Getting prescription for anti depressants |

Getting prescription for anti depressants

Latest post on 17 July 2015 - 17:23

Hello I am hoping someone can give me a definitive answer to this. I have been taking Fluoexatine (Prozac) for many years. I take 3 a day and I am very worried that moving over here (in four weeks) I won't be able to get my prescription.Should I bring a supply with me? Someone said it costs 40 gbp for 30 so that means 120 gbp for me each month! Can anyone clarify.

Thank you

Latest post on 18 July 2015 - 12:54
The OP should be aware that what happens in Dubai is not always the same in Doha. Please try to get info from either someone here with direct experience or contact the Qatar Embassy in UK. Ah! Yep sorry, just noticed I was on Qatar thread! Best to double check the rules there x ?
Latest post on 18 July 2015 - 12:47
The OP should be aware that what happens in Dubai is not always the same in Doha. Please try to get info from either someone here with direct experience or contact the Qatar Embassy in UK.
Latest post on 18 July 2015 - 12:15
Hi Curlygirly, I too have been on 40mg of fluoxetine for many years, I came to Dubai 4 years ago with the same concerns and I can confidently say you have nothing to worry about. Fluoxetine is a restricted medication in Dubai, however you can absolutely bring it into the country with a doctors prescription, I have been doing so for the past 4 years, it is not an illegal drug and will not cause you any problems with a prescription. My advice would be to bring as much with you as your doctor at home will give as it is expensive here, I stock up every time I go home! With regards to getting prescriptions here, again it's very simple but quite expensive! Are you coming here to work? Will you have any medical insurance? Insurance will cover the cost of at least the appointment if not the medication. I can recommend making an appointment with Dr Amer at Dubai Community health centre, I was referred to him by a company doctor when I arrived in Dubai and I ve found him to be a godsend! It's about £80 per appointment though and yes it's around £40 for 30 Prozac, I had him prescribe me a generic brand though which is about half the price, he's very easy to talk to though and will help you out any way he can. With Fluoxetine/Prozac being restricted you have to have ID, passport or UAE ID with you when you go to the pharmacy but otherwise you're good to go! If you're worried about anything else just ask xx
Latest post on 17 July 2015 - 23:29
Prozac is generally a restricted drug in the GCC. The UAE for instance, has it on the regulated drug list which means you cannot bring it with you even with a prescription unless you follow very strict guidelines (which are alluded to in the website) - and it is a very serious offence if you try to do so. Hopefully someone can give you more info on how to get a prescription after arrival and how much it will cost. If you google Brit Expats you may find a website with fellow Brits who have direct info.