New to Doha and having a baby! Can anyone recommend any private docs/gynaecologists? |

New to Doha and having a baby! Can anyone recommend any private docs/gynaecologists?

Latest post on 19 July 2015 - 17:34

Hi there! I have just moved to Doha from the UK with my husband and we are expecting our first baby at the end of the year. Keen to get set up with a doc for scans etc asap aswell as start planning for the birth.

We have private healthcare and both Al Ahli and Doha Clinic are on the list of network providers but can anyone recommend a particular doc or gynae at either? I hear Al Ahli is a very good hospital. I am really keen to push for a natural birth should circumstances allow but being my first time I have so much to learn so am keen to find someone who will help me through and be open to all options... If you happen to know of any antenatal classes also available in Doha that info would be equally great. It's a whole new world in so many ways!

Thank you in advance for any insight you can give.

Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 22:19
The govt hopsitals are by far the cheapest options. And most people would say that in a real NICU emergency with the baby, you want to be in Hamad anyway, supposed to have the best doctors and facilities... Lots of people like the Cuban hospital (which is part of the Govt/ hamad system, but located in Dukhan). Wakra hospital is new and supposed to be nice. The challenge with the Hamad is that it is so popular, there is some headache getting appointments, but I've also heard the same about wait times at Al Ahli. I think if you do a search on the forum, you can find some (probably outdated) information on the total price of prenatal and delivery at most of the hospitals - I know i've seen that before. A number of companies do not cover maternity - so it is a common question.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 19:16
thanks a lot Poppy33!!! I will check the government hospital and if im not sure enough then i will try privat.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 16:40
HI Puppe, I have just got my insurance card so have been paying with cash/credit card the last 3 months in Al-Ahli and we have paid 5040 QR so far. But that includes 2 ultra sounds and I done the test to see if their was any down syndrome as well that was optional and it was expensive but it gives you a lot of information. I think from reading these forums the womens hospital and Cuban hospital is cheaper but I am not 100% sure.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 15:21
Hi! Im also pregnant and i was wondering if the doha clinic or the other one were expensive? My insurance doesn't cover pregnancy and I don't really know what to do. I have the health card also and I have to go to the al dayeen health center but don't know if its a goon one. Thank you!
Latest post on 29 July 2015 - 20:43
HI, I am having my first baby to and am in Al-Ahil with doctor Dhalia. She is nice and the hospital is great. I am happy with the treatment I am getting.
Latest post on 22 July 2015 - 00:15
Great thank you! I have an appointment at Al Ahli for next week with Dr Zahra Alamooti. I hear very good things about Al Ahli and I am sure I will be in safe hands :-) If anyone does have any experience with the Women's Clinic do let me know! Thank you! Childbirth is very different in Doha than in the UK - it is more like the US obstetrician-led model, and you generally get a scan at every appointment. I recommend that you instead see Prof Badreldeen at Feto Maternal Clinic. He delivers at both Al Ahli and Doha Clinic. (I had my first baby at Al Ahli with Dr Asma and my second baby with Prof Badreldeen, also at Al Ahli). There is also an FB group called "Positive Birth Group Doha" (or something similar) which you will find very useful. Good luck!
Latest post on 21 July 2015 - 14:10
Great thank you! I have an appointment at Al Ahli for next week with Dr Zahra Alamooti. I hear very good things about Al Ahli and I am sure I will be in safe hands :-) If anyone does have any experience with the Women's Clinic do let me know! Thank you!
Latest post on 19 July 2015 - 17:55
Ive just been treated as an emergency at Al Ahli last week and was very impressed with the service they provided, sorry its not baby related, but nevertheless, I was looked after so well. Good vibes and thumbs up from me, was taken care of very well.