan 16. So might be worth contacting voltere. My kids are 3, 4 year old.
Latest post on 04 July 2015 - 15:47
Good morning ladies My little girl didn't accept in any school french curriculum and she was in petit pas nursery for 2 years. They told me that her age is big and they dont have a place for her,they told me to go to morocco school and they accept students from there when i try to transfer her The only school that they accept her is the German school, but the point is that we dont know and talk deutch even her all these past years is french Now am confused , what to do for my little one? Is it good school the morocco french school , any feedback or recommendation please Time is short ,and i have a dream to let her in voltere or bonapart school Please help Thanks